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synced 2025-03-14 08:27:48 +01:00
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234 lines
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import * as os from "node:os";
import * as fs from "node:fs";
import * as path from "node:path";
import * as plist from "plist";
import { AfterPackContext, Arch, Configuration as BaseConfiguration, Platform } from "electron-builder";
import { computeData } from "app-builder-lib/out/asar/integrity";
import { readFile, writeFile } from "node:fs/promises";
* This script has different outputs depending on your os platform.
* On Windows:
* Prefixes the nightly version with `0.0.1-nightly.` as it breaks if it is not semver
* build.win.signtoolOptions.signingHashAlgorithms and build.win.signtoolOptions.certificateSubjectName respectively if specified.
* On Linux:
* Replaces spaces in the product name with dashes as spaces in paths can cause issues
* Removes libsqlcipher0 recommended dependency if env SQLCIPHER_BUNDLED is asserted.
* Passes $ED_DEBIAN_CHANGELOG to build.deb.fpm if specified
const NIGHTLY_APP_ID = "im.riot.nightly";
const NIGHTLY_DEB_NAME = "element-nightly";
interface Pkg {
name: string;
productName: string;
description: string;
version: string;
type Writable<T> = NonNullable<
T extends Function ? T : T extends object ? { -readonly [K in keyof T]: Writable<T[K]> } : T
const pkg: Pkg = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync("package.json", "utf8"));
interface Configuration extends BaseConfiguration {
extraMetadata: Partial<Pick<Pkg, "version">> & Omit<Pkg, "version">;
linux: BaseConfiguration["linux"];
win: BaseConfiguration["win"];
mac: BaseConfiguration["mac"];
deb: {
fpm: string[];
} & BaseConfiguration["deb"];
async function injectAsarIntegrity(context: AfterPackContext) {
const packager = context.packager;
// We only need to re-generate asar on universal Mac builds, due to https://github.com/electron/universal/issues/116
if (packager.platform !== Platform.MAC || context.arch !== Arch.universal) return;
const resourcesPath = packager.getResourcesDir(context.appOutDir);
const asarIntegrity = await computeData({
resourcesRelativePath: "Resources",
resourcesDestinationPath: resourcesPath,
extraResourceMatchers: [],
const plistPath = path.join(resourcesPath, "..", "Info.plist");
const data = plist.parse(await readFile(plistPath, "utf8")) as unknown as Writable<plist.PlistObject>;
data["ElectronAsarIntegrity"] = asarIntegrity as unknown as Writable<plist.PlistValue>;
await writeFile(plistPath, plist.build(data));
* @type {import('electron-builder').Configuration}
* @see https://www.electron.build/configuration/configuration
const config: Omit<Writable<Configuration>, "electronFuses"> & {
// Make all fuses required to ensure they are all explicitly specified
electronFuses: Required<Configuration["electronFuses"]>;
} = {
appId: "im.riot.app",
asarUnpack: "**/*.node",
electronFuses: {
enableCookieEncryption: true,
onlyLoadAppFromAsar: true,
grantFileProtocolExtraPrivileges: false,
runAsNode: false,
enableNodeOptionsEnvironmentVariable: false,
enableNodeCliInspectArguments: false,
// We need to reset the signature if we are not signing on darwin otherwise it won't launch
resetAdHocDarwinSignature: !process.env.APPLE_TEAM_ID,
loadBrowserProcessSpecificV8Snapshot: false,
enableEmbeddedAsarIntegrityValidation: true,
afterPack: async (context: AfterPackContext) => {
await injectAsarIntegrity(context);
files: [
from: ".hak/hakModules",
to: "node_modules",
extraResources: [
from: "res/img",
to: "img",
extraMetadata: {
name: pkg.name,
productName: pkg.productName,
description: pkg.description,
linux: {
target: ["tar.gz", "deb"],
category: "Network;InstantMessaging;Chat",
maintainer: "support@element.io",
icon: "build/icons",
deb: {
packageCategory: "net",
depends: [
recommends: ["libsqlcipher0", "element-io-archive-keyring"],
fpm: [
"Replaces: riot-desktop (<< 1.7.0), riot-web (<< 1.7.0)",
"Breaks: riot-desktop (<< 1.7.0), riot-web (<< 1.7.0)",
"libc6 (>= 2.31)",
mac: {
category: "public.app-category.social-networking",
darkModeSupport: true,
hardenedRuntime: true,
gatekeeperAssess: true,
// XXX: we cannot specify this due to https://github.com/electron/osx-sign/issues/344
// strictVerify: true,
entitlements: "./build/entitlements.mac.plist",
icon: "build/icons/icon.icns",
mergeASARs: true,
win: {
target: ["squirrel", "msi"],
signtoolOptions: {
signingHashAlgorithms: ["sha256"],
icon: "build/icons/icon.ico",
msi: {
perMachine: true,
directories: {
output: "dist",
protocols: [
name: "element",
schemes: ["io.element.desktop", "element"],
* Allow specifying windows signing cert via env vars
* @param {string} process.env.ED_SIGNTOOL_SUBJECT_NAME
* @param {string} process.env.ED_SIGNTOOL_THUMBPRINT
config.win.signtoolOptions!.certificateSubjectName = process.env.ED_SIGNTOOL_SUBJECT_NAME;
config.win.signtoolOptions!.certificateSha1 = process.env.ED_SIGNTOOL_THUMBPRINT;
* Allow specifying nightly version via env var
* @param {string} process.env.ED_NIGHTLY
if (process.env.ED_NIGHTLY) {
config.deb.fpm = []; // Clear the fpm as the breaks deb fields don't apply to nightly
config.appId = NIGHTLY_APP_ID;
config.extraMetadata.productName += " Nightly";
config.extraMetadata.name += "-nightly";
config.extraMetadata.description += " (nightly unstable build)";
config.deb.fpm.push("--name", NIGHTLY_DEB_NAME);
let version = process.env.ED_NIGHTLY;
if (os.platform() === "win32") {
// The windows packager relies on parsing this as semver, so we have to make it look like one.
// This will give our update packages really stupid names, but we probably can't change that either
// because squirrel windows parses them for the version too. We don't really care: nobody sees them.
// We just give the installer a static name, so you'll just see this in the 'about' dialog.
// Turns out if you use 0.0.0 here it makes Squirrel windows crash, so we use 0.0.1.
version = "0.0.1-nightly." + version;
config.extraMetadata.version = version;
if (os.platform() === "linux") {
// Electron crashes on debian if there's a space in the path.
// https://github.com/vector-im/element-web/issues/13171
config.extraMetadata.productName = config.extraMetadata.productName.replace(/ /g, "-");
* Allow specifying deb changelog via env var
* @param {string} process.env.ED_DEB_CHANGELOG
if (process.env.ED_DEBIAN_CHANGELOG) {
if (process.env.SQLCIPHER_BUNDLED) {
// Remove sqlcipher dependency when using bundled
config.deb.recommends = config.deb.recommends?.filter((d) => d !== "libsqlcipher0");
export default config;