2023-07-27 22:43:11 +02:00

284 lines
7.8 KiB

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include "clm.h"
float train_data_x[4][2] = {
{0, 0},
{0, 1},
{1, 0},
{1, 1}
float train_data_y[4][1] = {
float *predict(clm_NN nn, float *x, unsigned int length) {
clm_Matrix xM = clm_matrixFromArray(x, length);
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < nn.numLayers; i++) {
clm_Linear layer = nn.layers[i];
clm_Matrix newX = clm_matrixMultiplyMatrix(layer.weights, xM);
if(clm_matrixIsInvalid(newX)) {
printf("Failed to predict\n");
return NULL;
clm_matrixAddMatrix(newX, layer.bias);
xM = newX;
return xM.values;
void train(clm_NN nn, float *x, unsigned int xL, float *y, unsigned int yL) {
clm_Matrix xM = clm_matrixFromArray(x, xL);
clm_Matrix yM = clm_matrixFromArray(y, yL);
// TODO: potential compute/memory tradeoff? (recalculate matrices every time <-> keep everything cached)
// Forward pass
clm_Matrix *outputs = calloc(nn.numLayers + 1 /* 1 for input */, sizeof(clm_Matrix));
outputs[0] = xM;
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < nn.numLayers; i++) {
clm_Linear layer = nn.layers[i];
clm_Matrix newX = clm_matrixMultiplyMatrix(layer.weights, xM);
if(clm_matrixIsInvalid(newX)) {
printf("Forward pass failed\n");
clm_matrixAddMatrix(newX, layer.bias);
xM = newX;
outputs[i + 1] = xM;
clm_Matrix dError = clm_matrixSubtractMatrix(yM, outputs[nn.numLayers]); // yhat - y
clm_Matrix lastGradient = clm_matrixDSigmoid(clm_matrixCopy(outputs[nn.numLayers])); // dsig(yhat)
clm_matrixMultiplyMatrixElements(lastGradient, dError); // (yhat - y) . dsig(yhat)
clm_matrixMultiplyScalar(lastGradient, nn.learnRate);
clm_Matrix lastInputT = clm_matrixTranspose(outputs[nn.numLayers - 1]);
clm_Matrix lastDeltaW = clm_matrixMultiplyMatrix(lastGradient, lastInputT);
clm_matrixAddMatrix(nn.layers[nn.numLayers - 1].weights, lastDeltaW);
clm_matrixAddMatrix(nn.layers[nn.numLayers - 1].bias, lastGradient);
for(int i = nn.numLayers - 2; i >= 0; i--) {
clm_Linear layer = nn.layers[i];
clm_Matrix inputToThisLayer = outputs[i];
clm_Matrix outputOfThisLayer = outputs[i + 1];
clm_Matrix weightsT = clm_matrixTranspose(nn.layers[i + 1].weights);
clm_Matrix newDError = clm_matrixMultiplyMatrix(weightsT, dError);
dError = newDError;
clm_Matrix gradient = clm_matrixDSigmoid(clm_matrixCopy(outputOfThisLayer));
clm_matrixMultiplyMatrixElements(gradient, dError);
clm_matrixMultiplyScalar(gradient, nn.learnRate);
clm_Matrix inputT = clm_matrixTranspose(inputToThisLayer);
clm_Matrix deltaW = clm_matrixMultiplyMatrix(gradient, inputT);
clm_matrixAddMatrix(layer.weights, deltaW);
clm_matrixAddMatrix(layer.bias, gradient);
for(unsigned int i = 0; i <= nn.numLayers; i++) {
void loadLabels(clm_Vector **labelsOut, unsigned int *labelsCountOut) {
FILE *file = fopen("data/train-labels.idx1-ubyte", "r");
if(!file) {
perror("Failed to open labels\n");
unsigned char magicBytes[4];
fread(magicBytes, sizeof(magicBytes), 1, file);
printf("%d\n", (magicBytes[0] << 24) | (magicBytes[1] << 16) | (magicBytes[2] << 8) | magicBytes[3]);
unsigned char lengthBytes[4];
fread(lengthBytes, sizeof(lengthBytes), 1, file);
uint32_t length = (lengthBytes[0] << 24) | (lengthBytes[1] << 16) | (lengthBytes[2] << 8) | lengthBytes[3];
printf("%" PRId32 "\n", length);
clm_Vector *vectors = calloc(length, sizeof(clm_Vector));
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
unsigned char label;
fread(&label, sizeof(unsigned char), 1, file);
clm_Vector vector = clm_vectorCreate(10);
for(unsigned int j = 0; j < 10; j++) {
vector.values[j] = label == j ? 1 : 0;
vectors[i] = vector;
*labelsOut = vectors;
