Signed-off-by: Michael Telatynski <>
This commit is contained in:
Michael Telatynski 2025-02-17 09:38:53 +00:00
parent 17c7f78985
commit 962ecb9d6a
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: A2B008A5F49F5D0D
2 changed files with 168 additions and 77 deletions

View File

@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ jobs:
uses: ./.github/workflows/build_windows.yaml
arch: [x64]
arch: [x64, ia32, arm64]
arch: ${{ matrix.arch }}
@ -82,25 +82,14 @@ jobs:
artifact: linux-arm64-sqlcipher-static
executable: "/opt/Element/element-desktop"
prepare_cmd: "sudo apt-get -qq update && sudo apt install -y ./dist/*.deb"
# - name: Windows (x86) Squirrel
# os: windows-2022
# artifact: win-ia32
# executable: "./dist/win-ia32-unpacked/Element.exe"
# - name: Windows (x86) MSI
# os: windows-2022
# artifact: win-ia32
# executable: "C:/Program Files (x86)/Element/Element*.exe"
# prepare_cmd: "msiexec ./dist/Element*.msi"
- name: Windows (x64) Squirrel
- name: Windows (x86)
os: windows-2022
artifact: win-ia32
executable: "./dist/win-ia32-unpacked/Element.exe"
- name: Windows (x64)
os: windows-2022
artifact: win-x64
executable: "%LOCALAPPDATA%/element-desktop*/Element.exe"
prepare_cmd: "./dist/squirrel-windows*/Element Setup*.exe"
- name: Windows (x64) MSI
os: windows-2022
artifact: win-x64
executable: "C:/Program Files/Element/Element*.exe"
prepare_cmd: "msiexec ./dist/Element*.msi"
executable: "./dist/win-unpacked/Element.exe"
name: Test ${{ }}
runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}

View File

@ -1,64 +1,36 @@
diff --git a/node_modules/electron-builder-squirrel-windows/out/SquirrelWindowsTarget.js b/node_modules/electron-builder-squirrel-windows/out/SquirrelWindowsTarget.js
index 15312f4..1d7a8d6 100644
index 15312f4..06ac3d0 100644
--- a/node_modules/electron-builder-squirrel-windows/out/SquirrelWindowsTarget.js
+++ b/node_modules/electron-builder-squirrel-windows/out/SquirrelWindowsTarget.js
@@ -38,7 +38,15 @@ class SquirrelWindowsTarget extends app_builder_lib_1.Target {
if (distOptions.vendorDirectory) {
this.select7zipArch(distOptions.vendorDirectory, arch);
+ distOptions.fixUpPaths = true;
+ if (this.options.msi) {
+ distOptions.setupMsi = setupFile;
+ }
+ else {
+ distOptions.setupExe = setupFile;
+ }
await (0, electron_winstaller_1.createWindowsInstaller)(distOptions);
+ await packager.signAndEditResources(artifactPath, arch, installerOutDir);
file: artifactPath,
target: this,
@@ -93,24 +101,26 @@ class SquirrelWindowsTarget extends app_builder_lib_1.Target {
const appInfo = packager.appInfo;
// If not specified will use the Squirrel.Windows that is shipped with electron-installer(
// After merged, will add `electron-builder-binaries` to get the latest version of squirrel.
- let vendorDirectory = this.options.customSquirrelVendorDir;
@@ -1,11 +1,10 @@
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
const builder_util_1 = require("builder-util");
-const app_builder_lib_1 = require("app-builder-lib");
const filename_1 = require("builder-util/out/filename");
+const app_builder_lib_1 = require("app-builder-lib");
const path = require("path");
const fs = require("fs");
-const promises_1 = require("fs/promises");
const electron_winstaller_1 = require("electron-winstaller");
class SquirrelWindowsTarget extends app_builder_lib_1.Target {
constructor(packager, outDir) {
@@ -14,8 +13,28 @@ class SquirrelWindowsTarget extends app_builder_lib_1.Target {
this.outDir = outDir;
this.options = { ...this.packager.platformSpecificBuildOptions, ...this.packager.config.squirrelWindows };
- this.appDirectory = "";
- this.outputDirectory = "";
+ }
+ async prepareSignedVendorDirectory() {
+ // If not specified will use the Squirrel.Windows that is shipped with electron-installer(
+ // After merged, will add `electron-builder-binaries` to get the latest version of squirrel.
