import { html, Component, createRef } from "../lib/index.js"; export default class Composer extends Component { state = { text: "", }; textInput = createRef(); lastAutocomplete = null; constructor(props) { super(props); this.handleInput = this.handleInput.bind(this); this.handleSubmit = this.handleSubmit.bind(this); this.handleInputKeyDown = this.handleInputKeyDown.bind(this); this.handleWindowKeyDown = this.handleWindowKeyDown.bind(this); this.handleWindowPaste = this.handleWindowPaste.bind(this); } handleInput(event) { this.setState({ []: }); if (this.props.readOnly && === "text" && ! {; } } handleSubmit(event) { event.preventDefault(); this.props.onSubmit(this.state.text); this.setState({ text: "" }); } handleInputKeyDown(event) { let input =; if (!this.props.autocomplete || event.key !== "Tab") { return; } if (input.selectionStart !== input.selectionEnd) { return; } event.preventDefault(); let carretPos = input.selectionStart; let text = this.state.text; let autocomplete; if (this.lastAutocomplete && this.lastAutocomplete.text === text && this.lastAutocomplete.carretPos === carretPos) { autocomplete = this.lastAutocomplete; } else { this.lastAutocomplete = null; let wordStart; for (wordStart = carretPos - 1; wordStart >= 0; wordStart--) { if (text[wordStart] === " ") { break; } } wordStart++; let wordEnd; for (wordEnd = carretPos; wordEnd < text.length; wordEnd++) { if (text[wordEnd] === " ") { break; } } let word = text.slice(wordStart, wordEnd); if (!word) { return; } let replacements = this.props.autocomplete(word); if (replacements.length === 0) { return; } autocomplete = { text, carretPos: input.selectionStart, prefix: text.slice(0, wordStart), suffix: text.slice(wordEnd), replacements, replIndex: -1, }; } let n = autocomplete.replacements.length; if (event.shiftKey) { autocomplete.replIndex--; } else { autocomplete.replIndex++; } autocomplete.replIndex = (autocomplete.replIndex + n) % n; let repl = autocomplete.replacements[autocomplete.replIndex]; if (!autocomplete.prefix && !autocomplete.suffix) { if (repl.startsWith("/")) { repl += " "; } else { repl += ": "; } } autocomplete.text = autocomplete.prefix + repl + autocomplete.suffix; autocomplete.carretPos = autocomplete.prefix.length + repl.length; input.value = autocomplete.text; input.selectionStart = autocomplete.carretPos; input.selectionEnd = input.selectionStart; this.lastAutocomplete = autocomplete; this.setState({ text: autocomplete.text }); } handleWindowKeyDown(event) { // If an <input> or <button> is focused, ignore. if (document.activeElement !== document.body && document.activeElement.tagName !== "SECTION") { return; } // If a modifier is pressed, reserve for key bindings. if (event.altKey || event.ctrlKey || event.metaKey) { return; } // Ignore events that don't produce a Unicode string. If the key event // result in a character being typed by the user, KeyboardEvent.key // will contain the typed string. The key string may contain one // Unicode non-control character and multiple Unicode combining // characters. String.prototype.length cannot be used since it would // return the number of Unicode code-points. Instead, the spread // operator is used to count the number of non-combining Unicode // characters. if ([...event.key].length !== 1) { return; } if (this.state.text) { return; } if (this.props.readOnly || (this.props.commandOnly && event.key !== "/")) { return; } event.preventDefault(); this.setState({ text: event.key }, () => { this.focus(); }); } handleWindowPaste(event) { // If an <input> is focused, ignore. if (document.activeElement !== document.body && document.activeElement.tagName !== "SECTION") { return; } if (this.props.readOnly) { return; } if (!this.textInput.current) { return; } let text = event.clipboardData.getData("text"); event.preventDefault(); event.stopImmediatePropagation(); this.textInput.current.focus(); this.textInput.current.setRangeText(text, undefined, undefined, "end"); this.setState({ text: this.textInput.current.value }); } componentDidMount() { window.addEventListener("keydown", this.handleWindowKeyDown); window.addEventListener("paste", this.handleWindowPaste); } componentWillUnmount() { window.removeEventListener("keydown", this.handleWindowKeyDown); window.removeEventListener("paste", this.handleWindowPaste); } focus() { if (!this.textInput.current) { return; } document.activeElement.blur(); // in case we're read-only this.textInput.current.focus(); } render() { let className = ""; if (this.props.readOnly && !this.state.text) { className = "read-only"; } let placeholder = "Type a message"; if (this.props.commandOnly) { placeholder = "Type a command (see /help)"; } return html` <form id="composer" class=${className} onInput=${this.handleInput} onSubmit=${this.handleSubmit} > <input type="text" name="text" ref=${this.textInput} value=${this.state.text} autocomplete="off" placeholder=${placeholder} enterkeyhint="send" onKeyDown=${this.handleInputKeyDown} /> </form> `; } }