2024-10-16 17:21:49 +02:00

581 lines
21 KiB

Copyright 2018-2024 New Vector Ltd.
Copyright 2017-2019 Michael Telatynski <>
Copyright 2016 Aviral Dasgupta
Copyright 2016 OpenMarket Ltd
SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only
Please see LICENSE files in the repository root for full details.
// Squirrel on windows starts the app with various flags as hooks to tell us when we've been installed/uninstalled etc.
import "./squirrelhooks";
import { app, BrowserWindow, Menu, autoUpdater, protocol, dialog, Input, Event, session } from "electron";
import * as Sentry from "@sentry/electron/main";
import AutoLaunch from "auto-launch";
import path from "path";
import windowStateKeeper from "electron-window-state";
import Store from "electron-store";
import fs, { promises as afs } from "fs";
import { URL } from "url";
import minimist from "minimist";
import "./ipc";
import "./keytar";
import "./seshat";
import "./settings";
import * as tray from "./tray";
import { buildMenuTemplate } from "./vectormenu";
import webContentsHandler from "./webcontents-handler";
import * as updater from "./updater";
import { getProfileFromDeeplink, protocolInit } from "./protocol";
import { _t, AppLocalization } from "./language-helper";
import { setDisplayMediaCallback } from "./displayMediaCallback";
import { setupMacosTitleBar } from "./macos-titlebar";
import { loadJsonFile } from "./utils";
import { setupMediaAuth } from "./media-auth";
const argv = minimist(process.argv, {
alias: { help: "h" },
if (argv["help"]) {
console.log(" --profile-dir {path}: Path to where to store the profile.");
console.log(" --profile {name}: Name of alternate profile to use, allows for running multiple accounts.");
console.log(" --devtools: Install and use react-devtools and react-perf.");
console.log(" --no-update: Disable automatic updating.");
console.log(" --hidden: Start the application hidden in the system tray.");
console.log(" --help: Displays this help message.");
console.log("And more such as --proxy, see:" + "");
// Electron creates the user data directory (with just an empty 'Dictionaries' directory...)
// as soon as the app path is set, so pick a random path in it that must exist if it's a
// real user data directory.
function isRealUserDataDir(d: string): boolean {
return fs.existsSync(path.join(d, "IndexedDB"));
// check if we are passed a profile in the SSO callback url
let userDataPath: string;
const userDataPathInProtocol = getProfileFromDeeplink(argv["_"]);
if (userDataPathInProtocol) {
userDataPath = userDataPathInProtocol;
} else if (argv["profile-dir"]) {
userDataPath = argv["profile-dir"];
} else {
let newUserDataPath = app.getPath("userData");
if (argv["profile"]) {
newUserDataPath += "-" + argv["profile"];
const newUserDataPathExists = isRealUserDataDir(newUserDataPath);
let oldUserDataPath = path.join(app.getPath("appData"), app.getName().replace("Element", "Riot"));
if (argv["profile"]) {
oldUserDataPath += "-" + argv["profile"];
const oldUserDataPathExists = isRealUserDataDir(oldUserDataPath);
console.log(newUserDataPath + " exists: " + (newUserDataPathExists ? "yes" : "no"));
console.log(oldUserDataPath + " exists: " + (oldUserDataPathExists ? "yes" : "no"));
if (!newUserDataPathExists && oldUserDataPathExists) {
console.log("Using legacy user data path: " + oldUserDataPath);
userDataPath = oldUserDataPath;
} else {
userDataPath = newUserDataPath;
app.setPath("userData", userDataPath);
async function tryPaths(name: string, root: string, rawPaths: string[]): Promise<string> {
// Make everything relative to root
const paths = => path.join(root, p));
for (const p of paths) {
try {
await afs.stat(p);
return p + "/";
} catch {}
console.log(`Couldn't find ${name} files in any of: `);
for (const p of paths) {
console.log("\t" + path.resolve(p));
throw new Error(`Failed to find ${name} files`);
const homeserverProps = ["default_is_url", "default_hs_url", "default_server_name", "default_server_config"] as const;
let asarPathPromise: Promise<string> | undefined;
// Get the webapp resource file path, memoizes result
function getAsarPath(): Promise<string> {
if (!asarPathPromise) {
asarPathPromise = tryPaths("webapp", __dirname, [
// If run from the source checkout, this will be in the directory above
// but if run from a packaged application, electron-main.js will be in
// a different asar file, so it will be two levels above
// also try without the 'asar' suffix to allow symlinking in a directory
// from a packaged application
return asarPathPromise;
// Loads the config from asar, and applies a config.json from userData atop if one exists
// Writes config to `global.vectorConfig`. Does nothing if `global.vectorConfig` is already set.
