import { html, Component } from "/lib/index.js"; import linkify from "/lib/linkify.js"; import * as irc from "/lib/irc.js"; import { BufferType } from "/state.js"; function djb2(s) { var hash = 5381; for (var i = 0; i < s.length; i++) { hash = (hash << 5) + hash + s.charCodeAt(i); hash = hash >>> 0; // convert to uint32 } return hash; } function Nick(props) { function handleClick(event) { event.preventDefault(); props.onClick(); } var colorIndex = djb2(props.nick) % 16 + 1; var url = "irc:///" + encodeURIComponent(props.nick) + ",isnick"; return html` ${props.nick} `; } function LogLine(props) { var msg = props.message; function createNick(nick) { return html` <${Nick} nick=${nick} onClick=${() => props.onNickClick(nick)}/> `; } var date = new Date(msg.tags["time"]); var timestamp = date.toLocaleTimeString(undefined, { timeStyle: "short", hour12: false, }); var timestampLink = html` event.preventDefault()}>${timestamp} `; var lineClass = ""; var content; switch (msg.command) { case "NOTICE": case "PRIVMSG": var text = msg.params[1]; var actionPrefix = "\x01ACTION "; if (text.startsWith(actionPrefix) && text.endsWith("\x01")) { var action = text.slice(actionPrefix.length, -1); lineClass = "me-tell"; content = html`* ${createNick(} ${linkify(action)}`; } else { lineClass = "talk"; content = html`${"<"}${createNick(}${">"} ${linkify(text)}`; } break; case "JOIN": content = html` ${createNick(} has joined `; break; case "PART": content = html` ${createNick(} has left `; break; case "QUIT": content = html` ${createNick(} has quit `; break; case "NICK": var newNick = msg.params[0]; content = html` ${createNick(} is now known as ${createNick(newNick)} `; break; case "TOPIC": var topic = msg.params[1]; content = html` ${createNick(} changed the topic to: ${linkify(topic)} `; break; default: if (irc.isError(msg.command) && msg.command != irc.ERR_NOMOTD) { lineClass = "error"; } content = html`${msg.command} ${msg.params.join(" ")}`; } return html`
${timestampLink} ${content}
`; } class NotificationNagger extends Component { state = { nag: false }; constructor(props) { super(props); this.handleClick = this.handleClick.bind(this); this.state.nag = this.shouldNag(); } shouldNag() { return window.Notification && Notification.permission !== "granted" && Notification.permission !== "denied"; } handleClick(event) { event.preventDefault(); Notification.requestPermission((permission) => { this.setState({ nag: this.shouldNag() }); }); } render() { if (!this.state.nag) { return null; } return html`
--:--:-- ${" "} Turn on desktop notifications to get notified about new messages
`; } } export default function Buffer(props) { if (!props.buffer) { return null; } var notifNagger = null; if (props.buffer.type == BufferType.SERVER) { notifNagger = html`<${NotificationNagger}/>`; } return html`
${notifNagger} ${ => html` <${LogLine} key=${msg.key} message=${msg} onNickClick=${props.onNickClick}/> `)}
`; }