/* Copyright 2024 New Vector Ltd. Copyright 2016 OpenMarket Ltd SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only Please see LICENSE files in the repository root for full details. */ import { app, shell, Menu, MenuItem, MenuItemConstructorOptions } from "electron"; import { _t } from "./language-helper.js"; const isMac = process.platform === "darwin"; export function buildMenuTemplate(): Menu { // Menu template from http://electron.atom.io/docs/api/menu/, edited const template: Array = [ { label: _t("action|edit"), accelerator: "e", submenu: [ { role: "undo", label: _t("action|undo"), }, { role: "redo", label: _t("action|redo"), }, { type: "separator" }, { role: "cut", label: _t("action|cut"), }, { role: "copy", label: _t("action|copy"), }, { role: "paste", label: _t("action|paste"), }, { role: "pasteAndMatchStyle", label: _t("action|paste_match_style"), }, { role: "delete", label: _t("action|delete"), }, { role: "selectAll", label: _t("action|select_all"), }, ], }, { label: _t("view_menu|view"), accelerator: "V", submenu: [ { type: "separator" }, { role: "resetZoom", accelerator: "CmdOrCtrl+Num0", visible: false, }, { role: "zoomIn", accelerator: "CmdOrCtrl+NumAdd", visible: false, }, { role: "zoomOut", accelerator: "CmdOrCtrl+NumSub", visible: false, }, { role: "resetZoom", label: _t("view_menu|actual_size"), }, { role: "zoomIn", label: _t("action|zoom_in"), }, { role: "zoomOut", label: _t("action|zoom_out"), }, { type: "separator" }, // in macOS the Preferences menu item goes in the first menu ...(!isMac ? [ { label: _t("common|preferences"), click(): void { global.mainWindow?.webContents.send("preferences"); }, }, ] : []), { role: "togglefullscreen", label: _t("view_menu|toggle_full_screen"), }, { role: "toggleDevTools", label: _t("view_menu|toggle_developer_tools"), }, ], }, { label: _t("window_menu|label"), accelerator: "w", role: "window", submenu: [ { role: "minimize", label: _t("action|minimise"), }, { role: "close", label: _t("action|close"), }, ], }, { label: _t("common|help"), accelerator: "h", role: "help", submenu: [ { // XXX: vectorConfig won't have defaults applied to it so we need to duplicate them here label: _t("common|brand_help", { brand: global.vectorConfig?.brand || "Element" }), click(): void { void shell.openExternal(global.vectorConfig?.help_url || "https://element.io/help"); }, }, ], }, ]; // macOS has specific menu conventions... if (isMac) { template.unshift({ // first macOS menu is the name of the app role: "appMenu", label: app.name, submenu: [ { role: "about", label: _t("common|about") + " " + app.name, }, { type: "separator" }, { label: _t("common|preferences") + "…", accelerator: "Command+,", // Mac-only accelerator click(): void { global.mainWindow?.webContents.send("preferences"); }, }, { type: "separator" }, { role: "services", label: _t("menu|services"), submenu: [], }, { type: "separator" }, { role: "hide", label: _t("menu|hide"), }, { role: "hideOthers", label: _t("menu|hide_others"), }, { role: "unhide", label: _t("menu|unhide"), }, { type: "separator" }, { role: "quit", label: _t("action|quit"), }, ], }); // Edit menu. // This has a 'speech' section on macOS (template[1].submenu as MenuItemConstructorOptions[]).push( { type: "separator" }, { label: _t("edit_menu|speech"), submenu: [ { role: "startSpeaking", label: _t("edit_menu|speech_start_speaking"), }, { role: "stopSpeaking", label: _t("edit_menu|speech_stop_speaking"), }, ], }, ); // Window menu. // This also has specific functionality on macOS template[3].submenu = [ { label: _t("action|close"), accelerator: "CmdOrCtrl+W", role: "close", }, { label: _t("action|minimise"), accelerator: "CmdOrCtrl+M", role: "minimize", }, { label: _t("window_menu|zoom"), role: "zoom", }, { type: "separator", }, { label: _t("window_menu|bring_all_to_front"), role: "front", }, ]; } else { template.unshift({ label: _t("file_menu|label"), accelerator: "f", submenu: [ // For some reason, 'about' does not seem to work on windows. /*{ role: 'about', label: _t('About'), },*/ { role: "quit", label: _t("action|quit"), }, ], }); } return Menu.buildFromTemplate(template); }