import * as irc from "./irc.js"; // Static list of capabilities that are always requested when supported by the // server const permanentCaps = [ "away-notify", "batch", "draft/chathistory", "echo-message", "message-tags", "multi-prefix", "server-time", "", ]; const RECONNECT_DELAY_SEC = 10; export default class Client extends EventTarget { static Status = { DISCONNECTED: "disconnected", CONNECTING: "connecting", REGISTERING: "registering", REGISTERED: "registered", }; status = Client.Status.DISCONNECTED; serverPrefix = null; nick = null; availableCaps = {}; enabledCaps = {}; isupport = new Map(); ws = null; params = { url: null, username: null, realname: null, nick: null, pass: null, saslPlain: null, bouncerNetwork: null, }; batches = new Map(); autoReconnect = true; reconnectTimeoutID = null; pendingHistory = Promise.resolve(null); constructor(params) { super(); this.params = { ...this.params, ...params }; this.reconnect(); } reconnect() { var autoReconnect = this.autoReconnect; this.disconnect(); this.autoReconnect = autoReconnect; this.setStatus(Client.Status.CONNECTING); try { = new WebSocket(this.params.url); } catch (err) { console.error("Failed to create connection:", err); setTimeout(() => { this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("error", { detail: "Failed to create connection: " + err })); this.setStatus(Client.Status.DISCONNECTED); }, 0); return; }"open", this.handleOpen.bind(this));"message", this.handleMessage.bind(this));"close", (event) => { console.log("Connection closed (code: " + event.code + ")"); = null; this.setStatus(Client.Status.DISCONNECTED); this.nick = null; this.serverPrefix = null; this.availableCaps = {}; this.enabledCaps = {}; this.batches = new Map(); this.pendingHistory = Promise.resolve(null); this.isupport = new Map(); if (this.autoReconnect) {"Reconnecting to server in " + RECONNECT_DELAY_SEC + " seconds"); clearTimeout(this.reconnectTimeoutID); this.reconnectTimeoutID = setTimeout(() => { this.reconnect(); }, RECONNECT_DELAY_SEC * 1000); } });"error", () => { this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("error", { detail: "Connection error" })); }); } disconnect() { this.autoReconnect = false; clearTimeout(this.reconnectTimeoutID); this.reconnectTimeoutID = null; if ( {; } } setStatus(status) { if (this.status === status) { return; } this.status = status; this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("status")); } handleOpen() { console.log("Connection opened"); this.setStatus(Client.Status.REGISTERING); this.nick = this.params.nick; this.send({ command: "CAP", params: ["LS", "302"] }); if (this.params.pass) { this.send({ command: "PASS", params: [this.params.pass] }); } this.send({ command: "NICK", params: [this.nick] }); this.send({ command: "USER", params: [this.params.username, "0", "*", this.params.realname], }); } handleMessage(event) { var msg = irc.parseMessage(; console.log("Received:", msg); var msgBatch = null; if (msg.tags["batch"]) { msgBatch = this.batches.get(msg.tags["batch"]); if (msgBatch) { msgBatch.messages.push(msg); } } var deleteBatch = null; switch (msg.command) { case irc.RPL_WELCOME: if (this.params.saslPlain && this.availableCaps["sasl"] === undefined) { this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("error", { detail: "Server doesn't support SASL PLAIN" })); this.disconnect(); return; } console.log("Registration complete"); this.setStatus(Client.Status.REGISTERED); this.serverPrefix = msg.prefix; break; case irc.RPL_ISUPPORT: var tokens = msg.params.slice(1, -1); irc.parseISUPPORT(tokens, this.isupport); break; case "CAP": this.handleCap(msg); break; case "AUTHENTICATE": this.handleAuthenticate(msg); break; case irc.RPL_LOGGEDIN: console.log("Logged in"); break; case irc.RPL_LOGGEDOUT: console.log("Logged out"); break; case