+ let vendorDirectory = this.options.customSquirrelVendorDir || path.join(require.resolve("electron-winstaller/package.json"), "..", "vendor");
if ((0, builder_util_1.isEmptyOrSpaces)(vendorDirectory) || !fs.existsSync(vendorDirectory)) {
builder_util_1.log.warn({ vendorDirectory }, "unable to access Squirrel.Windows vendor directory, falling back to default electron-winstaller");
- vendorDirectory = undefined;
+ if ((0, builder_util_1.isEmptyOrSpaces)(vendorDirectory) || !fs.existsSync(vendorDirectory)) {
+ builder_util_1.log.warn({ vendorDirectory }, "unable to access Squirrel.Windows vendor directory, falling back to default electron-winstaller");
+ vendorDirectory = path.join(require.resolve("electron-winstaller/package.json"), "..", "vendor");
const options = {
appDirectory: this.appDirectory,
outputDirectory: this.outputDirectory,
name: this.options.useAppIdAsId ? : this.appName,
+ title: appInfo.productName ||,
version: appInfo.version,
description: appInfo.description,
- exe: `${this.packager.platformSpecificBuildOptions.executableName || || appInfo.productName}.exe`,
+ exe: `${appInfo.productFilename || || appInfo.productName}.exe`,
authors: appInfo.companyName || "",
copyright: appInfo.copyright,
nuspecTemplate: path.join(__dirname, "..", "template.nuspectemplate"),
noMsi: !this.options.msi,
+ usePackageJson: false,
const projectUrl = await appInfo.computePackageUrl();
if (projectUrl != null) {
@@ -121,13 +131,19 @@ class SquirrelWindowsTarget extends app_builder_lib_1.Target {
await (0, promises_1.writeFile)(nuspecTemplate, templateContent);
options.nuspecTemplate = nuspecTemplate;
- if (await (await packager.signingManager.value).cscInfo.value) {
- options.windowsSign = {
- hookFunction: async (file) => {
- await packager.sign(file);
- },
- };
+ const tmpVendorDirectory = await{ prefix: "squirrel-windows-vendor" });
+ }
+ const tmpVendorDirectory = await{ prefix: "squirrel-windows-vendor" });
+ // Copy entire vendor directory to temp directory
+ await fs.promises.cp(vendorDirectory, tmpVendorDirectory, { recursive: true });
+ builder_util_1.log.debug({ from: vendorDirectory, to: tmpVendorDirectory }, "copied vendor directory");
@ -67,10 +39,140 @@ index 15312f4..1d7a8d6 100644
+ if (["Squirrel.exe", "StubExecutable.exe"].includes(file)) {
+ const filePath = path.join(tmpVendorDirectory, file);
+ builder_util_1.log.debug({ file: filePath }, "signing vendor executable");
+ await packager.sign(filePath);
+ await this.packager.sign(filePath);
+ }
+ }
+ return tmpVendorDirectory;
async build(appOutDir, arch) {
const packager = this.packager;
@@ -24,28 +43,35 @@ class SquirrelWindowsTarget extends app_builder_lib_1.Target {
const setupFile = packager.expandArtifactNamePattern(this.options, "exe", arch, "${productName} Setup ${version}.${ext}");
const installerOutDir = path.join(this.outDir, `squirrel-windows${(0, app_builder_lib_1.getArchSuffix)(arch)}`);
const artifactPath = path.join(installerOutDir, setupFile);
+ const msiArtifactPath = path.join(installerOutDir, packager.expandArtifactNamePattern(this.options, "msi", arch, "${productName} Setup ${version}.${ext}"));
targetPresentableName: "Squirrel.Windows",
file: artifactPath,
- if (arch === app_builder_lib_1.Arch.ia32) {
- builder_util_1.log.warn("For windows consider only distributing 64-bit or use nsis target, see");
- }
- this.appDirectory = appOutDir;
- this.outputDirectory = installerOutDir;
- const distOptions = await this.computeEffectiveDistOptions();
- if (distOptions.vendorDirectory) {
- this.select7zipArch(distOptions.vendorDirectory, arch);
- }
+ const distOptions = await this.computeEffectiveDistOptions(appOutDir, installerOutDir, setupFile, arch);
await (0, electron_winstaller_1.createWindowsInstaller)(distOptions);
+ await packager.signAndEditResources(artifactPath, arch, installerOutDir);
+ if (this.options.msi) {
+ await packager.sign(msiArtifactPath);
+ }
+ const safeArtifactName = (ext) => `${sanitizedName}-Setup-${version}${(0, app_builder_lib_1.getArchSuffix)(arch)}.${ext}`;
file: artifactPath,
target: this,
- safeArtifactName: `${sanitizedName}-Setup-${version}${(0, app_builder_lib_1.getArchSuffix)(arch)}.exe`,
+ safeArtifactName: safeArtifactName("exe"),
packager: this.packager,
+ if (this.options.msi) {
+ await{
+ file: msiArtifactPath,
+ target: this,
+ arch,
+ safeArtifactName: safeArtifactName("msi"),
+ packager: this.packager,
+ });
+ }
const packagePrefix = `${this.appName}-${(0, electron_winstaller_1.convertVersion)(version)}-`;{
file: path.join(installerOutDir, `${packagePrefix}full.nupkg`),
@@ -73,11 +99,24 @@ class SquirrelWindowsTarget extends app_builder_lib_1.Target {
select7zipArch(vendorDirectory, arch) {
// Copy the 7-Zip executable for the configured architecture.
