
941 lines
19 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2020-08-25 11:42:40 +02:00
// RFC 1459
2020-06-14 14:50:59 +02:00
export const RPL_WELCOME = "001";
2020-06-26 12:08:14 +02:00
export const RPL_YOURHOST = "002";
export const RPL_CREATED = "003";
export const RPL_MYINFO = "004";
2021-01-22 11:34:04 +01:00
export const RPL_ISUPPORT = "005";
export const RPL_UMODEIS = "221";
export const RPL_TRYAGAIN = "263";
2021-11-23 17:58:49 +01:00
export const RPL_AWAY = "301";
export const RPL_WHOISUSER = "311";
export const RPL_WHOISSERVER = "312";
export const RPL_WHOISOPERATOR = "313";
export const RPL_WHOISIDLE = "317";
export const RPL_ENDOFWHOIS = "318";
export const RPL_WHOISCHANNELS = "319";
export const RPL_ENDOFWHO = "315";
export const RPL_CHANNELMODEIS = "324";
2020-08-03 18:59:54 +02:00
export const RPL_NOTOPIC = "331";
2020-06-14 14:50:59 +02:00
export const RPL_TOPIC = "332";
export const RPL_TOPICWHOTIME = "333";
2021-06-24 18:01:24 +02:00
export const RPL_INVITING = "341";
export const RPL_INVITELIST = "346";
export const RPL_ENDOFINVITELIST = "347";
export const RPL_EXCEPTLIST = "348";
export const RPL_ENDOFEXCEPTLIST = "349";
export const RPL_WHOREPLY = "352";
2020-06-14 14:50:59 +02:00
export const RPL_NAMREPLY = "353";
export const RPL_WHOSPCRPL = "354";
2020-06-14 14:50:59 +02:00
export const RPL_ENDOFNAMES = "366";
2021-06-03 10:11:48 +02:00
export const RPL_BANLIST = "367";
export const RPL_ENDOFBANLIST = "368";
2021-05-28 10:46:32 +02:00
export const RPL_MOTD = "372";
export const RPL_MOTDSTART = "375";
export const RPL_ENDOFMOTD = "376";
export const ERR_UNKNOWNERROR = "400";
export const ERR_NOSUCHNICK = "401";
export const ERR_NOSUCHCHANNEL = "403";
export const ERR_TOOMANYCHANNELS = "405";
export const ERR_UNKNOWNCOMMAND = "421";
2020-06-29 14:29:31 +02:00
export const ERR_NOMOTD = "422";
2020-08-25 11:42:40 +02:00
export const ERR_ERRONEUSNICKNAME = "432";
export const ERR_NICKNAMEINUSE = "433";
export const ERR_NICKCOLLISION = "436";
export const ERR_NEEDMOREPARAMS = "461";
2020-08-25 11:42:40 +02:00
export const ERR_NOPERMFORHOST = "463";
2020-06-14 14:50:59 +02:00
export const ERR_PASSWDMISMATCH = "464";
2020-08-25 11:42:40 +02:00
export const ERR_YOUREBANNEDCREEP = "465";
export const ERR_CHANNELISFULL = "471";
export const ERR_INVITEONLYCHAN = "473";
export const ERR_BANNEDFROMCHAN = "474";
export const ERR_BADCHANNELKEY = "475";
2020-08-25 11:42:40 +02:00
// RFC 2812
export const ERR_UNAVAILRESOURCE = "437";
2021-06-11 00:27:19 +02:00
// Other
2022-08-22 10:35:50 +02:00
export const RPL_CHANNEL_URL = "328";
export const RPL_CREATIONTIME = "329";
2021-06-11 00:27:19 +02:00
export const RPL_QUIETLIST = "728";
export const RPL_ENDOFQUIETLIST = "729";
2021-08-24 12:53:46 +02:00
export const RPL_MONONLINE = "730";
export const RPL_MONOFFLINE = "731";
export const RPL_MONLIST = "732";
export const RPL_ENDOFMONLIST = "733";
export const ERR_MONLISTFULL = "734";
2020-08-25 11:42:40 +02:00
// IRCv3 SASL:
2020-06-14 14:50:59 +02:00
export const RPL_LOGGEDIN = "900";
export const RPL_LOGGEDOUT = "901";
export const ERR_NICKLOCKED = "902";
export const RPL_SASLSUCCESS = "903";
export const ERR_SASLFAIL = "904";
export const ERR_SASLTOOLONG = "905";
export const ERR_SASLABORTED = "906";
export const ERR_SASLALREADY = "907";
2020-06-06 10:06:07 +02:00
2021-06-03 13:18:28 +02:00
export const STD_MEMBERSHIPS = "~&@%+";
