/* Copyright 2022-2024 New Vector Ltd. SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only OR LicenseRef-Element-Commercial Please see LICENSE files in the repository root for full details. */ import { app, ipcMain } from "electron"; import { promises as afs } from "node:fs"; import path from "node:path"; import type { Seshat as SeshatType, SeshatRecovery as SeshatRecoveryType, ReindexError as ReindexErrorType, } from "matrix-seshat"; // Hak dependency type import IpcMainEvent = Electron.IpcMainEvent; import { randomArray } from "./utils.js"; import { keytar } from "./keytar.js"; let seshatSupported = false; let Seshat: typeof SeshatType; let SeshatRecovery: typeof SeshatRecoveryType; let ReindexError: typeof ReindexErrorType; try { const seshatModule = await import("matrix-seshat"); Seshat = seshatModule.Seshat; SeshatRecovery = seshatModule.SeshatRecovery; ReindexError = seshatModule.ReindexError; seshatSupported = true; } catch (e) { if ((e).code === "MODULE_NOT_FOUND") { console.log("Seshat isn't installed, event indexing is disabled."); } else { console.warn("Seshat unexpected error:", e); } } let eventIndex: SeshatType | null = null; const seshatDefaultPassphrase = "DEFAULT_PASSPHRASE"; async function getOrCreatePassphrase(key: string): Promise { if (keytar) { try { const storedPassphrase = await keytar.getPassword("element.io", key); if (storedPassphrase !== null) { return storedPassphrase; } else { const newPassphrase = await randomArray(32); await keytar.setPassword("element.io", key, newPassphrase); return newPassphrase; } } catch (e) { console.log("Error getting the event index passphrase out of the secret store", e); } } return seshatDefaultPassphrase; } const deleteContents = async (p: string): Promise => { try { for (const entry of await afs.readdir(p)) { const curPath = path.join(p, entry); try { await afs.unlink(curPath); } catch (e) { console.log("Error deleting a file in EventStore directory", e); } } } catch (e) { console.log("Error reading the files in EventStore directory", e); } }; ipcMain.on("seshat", async function (_ev: IpcMainEvent, payload): Promise { if (!global.mainWindow) return; // We do this here to ensure we get the path after --profile has been resolved const eventStorePath = path.join(app.getPath("userData"), "EventStore"); const sendError = (id: string, e: Error): void => { const error = { message: e.message, }; global.mainWindow?.webContents.send("seshatReply", { id, error }); }; const args = payload.args || []; let ret: any; switch (payload.name) { case "supportsEventIndexing": ret = seshatSupported; break; case "initEventIndex": if (eventIndex === null) { const userId = args[0]; const deviceId = args[1]; const passphraseKey = `seshat|${userId}|${deviceId}`; const passphrase = await getOrCreatePassphrase(passphraseKey); try { await afs.mkdir(eventStorePath, { recursive: true }); eventIndex = new Seshat(eventStorePath, { passphrase }); } catch (e) { if (e instanceof ReindexError) { // If this is a reindex error, the index schema // changed. Try to open the database in recovery mode, // reindex the database and finally try to open the // database again. const recoveryIndex = new SeshatRecovery(eventStorePath, { passphrase, }); const userVersion = await recoveryIndex.getUserVersion(); // If our user version is 0 we'll delete the db // anyways so reindexing it is a waste of time. if (userVersion === 0) { await recoveryIndex.shutdown(); await deleteContents(eventStorePath); } else { await recoveryIndex.reindex(); } eventIndex = new Seshat(eventStorePath, { passphrase }); } else { sendError(payload.id, e); return; } } } break; case "closeEventIndex": if (eventIndex !== null) { const index = eventIndex; eventIndex = null; try { await index.shutdown(); } catch (e) { sendError(payload.id, e); return; } } break; case "deleteEventIndex": { await deleteContents(eventStorePath); break; } case "isEventIndexEmpty": if (eventIndex === null) ret = true; else ret = await eventIndex.isEmpty(); break; case "isRoomIndexed": if (eventIndex === null) ret = false; else ret = await eventIndex.isRoomIndexed(args[0]); break; case "addEventToIndex": try { eventIndex?.addEvent(args[0], args[1]); } catch (e) { sendError(payload.id, e); return; } break; case "deleteEvent": try { ret = await eventIndex?.deleteEvent(args[0]); } catch (e) { sendError(payload.id, e); return; } break; case "commitLiveEvents": try { ret = await eventIndex?.commit(); } catch (e) { sendError(payload.id, e); return; } break; case "searchEventIndex": try { ret = await eventIndex?.search(args[0]); } catch (e) { sendError(payload.id, e); return; } break; case "addHistoricEvents": if (eventIndex === null) ret = false; else { try { ret = await eventIndex.addHistoricEvents(args[0], args[1], args[2]); } catch (e) { sendError(payload.id, e); return; } } break; case "getStats": if (eventIndex === null) ret = 0; else { try { ret = await eventIndex.getStats(); } catch (e) { sendError(payload.id, e); return; } } break; case "removeCrawlerCheckpoint": if (eventIndex === null) ret = false; else { try { ret = await eventIndex.removeCrawlerCheckpoint(args[0]); } catch (e) { sendError(payload.id, e); return; } } break; case "addCrawlerCheckpoint": if (eventIndex === null) ret = false; else { try { ret = await eventIndex.addCrawlerCheckpoint(args[0]); } catch (e) { sendError(payload.id, e); return; } } break; case "loadFileEvents": if (eventIndex === null) ret = []; else { try { ret = await eventIndex.loadFileEvents(args[0]); } catch (e) { sendError(payload.id, e); return; } } break; case "loadCheckpoints": if (eventIndex === null) ret = []; else { try { ret = await eventIndex.loadCheckpoints(); } catch { ret = []; } } break; case "setUserVersion": if (eventIndex === null) break; else { try { await eventIndex.setUserVersion(args[0]); } catch (e) { sendError(payload.id, e); return; } } break; case "getUserVersion": if (eventIndex === null) ret = 0; else { try { ret = await eventIndex.getUserVersion(); } catch (e) { sendError(payload.id, e); return; } } break; default: global.mainWindow?.webContents.send("seshatReply", { id: payload.id, error: "Unknown IPC Call: " + payload.name, }); return; } global.mainWindow?.webContents.send("seshatReply", { id: payload.id, reply: ret, }); });