async function loadConfig(): Promise<void> {
if (global.vectorConfig) return;
const asarPath = await getAsarPath();
try {
global.vectorConfig = loadJsonFile(asarPath, "config.json");
} catch {
// it would be nice to check the error code here and bail if the config
// is unparsable, but we get MODULE_NOT_FOUND in the case of a missing
// file or invalid json, so node is just very unhelpful.
// Continue with the defaults (ie. an empty config)
global.vectorConfig = {};
try {
// Load local config and use it to override values from the one baked with the build
const localConfig = loadJsonFile(app.getPath("userData"), "config.json");
// If the local config has a homeserver defined, don't use the homeserver from the build
// config. This is to avoid a problem where Riot thinks there are multiple homeservers
// defined, and panics as a result.
if (Object.keys(localConfig).find((k) => homeserverProps.includes(<any>k))) {
// Rip out all the homeserver options from the vector config
global.vectorConfig = Object.keys(global.vectorConfig)
.filter((k) => !homeserverProps.includes(<any>k))
(obj, key) => {
obj[key] = global.vectorConfig[key];
return obj;
{} as Omit<Partial<(typeof global)["vectorConfig"]>, keyof typeof homeserverProps>,
global.vectorConfig = Object.assign(global.vectorConfig, localConfig);
} catch (e) {
if (e instanceof SyntaxError) {
void dialog.showMessageBox({
type: "error",
title: `Your ${global.vectorConfig.brand || "Element"} is misconfigured`,
`Your custom ${global.vectorConfig.brand || "Element"} configuration contains invalid JSON. ` +
`Please correct the problem and reopen ${global.vectorConfig.brand || "Element"}.`,
detail: e.message || "",
// Could not load local config, this is expected in most cases.
// Configure Electron Sentry and crashReporter using sentry.dsn in config.json if one is present.
async function configureSentry(): Promise<void> {
await loadConfig();
const { dsn, environment } = global.vectorConfig.sentry || {};
if (dsn) {
console.log(`Enabling Sentry with dsn=${dsn} environment=${environment}`);
// We don't actually use this IPC, but we do not want Sentry injecting preloads
ipcMode: Sentry.IPCMode.Classic,
// Set up globals for Tray and AutoLaunch
async function setupGlobals(): Promise<void> {
const asarPath = await getAsarPath();
await loadConfig();
// we assume the resources path is in the same place as the asar
const resPath = await tryPaths("res", path.dirname(asarPath), [
// If run from the source checkout
// if run from packaged application
// The tray icon
// It's important to call `path.join` so we don't end up with the packaged asar in the final path.
const iconFile = `element.${process.platform === "win32" ? "ico" : "png"}`;
global.trayConfig = {
icon_path: path.join(resPath, "img", iconFile),
brand: global.vectorConfig.brand || "Element",
// launcher
global.launcher = new AutoLaunch({
name: global.vectorConfig.brand || "Element",
isHidden: true,
mac: {
useLaunchAgent: true,
// Look for an auto-launcher under 'Riot' and if we find one,
// port its enabled/disabled-ness over to the new 'Element' launcher
async function moveAutoLauncher(): Promise<void> {
if (!global.vectorConfig.brand || global.vectorConfig.brand === "Element") {
const oldLauncher = new AutoLaunch({
name: "Riot",
isHidden: true,
mac: {
useLaunchAgent: true,
const wasEnabled = await oldLauncher.isEnabled();
if (wasEnabled) {
await oldLauncher.disable();
await global.launcher.enable();
} = new Store({ name: "electron-config" });
global.appQuitting = false;
const exitShortcuts: Array<(input: Input, platform: string) => boolean> = [
(input, platform): boolean => platform !== "darwin" && input.alt && input.key.toUpperCase() === "F4",
(input, platform): boolean => platform !== "darwin" && input.control && input.key.toUpperCase() === "Q",
(input, platform): boolean =>
platform === "darwin" && input.meta && !input.control && input.key.toUpperCase() === "Q",
const warnBeforeExit = (event: Event, input: Input): void => {
const shouldWarnBeforeExit ="warnBeforeExit", true);
const exitShortcutPressed =
input.type === "keyDown" && exitShortcuts.some((shortcutFn) => shortcutFn(input, process.platform));
if (shouldWarnBeforeExit && exitShortcutPressed && global.mainWindow) {
const shouldCancelCloseRequest =
dialog.showMessageBoxSync(global.mainWindow, {
type: "question",
buttons: [
_t("action|close_brand", {
brand: global.vectorConfig.brand || "Element",
message: _t("confirm_quit"),
defaultId: 1,
cancelId: 0,
}) === 0;
if (shouldCancelCloseRequest) {
void configureSentry();
// handle uncaught errors otherwise it displays
// stack traces in popup dialogs, which is terrible (which
// it will do any time the auto update poke fails, and there's
// no other way to catch this error).