export const STD_CHANTYPES = "#&+!";
2020-06-24 15:52:33 +02:00
const tagEscapeMap = {
2020-06-12 18:55:57 +02:00
";": "\\:",
" ": "\\s",
"\\": "\\\\",
"\r": "\\r",
"\n": "\\n",
const tagUnescapeMap = Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(tagEscapeMap).map(([from, to]) => [to, from]));
function escapeTag(s) {
return String(s).replace(/[; \\\r\n]/g, (ch) => tagEscapeMap[ch]);
function unescapeTag(s) {
return s.replace(/\\[:s\\rn]/g, (seq) => tagUnescapeMap[seq]);
2021-01-22 11:43:47 +01:00
export function parseTags(s) {
2021-06-10 18:11:11 +02:00
let tags = {};
2021-03-09 17:31:12 +01:00
s.split(";").forEach((s) => {
2020-06-12 18:55:57 +02:00
if (!s) {
2021-06-10 18:11:11 +02:00
let parts = s.split("=", 2);
let k = parts[0];
let v = null;
2021-03-09 17:31:12 +01:00
if (parts.length == 2) {
v = unescapeTag(parts[1]);
if (v.endsWith("\\")) {
v = v.slice(0, v.length - 1)
2020-06-12 18:55:57 +02:00
tags[k] = v;
return tags;
2021-01-22 11:43:47 +01:00
export function formatTags(tags) {
2021-06-10 18:11:11 +02:00
let l = [];
for (let k in tags) {
2021-03-09 17:31:12 +01:00
if (tags[k] === undefined || tags[k] === null) {
2021-06-10 18:11:11 +02:00
let v = escapeTag(tags[k]);
2020-06-12 18:55:57 +02:00
l.push(k + "=" + v);
return l.join(";");
2021-08-24 12:53:46 +02:00
export function parsePrefix(s) {
2021-06-10 18:11:11 +02:00
let prefix = {
2020-04-24 19:01:02 +02:00
name: null,
user: null,
host: null,
let host = null;
2021-06-10 18:11:11 +02:00
let i = s.indexOf("@");
if (i > 0) {
host = s.slice(i + 1);
s = s.slice(0, i);
2020-04-24 19:01:02 +02:00
let user = null;
2021-06-10 18:11:11 +02:00
i = s.indexOf("!");
if (i > 0) {
user = s.slice(i + 1);
s = s.slice(0, i);
2020-04-24 19:01:02 +02:00
return { name: s, user, host };
2020-04-24 19:01:02 +02:00
function formatPrefix(prefix) {
let s =;
if (prefix.user) {
s += "!" + prefix.user;
2020-04-24 19:01:02 +02:00
if ( {
s += "@" +;
2020-04-24 19:01:02 +02:00
return s;
2020-04-24 19:01:02 +02:00
2020-06-14 14:50:59 +02:00
export function parseMessage(s) {
2020-04-24 19:01:02 +02:00
if (s.endsWith("\r\n")) {
s = s.slice(0, s.length - 2);
2021-06-10 18:11:11 +02:00
let msg = {
2020-06-12 18:55:57 +02:00
tags: {},
2020-04-24 19:01:02 +02:00
prefix: null,
command: null,
params: [],
if (s.startsWith("@")) {
2021-06-10 18:11:11 +02:00
let i = s.indexOf(" ");
2020-06-12 18:55:57 +02:00
if (i < 0) {
throw new Error("expected a space after tags");
msg.tags = parseTags(s.slice(1, i));
s = s.slice(i + 1);
2020-04-24 19:01:02 +02:00
if (s.startsWith(":")) {
2021-06-10 18:11:11 +02:00
let i = s.indexOf(" ");
2020-04-24 19:01:02 +02:00
if (i < 0) {
throw new Error("expected a space after prefix");
msg.prefix = parsePrefix(s.slice(1, i));
s = s.slice(i + 1);
2021-06-10 18:11:11 +02:00
let i = s.indexOf(" ");
2020-04-24 19:01:02 +02:00
if (i < 0) {
msg.command = s;
return msg;
msg.command = s.slice(0, i);
s = s.slice(i + 1);
while (true) {
if (s.startsWith(":")) {
i = s.indexOf(" ");
if (i < 0) {
msg.params.push(s.slice(0, i));
s = s.slice(i + 1);
return msg;
2020-06-14 14:50:59 +02:00
export function formatMessage(msg) {
2021-06-10 18:11:11 +02:00
let s = "";
2020-06-12 18:55:57 +02:00
if (msg.tags && Object.keys(msg.tags).length > 0) {
s += "@" + formatTags(msg.tags) + " ";
2020-04-24 19:01:02 +02:00
if (msg.prefix) {
s += ":" + formatPrefix(msg.prefix) + " ";
s += msg.command;
