# [gamja]

A bare-bones IRC web client.


## Usage

Requires an IRC WebSocket server.

First install dependencies:

    npm install --production

### [soju]

Add a WebSocket listener to soju, e.g. `listen wss://`.

Configure your reverse proxy to serve gamja files and proxy `/socket` to soju.

### [webircgateway]

Setup webircgateway to serve gamja files:

enabled = true
webroot = /path/to/gamja

Then connect to webircgateway and append `?server=/webirc/websocket/` to the

### Development server

Start your IRC WebSocket server, e.g. on port 8080. Then run:

    npm install
    npm start

This will start a development HTTP server for gamja. Connect to it and append
`?server=ws://localhost:8080` to the URL.

## Contributing

Send patches on the [mailing list], report bugs on the [issue tracker].

## License


Copyright (C) 2020 The gamja Contributors

[gamja]: https://sr.ht/~emersion/gamja/
[soju]: https://soju.im
[webircgateway]: https://github.com/kiwiirc/webircgateway
[mailing list]: https://lists.sr.ht/~emersion/public-inbox
[issue tracker]: https://todo.sr.ht/~emersion/gamja