irc.RPL_SASLSUCCESS: console.log("SASL authentication success"); if (this.status != Client.Status.REGISTERED) { if (this.enabledCaps[""] && this.params.bouncerNetwork) { this.send({ command: "BOUNCER", params: ["BIND", this.params.bouncerNetwork] }); } this.send({ command: "CAP", params: ["END"] }); } break; case irc.ERR_NICKLOCKED: case irc.ERR_SASLFAIL: case irc.ERR_SASLTOOLONG: case irc.ERR_SASLABORTED: case irc.ERR_SASLALREADY: this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("error", { detail: "SASL error (" + msg.command + "): " + msg.params[1] })); this.disconnect(); break; case "PING": this.send({ command: "PONG", params: [msg.params[0]] }); break; case "NICK": var newNick = msg.params[0]; if ( == this.nick) { this.nick = newNick; } break; case "BATCH": var enter = msg.params[0].startsWith("+"); var name = msg.params[0].slice(1); if (enter) { var batch = { name, type: msg.params[1], params: msg.params.slice(2), parent: msgBatch, messages: [], }; this.batches.set(name, batch); } else { deleteBatch = name; } break; case "ERROR": this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("error", { detail: "Fatal IRC error: " + msg.params[0] })); this.disconnect(); break; case irc.ERR_PASSWDMISMATCH: case irc.ERR_ERRONEUSNICKNAME: case irc.ERR_NICKNAMEINUSE: case irc.ERR_NICKCOLLISION: case irc.ERR_UNAVAILRESOURCE: case irc.ERR_NOPERMFORHOST: case irc.ERR_YOUREBANNEDCREEP: this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("error", { detail: "Error (" + msg.command + "): " + msg.params[msg.params.length - 1] })); if (this.status != Client.Status.REGISTERED) { this.disconnect(); } break; case "FAIL": if (msg.params[0] === "BOUNCER" && msg.params[2] === "BIND") { this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("error", { detail: "Failed to bind to bouncer network: " + msg.params[3], })); this.disconnect(); } break; } this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("message", { detail: { message: msg, batch: msgBatch }, })); // Delete after firing the message event so that handlers can access // the batch if (deleteBatch) { this.batches.delete(name); } } addAvailableCaps(s) { var l = s.split(" "); l.forEach((s) => { var parts = s.split("="); var k = parts[0].toLowerCase(); var v = ""; if (parts.length > 1) { v = parts[1]; } this.availableCaps[k] = v; }); } supportsSASL(mech) { var saslCap = this.availableCaps["sasl"]; if (saslCap === undefined) { return false; } return saslCap.split(",").includes(mech); } requestCaps(extra) { var reqCaps = extra || []; permanentCaps.forEach((cap) => { if (this.availableCaps[cap] !== undefined && !this.enabledCaps[cap]) { reqCaps.push(cap); } }); if (reqCaps.length > 0) { this.send({ command: "CAP", params: ["REQ", reqCaps.join(" ")] }); } } handleCap(msg) { var subCmd = msg.params[1]; var args = msg.params.slice(2); switch (subCmd) { case "LS": this.addAvailableCaps(args[args.length - 1]); if (args[0] != "*") { console.log("Available server caps:", this.availableCaps); var reqCaps = []; var capEnd = true; if (this.params.saslPlain && this.supportsSASL("PLAIN")) { // CAP END is deferred after authentication finishes reqCaps.push("sasl"); capEnd = false; } this.requestCaps(reqCaps); if (this.status != Client.Status.REGISTERED && capEnd) { this.send({ command: "CAP", params: ["END"] }); } } break; case "NEW": this.addAvailableCaps(args[0]); console.log("Server added available caps:", args[0]); this.requestCaps(); break; case "DEL": args[0].split(" ").forEach((cap) => { cap = cap.toLowerCase(); delete this.availableCaps[cap]; delete this.enabledCaps[cap]; }); console.log("Server removed available caps:", args[0]); break; case "ACK": console.log("Server ack'ed caps:", args[0]); args[0].split(" ").forEach((cap) => { cap = cap.toLowerCase(); this.enabledCaps[cap] = true; if (cap == "sasl" && this.params.saslPlain) { console.log("Starting SASL PLAIN authentication"); this.send({ command: "AUTHENTICATE", params: ["PLAIN"] }); } }); break; case "NAK": console.log("Server nak'ed caps:", args[0]); if (this.status != Client.Status.REGISTERED) { this.send({ command: "CAP", params: ["END"] }); } break; } } handleAuthenticate(msg) { var challengeStr = msg.params[0]; // For now only PLAIN is supported if (challengeStr != "+") { this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("error", { detail: "Expected an empty challenge, got: " + challengeStr })); this.send({ command: "AUTHENTICATE", params: ["*"] }); return; } var respStr = btoa("\0" + this.params.saslPlain.username + "\0" + this.params.saslPlain.password); this.send({ command: "AUTHENTICATE", params: [respStr] }); } send(msg) { if (! { throw new Error("Failed to send IRC message " + msg.command + ": socket is closed"); }; console.log("Sent:", msg); } /* Execute a command that expects a response. `done` is called with message * events until it returns a truthy value. */ roundtrip(msg, done) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { var handleMessage = (event) => { try { var result = done(event); if (result) { this.removeEventListener("message", handleMessage); resolve(result); } } catch (err) { this.removeEventListener("message", handleMessage); reject(err); } }; this.addEventListener("message", handleMessage); this.send(msg); }); } fetchBatch(msg, batchType) { return this.roundtrip(msg, (event) => { var msg = event.detail.message; switch (msg.command) { case "BATCH": var enter = msg.params[0].startsWith("+"); var name = msg.params[0].slice(1); if (enter) { break; } var batch = this.batches.get(name); if (batch.type === batchType) { return batch; } break; case "FAIL": if (msg.params[0] === msg.command) { throw msg; } break; } }); } roundtripChatHistory(params) { // Don't send multiple CHATHISTORY commands in parallel, we can't // properly handle batches and errors. this.pendingHistory = this.pendingHistory.catch(() => {}).then(() => { var msg = { command: "CHATHISTORY", params, }; return this.fetchBatch(msg, "chathistory"); }); return this.pendingHistory; } chatHistoryPageSize() { if (this.isupport.has("CHATHISTORY")) { var pageSize = parseInt(this.isupport.get("CHATHISTORY"), 10); if (pageSize > 0) { return pageSize; } } return 100; } /* Fetch one page of history before the given date. */ fetchHistoryBefore(target, before, limit) { var max = Math.min(limit, this.chatHistoryPageSize()); var params = ["BEFORE", target, "timestamp=" + before, max]; return this.roundtripChatHistory(params).then((batch) => { return { more: batch.messages.length >= max }; }); } /* Fetch history in ascending order. */ fetchHistoryBetween(target, after, before, limit) { var max = Math.min(limit, this.chatHistoryPageSize()); var params = ["AFTER", target, "timestamp=" + after.time, max]; return this.roundtripChatHistory(params).then((batch) => { limit -= batch.messages.length; if (limit <= 0) { throw new Error("Cannot fetch all chat history: too many messages"); } if (batch.messages.length == max) { // There are still more messages to fetch after.time = batch.messages[batch.messages.length - 1].tags.time; return this.fetchHistoryBetween(target, after, before, limit); } return null; }); } listBouncerNetworks() { if (!this.enabledCaps[""]) { return Promise.reject(new Error("Server doesn't support the BOUNCER extension")); } var req = { command: "BOUNCER", params: ["LISTNETWORKS"] }; return this.fetchBatch(req, "bouncer-networks").then((batch) => { var networks = new Map(); for (var msg of batch.messages) { console.assert(msg.command === "BOUNCER" && msg.params[0] === "NETWORK"); var id = msg.params[1]; var params = irc.parseTags(msg.params[2]); networks.set(id, params); } return networks; }); } }