- const resolvedArch = (0, app_builder_lib_1.getArchSuffix)(arch) === "" ? process.arch : (0, app_builder_lib_1.getArchSuffix)(arch);
- fs.copyFileSync(path.join(vendorDirectory, `7z-${resolvedArch}.exe`), path.join(vendorDirectory, "7z.exe"));
- fs.copyFileSync(path.join(vendorDirectory, `7z-${resolvedArch}.dll`), path.join(vendorDirectory, "7z.dll"));
+ const resolvedArch = (0, app_builder_lib_1.getArchSuffix)(arch) || `-${process.arch}`;
+ fs.copyFileSync(path.join(vendorDirectory, `7z${resolvedArch}.exe`), path.join(vendorDirectory, "7z.exe"));
+ fs.copyFileSync(path.join(vendorDirectory, `7z${resolvedArch}.dll`), path.join(vendorDirectory, "7z.dll"));
- async computeEffectiveDistOptions() {
+ async createNuspecTemplateWithProjectUrl() {
+ const templatePath = path.resolve(__dirname, "..", "template.nuspectemplate");
+ const projectUrl = await this.packager.appInfo.computePackageUrl();
+ if (projectUrl != null) {
+ const nuspecTemplate = await{ prefix: "template", suffix: ".nuspectemplate" });
+ let templateContent = await fs.promises.readFile(templatePath, "utf8");
+ const searchString = "<copyright><%- copyright %></copyright>";
+ templateContent = templateContent.replace(searchString, `${searchString}\n <projectUrl>${projectUrl}</projectUrl>`);
+ await fs.promises.writeFile(nuspecTemplate, templateContent);
+ return nuspecTemplate;
+ }
+ return templatePath;
+ }
+ async computeEffectiveDistOptions(appDirectory, outputDirectory, setupFile, arch) {
const packager = this.packager;
let iconUrl = this.options.iconUrl;
if (iconUrl == null) {
@@ -91,42 +130,27 @@ class SquirrelWindowsTarget extends app_builder_lib_1.Target {
const appInfo = packager.appInfo;
- // If not specified will use the Squirrel.Windows that is shipped with electron-installer(
- // After merged, will add `electron-builder-binaries` to get the latest version of squirrel.
- let vendorDirectory = this.options.customSquirrelVendorDir;
- if ((0, builder_util_1.isEmptyOrSpaces)(vendorDirectory) || !fs.existsSync(vendorDirectory)) {
- builder_util_1.log.warn({ vendorDirectory }, "unable to access Squirrel.Windows vendor directory, falling back to default electron-winstaller");
- vendorDirectory = undefined;
- }
const options = {
- appDirectory: this.appDirectory,
- outputDirectory: this.outputDirectory,
+ appDirectory: appDirectory,
+ outputDirectory: outputDirectory,
name: this.options.useAppIdAsId ? : this.appName,
+ title: appInfo.productName ||,
version: appInfo.version,
description: appInfo.description,
- exe: `${this.packager.platformSpecificBuildOptions.executableName || || appInfo.productName}.exe`,
+ exe: `${appInfo.productFilename || || appInfo.productName}.exe`,
authors: appInfo.companyName || "",
+ nuspecTemplate: await this.createNuspecTemplateWithProjectUrl(),
copyright: appInfo.copyright,
- vendorDirectory,
- nuspecTemplate: path.join(__dirname, "..", "template.nuspectemplate"),
noMsi: !this.options.msi,
+ usePackageJson: false,
- const projectUrl = await appInfo.computePackageUrl();
- if (projectUrl != null) {
- const nuspecTemplate = await{ prefix: "template", suffix: ".nuspectemplate" });
- let templateContent = await (0, promises_1.readFile)(path.resolve(__dirname, "..", "template.nuspectemplate"), "utf8");
- const searchString = "<copyright><%- copyright %></copyright>";
- templateContent = templateContent.replace(searchString, `${searchString}\n <projectUrl>${projectUrl}</projectUrl>`);
- await (0, promises_1.writeFile)(nuspecTemplate, templateContent);
- options.nuspecTemplate = nuspecTemplate;
- }
- if (await (await packager.signingManager.value).cscInfo.value) {
- options.windowsSign = {
- hookFunction: async (file) => {
- await packager.sign(file);
- },
- };
+ options.vendorDirectory = await this.prepareSignedVendorDirectory();
+ this.select7zipArch(options.vendorDirectory, arch);
+ options.fixUpPaths = true;
+ options.setupExe = setupFile;
+ if (this.options.msi) {
+ options.setupMsi = setupFile.replace(".exe", ".msi");
+ options.vendorDirectory = tmpVendorDirectory;
if ((0, builder_util_1.isEmptyOrSpaces)(options.description)) {
options.description = || appInfo.productName;