if (msg.params && msg.params.length > 0) {
for (let i = 0; i < msg.params.length - 1; i++) {
s += " " + msg.params[i]
let last = String(msg.params[msg.params.length - 1]);
if (last.length === 0 || last.startsWith(":") || last.indexOf(" ") >= 0) {
s += " :" + last;
} else {
s += " " + last;
2020-04-24 19:01:02 +02:00
return s;
2021-06-03 13:18:28 +02:00
/** Split a prefix and a name out of a target. */
export function parseTargetPrefix(s, allowedPrefixes = STD_MEMBERSHIPS) {
2021-06-10 18:11:11 +02:00
let i;
for (i = 0; i < s.length; i++) {
if (allowedPrefixes.indexOf(s[i]) < 0) {
return {
prefix: s.slice(0, i),
2021-06-03 13:18:28 +02:00
name: s.slice(i),
2020-06-29 11:08:47 +02:00
const alphaNum = (() => {
try {
return new RegExp(/^[\p{L}0-9]$/, "u");
2020-06-29 11:08:47 +02:00
} catch (e) {
return new RegExp(/^[a-zA-Z0-9]$/, "u");
const space = new RegExp(/^\s$/);
2020-06-29 11:08:47 +02:00
function isWordBoundary(ch) {
switch (ch) {
case "-":
case "_":
case "|":
return false;
return !alphaNum.test(ch);
2024-03-02 12:36:30 +01:00
function isURIPrefix(text) {
for (let i = text.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (space.test(text[i])) {
text = text.slice(i);
2024-03-02 12:36:30 +01:00
let i = text.indexOf("://");
2024-03-02 12:36:30 +01:00
if (i <= 0) {
return false;
// See RFC 3986 section 3
let ch = text[i - 1];
switch (ch) {
case "+":
case "-":
case ".":
return true;
return alphaNum.test(ch);
export function isHighlight(msg, nick, cm) {
if (msg.command != "PRIVMSG" && msg.command != "NOTICE") {
return false;
nick = cm(nick);
if (msg.prefix && cm( == nick) {
return false; // Our own messages aren't highlights
2021-06-10 18:11:11 +02:00
let text = cm(msg.params[1]);
2020-06-29 11:08:47 +02:00
while (true) {
2021-06-10 18:11:11 +02:00
let i = text.indexOf(nick);
2020-06-29 11:08:47 +02:00
if (i < 0) {
return false;
// Detect word boundaries
2021-06-10 18:11:11 +02:00
let left = "\x00", right = "\x00";
2020-06-29 11:08:47 +02:00
if (i > 0) {
left = text[i - 1];
if (i + nick.length < text.length) {
2020-06-29 11:08:47 +02:00
right = text[i + nick.length];
2024-03-02 12:36:30 +01:00
if (isWordBoundary(left) && isWordBoundary(right) && !isURIPrefix(text.slice(0, i))) {
2020-06-29 11:08:47 +02:00
return true;
text = text.slice(i + nick.length);
2020-06-29 14:29:31 +02:00
2021-06-23 19:52:45 +02:00
export function isServerBroadcast(msg) {
if (msg.command != "PRIVMSG" && msg.command != "NOTICE") {
return false;
return msg.params[0].startsWith("$");
2020-06-29 14:29:31 +02:00
export function isError(cmd) {
if (cmd >= "400" && cmd <= "568") {
return true;
switch (cmd) {
2021-08-24 12:53:46 +02:00
2020-06-29 14:29:31 +02:00
return true;
2020-07-15 11:07:28 +02:00
case "FAIL":
return true;
2020-06-29 14:29:31 +02:00
return false;
2020-06-29 09:06:47 +02:00
export function formatDate(date) {
// ISO 8601
2021-06-10 18:11:11 +02:00
let YYYY = date.getUTCFullYear().toString().padStart(4, "0");
let MM = (date.getUTCMonth() + 1).toString().padStart(2, "0");
let DD = date.getUTCDate().toString().padStart(2, "0");
let hh = date.getUTCHours().toString().padStart(2, "0");
let mm = date.getUTCMinutes().toString().padStart(2, "0");
let ss = date.getUTCSeconds().toString().padStart(2, "0");
let sss = date.getUTCMilliseconds().toString().padStart(3, "0");
2020-06-29 09:06:47 +02:00
return `${YYYY}-${MM}-${DD}T${hh}:${mm}:${ss}.${sss}Z`;
export function parseCTCP(msg) {
