# [gamja]

A simple IRC web client.

<img src="https://codeberg.org/attachments/117ff232-7e73-46c7-a21d-2b59ffa3765a" alt="Screenshot" width="800">

## Usage

Requires an IRC WebSocket server.

First install dependencies:

    npm install --omit=dev

Then [configure an HTTP server] to serve the gamja files.

### Development server

If you don't have an IRC WebSocket server at hand, gamja's development server
can be used. For instance, to run gamja on Libera Chat:

    npm install --include=dev
    npm start -- irc.libera.chat

See `npm start -- -h` for a list of options.

### Production build

Optionally, [Parcel] can be used to build a minified version of gamja.

    npm install --include=dev
    npm run build

## Configuration

gamja can be configured via a [configuration file] and via [URL parameters].

## Contributing

Send patches on [Codeberg], report bugs on the [issue tracker]. Discuss
in [#soju on Libera Chat].

## License


Copyright (C) 2020 The gamja Contributors

[gamja]: https://codeberg.org/emersion/gamja
[Codeberg]: https://codeberg.org/emersion/gamja
[issue tracker]: https://todo.sr.ht/~emersion/gamja
[Parcel]: https://parceljs.org
[configure an HTTP server]: doc/setup.md
[configuration file]: doc/config-file.md
[URL parameters]: doc/url-params.md
[#soju on Libera Chat]: ircs://irc.libera.chat/#soju