// Assuming we generally run from the console when developing,
// this is far preferable.
process.on("uncaughtException", function (error: Error): void {
console.log("Unhandled exception", error);
if (!app.commandLine.hasSwitch("enable-features")) {
app.commandLine.appendSwitch("enable-features", "WebRTCPipeWireCapturer");
const gotLock = app.requestSingleInstanceLock();
if (!gotLock) {
console.log("Other instance detected: exiting");
// do this after we know we are the primary instance of the app
// Register the scheme the app is served from as 'standard'
// which allows things like relative URLs and IndexedDB to
// work.
// Also mark it as secure (ie. accessing resources from this
// protocol and HTTPS won't trigger mixed content warnings).
scheme: "vector",
privileges: {
standard: true,
secure: true,
supportFetchAPI: true,
// Turn the sandbox on for *all* windows we might generate. Doing this means we don't
// have to specify a `sandbox: true` to each BrowserWindow.
// This also fixes an issue with where if we only specified the sandbox
// on the main window we'd run into cryptic "ipc_renderer be broke" errors. Turns out
// it's trying to jump the sandbox and make some calls into electron, which it can't
// do when half of it is sandboxed. By turning on the sandbox for everything, the new
// window (no matter how temporary it may be) is also sandboxed, allowing for a clean
// transition into the user's browser.
// We disable media controls here. We do this because calls use audio and video elements and they sometimes capture the media keys. See
app.commandLine.appendSwitch("disable-features", "HardwareMediaKeyHandling,MediaSessionService");
// Disable hardware acceleration if the setting has been set.
if ("disableHardwareAcceleration", false) === true) {
console.log("Disabling hardware acceleration.");
app.on("ready", async () => {
let asarPath: string;
try {
asarPath = await getAsarPath();
await setupGlobals();
await moveAutoLauncher();
} catch (e) {
console.log("App setup failed: exiting", e);
// process.exit doesn't cause node to stop running code immediately,
// so return (we could let the exception propagate but then we end up
// with node printing all sorts of stuff about unhandled exceptions
// when we want the actual error to be as obvious as possible).