*labelsCountOut = length;
void loadImages(clm_Vector **imagesOut, unsigned int *imageCountOut) {
FILE *file = fopen("data/train-images.idx3-ubyte", "r");
if(!file) {
perror("Failed to open images\n");
unsigned char magicBytes[4];
fread(magicBytes, sizeof(magicBytes), 1, file);
printf("%d\n", (magicBytes[0] << 24) | (magicBytes[1] << 16) | (magicBytes[2] << 8) | magicBytes[3]);
unsigned char lengthBytes[4];
fread(lengthBytes, sizeof(lengthBytes), 1, file);
uint32_t length = (lengthBytes[0] << 24) | (lengthBytes[1] << 16) | (lengthBytes[2] << 8) | lengthBytes[3];
printf("%" PRId32 "\n", length);
unsigned char rowsBytes[4];
fread(rowsBytes, sizeof(rowsBytes), 1, file);
uint32_t rows = (rowsBytes[0] << 24) | (rowsBytes[1] << 16) | (rowsBytes[2] << 8) | rowsBytes[3];
printf("%" PRId32 "\n", rows);
unsigned char colsBytes[4];
fread(colsBytes, sizeof(colsBytes), 1, file);
uint32_t cols = (colsBytes[0] << 24) | (colsBytes[1] << 16) | (colsBytes[2] << 8) | colsBytes[3];
printf("%" PRId32 "\n", cols);
clm_Vector *images = calloc(length, sizeof(clm_Vector));
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
clm_Vector vec = clm_vectorCreate(cols * rows);
unsigned char image[cols * rows];
fread(image, sizeof(image), 1, file);
for(unsigned int j = 0; j < cols * rows; j++) {
vec.values[j] = (float) image[j];
images[i] = vec;
*imagesOut = images;
*imageCountOut = length;
int main() {
clm_Vector *labels = NULL;
unsigned int labelCount;
loadLabels(&labels, &labelCount);
printf("LENGTH: %u\n", labelCount);
clm_Vector *images = NULL;
unsigned int imageCount;
loadImages(&images, &imageCount);
imageCount = 60000;
printf("%f\n", images[0].values[0]);
unsigned int
i = 784,
h = 30,
o = 10;
clm_Linear layer1;
layer1.weights = clm_createMatrixRandom(h, i);
layer1.bias = clm_createMatrixRandom(h, 1);
clm_Linear layer2;
layer2.weights = clm_createMatrixRandom(o, h);
layer2.bias = clm_createMatrixRandom(o, 1);
clm_Linear layers[] = {layer1, layer2};
clm_NN nn = { layers, sizeof(layers) / sizeof(clm_Linear), 0.01 };
for(unsigned int epoch = 0; epoch < 10; epoch++) {
printf("Epoch %u\n", epoch);
for(unsigned int idx = 0; idx < imageCount; idx++) { // Each train sample
if(idx % 1000 == 0) {
printf("%.2f%%\n", idx / (float) imageCount * 100);
//printf("%u\n", idx);
//train(nn, train_data_x[idx], 2, train_data_y[idx], 1);
/*for(unsigned int f = 0; f < images[idx].length; f++) {
printf("%.2f ", images[idx].values[f]);
for(unsigned int f = 0; f < labels[idx].length; f++) {
printf("%.2f ", labels[idx].values[f]);
//printf("%.2f\n", labels.values[idx]);
train(nn, images[idx].values, images[idx].length, labels[idx].values, labels[idx].length);
//train(nn, test, 784, target, 10);
//predict(nn, test, 784);
unsigned int correct = 0;
for(unsigned int idx = 0; idx < imageCount; idx++) { // Each train sample
//printf("pred(%.2f, %.2f) = %.2f\n", train_data_x[idx][0], train_data_x[idx][1], predict(nn, train_data_x[idx], 2)[0]);
float *pred = predict(nn, images[idx].values, images[idx].length);
unsigned int predDigit = 0;
float max = -1;
for(unsigned int j = 0; j < 10; j++) {
//printf("%.2f ", pred[j]);
if(pred[j] > max || max < 0) {
max = pred[j];
predDigit = j;
if(idx < 100) printf("%u (confidence: %.2f)\n", predDigit, max);
unsigned int actDigit = 0;
float maxA = -1;
for(unsigned int j = 0; j < 10; j++) {
//printf("%.2f ", pred[j]);
if(labels[idx].values[j] > maxA || maxA < 0) {
maxA = labels[idx].values[j];
actDigit = j;
if(idx < 100) printf("Actual: %u\n", actDigit);
if(predDigit == actDigit) correct++;
printf("Correct: %u -> %.2f", correct, (float) correct / imageCount * 100);