/* Copyright 2016-2024 New Vector Ltd. SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only OR LicenseRef-Element-Commercial Please see LICENSE files in the repository root for full details. */ import { app, autoUpdater, ipcMain } from "electron"; import fs from "node:fs/promises"; import { getSquirrelExecutable } from "./squirrelhooks.js"; const UPDATE_POLL_INTERVAL_MS = 60 * 60 * 1000; const INITIAL_UPDATE_DELAY_MS = 30 * 1000; function installUpdate(): void { // for some reason, quitAndInstall does not fire the // before-quit event, so we need to set the flag here. global.appQuitting = true; autoUpdater.quitAndInstall(); } // Workaround for Squirrel.Mac wedging auto-restart if latest check for update failed // From https://github.com/vector-im/element-web/issues/12433#issuecomment-1508995119 async function safeCheckForUpdate(): Promise { if (process.platform === "darwin") { const feedUrl = autoUpdater.getFeedURL(); // On Mac if the user has already downloaded an update but not installed it and // we check again and no additional new update is available the app ends up in a // bad state and doesn't restart after installing any updates that are downloaded. // To avoid this we check manually whether an update is available and call the // autoUpdater.checkForUpdates() when something new is there. try { const res = await fetch(feedUrl); const { currentRelease } = (await res.json()) as { currentRelease: string }; const latestVersionDownloaded = latestUpdateDownloaded?.releaseName; console.info( `Latest version from release download: ${currentRelease} (current: ${app.getVersion()}, most recent downloaded ${latestVersionDownloaded}})`, ); if (currentRelease === app.getVersion() || currentRelease === latestVersionDownloaded) { ipcChannelSendUpdateStatus(false); return; } } catch (err) { console.error(`Error checking for updates ${feedUrl}`, err); ipcChannelSendUpdateStatus(false); return; } } autoUpdater.checkForUpdates(); } async function pollForUpdates(): Promise { try { // If we've already got a new update downloaded, then stop trying to check for new ones, as according to the doc // at https://github.com/electron/electron/blob/main/docs/api/auto-updater.md#autoupdatercheckforupdates // we'll just keep re-downloading the same update. // As a hunch, this might also be causing https://github.com/vector-im/element-web/issues/12433 // due to the update checks colliding with the pending install somehow if (!latestUpdateDownloaded) { await safeCheckForUpdate(); } else { console.log("Skipping update check as download already present"); global.mainWindow?.webContents.send("update-downloaded", latestUpdateDownloaded); } } catch (e) { console.log("Couldn't check for update", e); } } export async function start(updateBaseUrl: string): Promise { if (!(await available(updateBaseUrl))) return; if (!updateBaseUrl.endsWith("/")) { updateBaseUrl = updateBaseUrl + "/"; } try { let url: string; let serverType: "json" | undefined; if (process.platform === "darwin") { // On macOS it takes a JSON file with a map between versions and their URLs url = `${updateBaseUrl}macos/releases.json`; serverType = "json"; } else if (process.platform === "win32") { // On windows it takes a base path and looks for files under that path. url = `${updateBaseUrl}win32/${process.arch}/`; } else { // Squirrel / electron only supports auto-update on these two platforms. // I'm not even going to try to guess which feed style they'd use if they // implemented it on Linux, or if it would be different again. return; } if (url) { console.log(`Update URL: ${url}`); autoUpdater.setFeedURL({ url, serverType }); // We check for updates ourselves rather than using 'updater' because we need to // do it in the main process (and we don't really need to check every 10 minutes: // every hour should be just fine for a desktop app) // However, we still let the main window listen for the update events. // We also wait a short time before checking for updates the first time because // of squirrel on windows and it taking a small amount of time to release a // lock file. setTimeout(pollForUpdates, INITIAL_UPDATE_DELAY_MS); setInterval(pollForUpdates, UPDATE_POLL_INTERVAL_MS); } } catch (err) { // will fail if running in debug mode console.log("Couldn't enable update checking", err); } } async function available(updateBaseUrl?: string): Promise { if (process.platform === "linux") { // Auto update is not supported on Linux console.log("Auto update not supported on this platform"); return false; } if (process.platform === "win32") { try { await fs.access(getSquirrelExecutable()); } catch { console.log("Squirrel not found, auto update not supported"); return false; } } // Otherwise we're either on macOS or Windows with Squirrel return !!updateBaseUrl; } ipcMain.on("install_update", installUpdate); ipcMain.on("check_updates", pollForUpdates); function ipcChannelSendUpdateStatus(status: boolean | string): void { global.mainWindow?.webContents.send("check_updates", status); } interface ICachedUpdate { releaseNotes: string; releaseName: string; releaseDate: Date; updateURL: string; } // cache the latest update which has been downloaded as electron offers no api to read it let latestUpdateDownloaded: ICachedUpdate | undefined; autoUpdater .on("update-available", function () { ipcChannelSendUpdateStatus(true); }) .on("update-not-available", function () { if (latestUpdateDownloaded) { // the only time we will get `update-not-available` if `latestUpdateDownloaded` is already set // is if the user used the Manual Update check and there is no update newer than the one we // have downloaded, so show it to them as the latest again. global.mainWindow?.webContents.send("update-downloaded", latestUpdateDownloaded); } else { ipcChannelSendUpdateStatus(false); } }) .on("error", function (error) { ipcChannelSendUpdateStatus(error.message); }); autoUpdater.on("update-downloaded", (ev, releaseNotes, releaseName, releaseDate, updateURL) => { // forward to renderer latestUpdateDownloaded = { releaseNotes, releaseName, releaseDate, updateURL }; global.mainWindow?.webContents.send("update-downloaded", latestUpdateDownloaded); });