if (msg.command != "PRIVMSG" && msg.command != "NOTICE") {
return null;
2021-06-10 18:11:11 +02:00
let text = msg.params[1];
if (!text.startsWith("\x01")) {
return null;
text = text.slice(1);
if (text.endsWith("\x01")) {
text = text.slice(0, -1);
2021-06-10 18:11:11 +02:00
let ctcp;
let i = text.indexOf(" ");
if (i >= 0) {
ctcp = { command: text.slice(0, i), param: text.slice(i + 1) };
} else {
ctcp = { command: text, param: "" };
ctcp.command = ctcp.command.toUpperCase();
return ctcp;
2021-01-22 11:34:04 +01:00
function unescapeISUPPORTValue(s) {
return s.replace(/\\x[0-9A-Z]{2}/gi, (esc) => {
let hex = esc.slice(2);
return String.fromCharCode(parseInt(hex, 16));
export class Isupport {
raw = new Map();
parse(tokens) {
tokens.forEach((tok) => {
if (tok.startsWith("-")) {
let k = tok.slice(1);
let i = tok.indexOf("=");
let k = tok, v = "";
if (i >= 0) {
k = tok.slice(0, i);
v = unescapeISUPPORTValue(tok.slice(i + 1));
k = k.toUpperCase();
this.raw.set(k, v);
caseMapping() {
let name = this.raw.get("CASEMAPPING");
if (!name) {
return CaseMapping.RFC1459;
let cm = CaseMapping.byName(name);
if (!cm) {
console.error("Unsupported case-mapping '" + name + "', falling back to RFC 1459");
return CaseMapping.RFC1459;
2021-01-22 11:34:04 +01:00
return cm;
2021-01-22 11:34:04 +01:00
monitor() {
if (!this.raw.has("MONITOR")) {
return 0;
let v = this.raw.get("MONITOR");
if (v === "") {
return Infinity;
2021-01-22 11:34:04 +01:00
return parseInt(v, 10);
whox() {
return this.raw.has("WHOX");
prefix() {
return this.raw.get("PREFIX") || "";
chanTypes() {
return this.raw.get("CHANTYPES") || STD_CHANTYPES;
statusMsg() {
return this.raw.get("STATUSMSG");
network() {
return this.raw.get("NETWORK");
chatHistory() {
if (!this.raw.has("CHATHISTORY")) {
return 0;
let n = parseInt(this.raw.get("CHATHISTORY"), 10);
if (n <= 0) {
return Infinity;
return n;
bouncerNetID() {
return this.raw.get("BOUNCER_NETID");
chanModes() {
const stdChanModes = ["beI", "k", "l", "imnst"];
if (!this.raw.has("CHANMODES")) {
return stdChanModes;
let chanModes = this.raw.get("CHANMODES").split(",");
if (chanModes.length != 4) {
console.error("Invalid CHANMODES: ", this.raw.get("CHANMODES"));
return stdChanModes;
return chanModes;
bot() {
return this.raw.get("BOT");
userLen() {
if (!this.raw.has("USERLEN")) {
return 20;
return parseInt(this.raw.get("USERLEN"), 10);
hostLen() {
if (!this.raw.has("HOSTLEN")) {
return 63;
return parseInt(this.raw.get("HOSTLEN"), 10);
lineLen() {
if (!this.raw.has("LINELEN")) {
return 512;
return parseInt(this.raw.get("LINELEN"), 10);
export function getMaxPrivmsgLen(isupport, nick, target) {
let user = "_".repeat(isupport.userLen());
let host = "_".repeat(isupport.hostLen());
let prefix = { name: nick, user, host };
let msg = { prefix, command: "PRIVMSG", params: [target, ""] };
let raw = formatMessage(msg) + "\r\n";
return isupport.lineLen() - raw.length;
export const CaseMapping = {
ASCII(str) {
2021-06-10 18:11:11 +02:00
let out = "";
for (let i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
let ch = str[i];
if ("A" <= ch && ch <= "Z") {
ch = ch.toLowerCase();
out += ch;
return out;
RFC1459(str) {
2021-06-10 18:11:11 +02:00
let out = "";
for (let i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
let ch = str[i];
if ("A" <= ch && ch <= "Z") {
ch = ch.toLowerCase();
} else if (ch == "{") {
ch = "[";
} else if (ch == "}") {
ch = "]";