if (argv["devtools"]) {
try {
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-require-imports
const { default: installExt, REACT_DEVELOPER_TOOLS, REACT_PERF } = require("electron-devtools-installer");
.then((name: string) => console.log(`Added Extension: ${name}`))
.catch((err: unknown) => console.log("An error occurred: ", err));
.then((name: string) => console.log(`Added Extension: ${name}`))
.catch((err: unknown) => console.log("An error occurred: ", err));
} catch (e) {
protocol.registerFileProtocol("vector", (request, callback) => {
if (request.method !== "GET") {
callback({ error: -322 }); // METHOD_NOT_SUPPORTED from chromium/src/net/base/net_error_list.h
return null;
const parsedUrl = new URL(request.url);
if (parsedUrl.protocol !== "vector:") {
callback({ error: -302 }); // UNKNOWN_URL_SCHEME
if ( !== "vector") {
callback({ error: -105 }); // NAME_NOT_RESOLVED
const target = parsedUrl.pathname.split("/");
// path starts with a '/'
if (target[0] !== "") {
callback({ error: -6 }); // FILE_NOT_FOUND
if (target[target.length - 1] == "") {
target[target.length - 1] = "index.html";
let baseDir: string;
if (target[1] === "webapp") {
baseDir = asarPath;
} else {
callback({ error: -6 }); // FILE_NOT_FOUND
// Normalise the base dir and the target path separately, then make sure
// the target path isn't trying to back out beyond its root
baseDir = path.normalize(baseDir);
const relTarget = path.normalize(path.join(;
if (relTarget.startsWith("..")) {
callback({ error: -6 }); // FILE_NOT_FOUND
const absTarget = path.join(baseDir, relTarget);
path: absTarget,
if (argv["no-update"]) {
console.log('Auto update disabled via command line flag "--no-update"');
} else if (global.vectorConfig["update_base_url"]) {
console.log(`Starting auto update with base URL: ${global.vectorConfig["update_base_url"]}`);
void updater.start(global.vectorConfig["update_base_url"]);
} else {
console.log("No update_base_url is defined: auto update is disabled");
// Load the previous window state with fallback to defaults
const mainWindowState = windowStateKeeper({
defaultWidth: 1024,
defaultHeight: 768,
const preloadScript = path.normalize(`${__dirname}/preload.js`);
global.mainWindow = new BrowserWindow({
backgroundColor: "#fff",
titleBarStyle: process.platform === "darwin" ? "hidden" : "default",
trafficLightPosition: { x: 9, y: 8 },
icon: global.trayConfig.icon_path,
show: false,
autoHideMenuBar:"autoHideMenuBar", true),
x: mainWindowState.x,
y: mainWindowState.y,
width: mainWindowState.width,
height: mainWindowState.height,
webPreferences: {
preload: preloadScript,
nodeIntegration: false,
//sandbox: true, // We enable sandboxing from app.enableSandbox() above
contextIsolation: true,
webgl: true,
void global.mainWindow.loadURL("vector://vector/webapp/");
if (process.platform === "darwin") {
// Handle spellchecker
// For some reason spellCheckerEnabled isn't persisted, so we have to use the store here
global.mainWindow.webContents.session.setSpellCheckerEnabled("spellCheckerEnabled", true));
// Create trayIcon icon
if ("minimizeToTray", true)) tray.create(global.trayConfig);
global.mainWindow.once("ready-to-show", () => {
if (!global.mainWindow) return;
if (!argv["hidden"]) {;
} else {
// hide here explicitly because window manage above sometimes shows it
global.mainWindow.webContents.on("before-input-event", warnBeforeExit);
global.mainWindow.on("closed", () => {
global.mainWindow = null;
global.mainWindow.on("close", async (e) => {
// If we are not quitting and have a tray icon then minimize to tray
if (!global.appQuitting && (tray.hasTray() || process.platform === "darwin")) {
// On Mac, closing the window just hides it
// (this is generally how single-window Mac apps
// behave, eg.
if (global.mainWindow?.isFullScreen()) {
global.mainWindow.once("leave-full-screen", () => global.mainWindow?.hide());
} else {
return false;
if (process.platform === "win32") {
// Handle forward/backward mouse buttons in Windows
global.mainWindow.on("app-command", (e, cmd) => {
if (cmd === "browser-backward" && global.mainWindow?.webContents.canGoBack()) {
} else if (cmd === "browser-forward" && global.mainWindow?.webContents.canGoForward()) {
global.appLocalization = new AppLocalization({
components: [(): void => tray.initApplicationMenu(), (): void => Menu.setApplicationMenu(buildMenuTemplate())],
session.defaultSession.setDisplayMediaRequestHandler((_, callback) => {
app.on("window-all-closed", () => {
app.on("activate", () => {
function beforeQuit(): void {
global.appQuitting = true;
app.on("before-quit", beforeQuit);
autoUpdater.on("before-quit-for-update", beforeQuit);
app.on("second-instance", (ev, commandLine, workingDirectory) => {
// If other instance launched with --hidden then skip showing window
if (commandLine.includes("--hidden")) return;
// Someone tried to run a second instance, we should focus our window.
if (global.mainWindow) {
if (!global.mainWindow.isVisible());
if (global.mainWindow.isMinimized()) global.mainWindow.restore();
// Set the App User Model ID to match what the squirrel
// installer uses for the shortcut icon.
// This makes notifications work on windows 8.1 (and is
// a noop on other platforms).