import * as http from "http"; import * as tls from "tls"; import split from "split"; import { Server as StaticServer } from "node-static"; import { WebSocketServer } from "ws"; const WS_BAD_GATEWAY = 1014; const usage = `usage: [options...] [host] Starts an HTTP server delivering static files. If [host] is specified, the server will proxy WebSocket connections to the specified remote IRC server. Options: -p <port> Listening port (default: 8080) -h Show help message `; let localPort = 8080; let remoteHost; let remotePort = 6697; let args = process.argv.slice(2); while (args.length > 0 && args[0].startsWith("-")) { switch (args[0]) { case "-p": localPort = parseInt(args[1], 10); args = args.slice(2); break; default: console.log(usage); process.exit(args[0] === "-h" ? 0 : 1); } } remoteHost = args[0]; let staticServer = new StaticServer("."); let server = http.createServer((req, res) => { staticServer.serve(req, res); }); if (remoteHost) { let wsServer = new WebSocketServer({ server }); wsServer.on("connection", (ws) => { let client = tls.connect(remotePort, remoteHost, { ALPNProtocols: ["irc"], }); ws.on("message", (data) => { client.write(data.toString() + "\r\n"); }); ws.on("close", () => { client.destroy(); }); client.pipe(split()).on("data", (data) => { ws.send(data.toString()); }); client.on("end", () => { ws.close(); }); client.on("error", (err) => { console.log(err); ws.close(WS_BAD_GATEWAY); }); }); } server.listen(localPort, "localhost"); let msg = "HTTP server listening on http://localhost:" + localPort; if (remoteHost) { msg += " and proxying WebSockets to " + remoteHost; } console.log(msg);