} else if (ch == "\\") {
ch = "|";
} else if (ch == "~") {
ch = "^";
out += ch;
return out;
RFC1459Strict(str) {
2021-06-10 18:11:11 +02:00
let out = "";
for (let i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
let ch = str[i];
if ("A" <= ch && ch <= "Z") {
ch = ch.toLowerCase();
} else if (ch == "{") {
ch = "[";
} else if (ch == "}") {
ch = "]";
} else if (ch == "\\") {
ch = "|";
out += ch;
return out;
byName(name) {
switch (name) {
case "ascii":
return CaseMapping.ASCII;
case "rfc1459":
return CaseMapping.RFC1459;
case "rfc1459-strict":
return CaseMapping.RFC1459Strict;
return null;
function createIterator(next) {
2021-06-10 18:11:11 +02:00
let it = { next };
// Not defining this can lead to surprises when feeding the iterator
// to e.g. Array.from
it[Symbol.iterator] = () => it;
return it;
function mapIterator(it, f) {
return createIterator(() => {
2021-06-10 18:11:11 +02:00
let { value, done } =;
if (done) {
return { done: true };
return { value: f(value), done: false };
export class CaseMapMap {
caseMap = null;
map = null;
constructor(iterable, cm) {
if ((iterable instanceof CaseMapMap) && (iterable.caseMap === cm || !cm)) {
// Fast-path if we're just cloning another CaseMapMap
this.caseMap = iterable.caseMap; = new Map(;
} else {
if (!cm) {
throw new Error("Missing case-mapping when creating CaseMapMap");
this.caseMap = cm; = new Map();
if (iterable) {
2021-06-10 18:11:11 +02:00
for (let [key, value] of iterable) {
this.set(key, value);
get size() {
has(key) {
get(key) {
2021-06-10 18:11:11 +02:00
let kv =;
if (kv) {
return kv.value;
return undefined;
set(key, value) {, { key, value });
delete(key) {;
entries() {
2021-06-10 18:11:11 +02:00
let it =;
return mapIterator(it, (kv) => {
return [kv.key, kv.value];
keys() {
2021-06-10 18:11:11 +02:00
let it =;
return mapIterator(it, (kv) => {
return kv.key;
values() {
2021-06-10 18:11:11 +02:00
let it =;
return mapIterator(it, (kv) => {
return kv.value;
[Symbol.iterator]() {
return this.entries();
2021-01-22 11:34:04 +01:00
2021-06-03 13:18:28 +02:00
/** Parse the ISUPPORT PREFIX token */
export function parseMembershipModes(str) {
if (str[0] !== "(") {
throw new Error("malformed ISUPPORT PREFIX value: expected opening parenthesis");
2021-06-10 18:11:11 +02:00
let sep = str.indexOf(")");
if (sep < 0) {
throw new Error("malformed ISUPPORT PREFIX value: expected closing parenthesis");
2021-06-10 18:11:11 +02:00
let n = str.length - sep - 1;
let memberships = [];
for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) {
let mode = str[i + 1];
let prefix = str[sep + i + 1];
memberships.push({ mode, prefix });
return memberships;
2021-06-04 19:45:51 +02:00
export function findBatchByType(msg, type) {
2021-06-10 18:11:11 +02:00
let batch = msg.batch;
2021-06-04 19:45:51 +02:00
while (batch) {
if (batch.type === type) {
return batch;
batch = batch.parent;
return null;
export function getMessageLabel(msg) {
if (msg.tags.label) {
return msg.tags.label;
2021-06-10 18:11:11 +02:00
let batch = msg.batch;
while (batch) {
if (batch.tags.label) {
return batch.tags.label;
batch = batch.parent;
return null;
export function forEachChannelModeUpdate(msg, isupport, callback) {
let [a, b, c, d] = isupport.chanModes();
let prefix = isupport.prefix();
let typeByMode = new Map();
Array.from(a).forEach((mode) => typeByMode.set(mode, "A"));
Array.from(b).forEach((mode) => typeByMode.set(mode, "B"));
Array.from(c).forEach((mode) => typeByMode.set(mode, "C"));
Array.from(d).forEach((mode) => typeByMode.set(mode, "D"));
parseMembershipModes(prefix).forEach((membership) => typeByMode.set(membership.mode, "B"));
if (msg.command !== "MODE") {
throw new Error("Expected a MODE message");
let change = msg.params[1];
let args = msg.params.slice(2);
let plusMinus = null;
let j = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < change.length; i++) {
if (change[i] === "+" || change[i] === "-") {
plusMinus = change[i];
if (!plusMinus) {
throw new Error("malformed mode string: missing plus/minus");
let mode = change[i];
let add = plusMinus === "+";
let modeType = typeByMode.get(mode);
if (!modeType) {
let arg = null;
if (modeType === "A" || modeType === "B" || (modeType === "C" && add)) {
arg = args[j];
callback(mode, add, arg);
2021-09-21 17:24:39 +02:00
* Check if a realname is worth displaying.
2021-09-21 17:24:39 +02:00
* Since the realname is mandatory, many clients set a meaningless realname.
export function isMeaningfulRealname(realname, nick) {
if (!realname || realname === nick) {
return false;
if (realname.toLowerCase() === "realname" || realname.toLowerCase() === "unknown" || realname.toLowerCase() === "fullname") {
2021-09-21 17:24:39 +02:00
return false;
// TODO: add more quirks
return true;
/* Parse an irc:// URL.
* See:
export function parseURL(str) {
if (!str.startsWith("irc://") && !str.startsWith("ircs://")) {
return null;
str = str.slice(str.indexOf(":") + "://".length);
let loc;
let i = str.indexOf("/");
if (i < 0) {
loc = str;
str = "";
} else {
loc = str.slice(0, i);
str = str.slice(i + 1);
let host = loc;
i = loc.indexOf("@");
if (i >= 0) {
host = loc.slice(i + 1);
// TODO: parse authinfo
i = str.indexOf("?");
if (i >= 0) {
str = str.slice(0, i);
// TODO: parse options
let enttype;
i = str.indexOf(",");
if (i >= 0) {
let flags = str.slice(i + 1).split(",");
str = str.slice(0, i);
if (flags.indexOf("isuser") >= 0) {
enttype = "user";
} else if (flags.indexOf("ischannel") >= 0) {
enttype = "channel";
// TODO: parse hosttype
let entity = decodeURIComponent(str);
if (!enttype) {
// TODO: technically we should use the PREFIX ISUPPORT here
enttype = entity.startsWith("#") ? "channel" : "user";
return { host, enttype, entity };
2021-12-10 15:34:51 +01:00
2023-04-19 11:43:45 +02:00
export function formatURL({ host, enttype, entity } = {}) {
host = host || "";
entity = entity || "";
let s = "irc://" + host + "/" + encodeURIComponent(entity);
if (enttype) {
s += ",is" + enttype;
return s;
2021-12-10 15:34:51 +01:00
export class CapRegistry {
available = new Map();
enabled = new Set();
addAvailable(s) {
let l = s.split(" ");
l.forEach((s) => {
let i = s.indexOf("=");
let k = s, v = "";
if (i >= 0) {
k = s.slice(0, i);
v = s.slice(i + 1);
this.available.set(k.toLowerCase(), v);
parse(msg) {
if (msg.command !== "CAP") {
let subCmd = msg.params[1];
let args = msg.params.slice(2);
switch (subCmd) {
case "LS":
this.addAvailable(args[args.length - 1]);
case "NEW":
case "DEL":
args[0].split(" ").forEach((cap) => {
cap = cap.toLowerCase();
case "ACK":
args[0].split(" ").forEach((cap) => {
cap = cap.toLowerCase();
if (cap.startsWith("-")) {
} else {
requestAvailable(l) {
l = l.filter((cap) => {
return this.available.has(cap) && !this.enabled.has(cap);
if (l.length === 0) {
return null;
return { command: "CAP", params: ["REQ", l.join(" ")] };