/* Copyright 2022 New Vector Ltd Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ import { app, autoUpdater, desktopCapturer, ipcMain, powerSaveBlocker, TouchBar, nativeImage } from "electron"; import { relaunchApp } from "electron-clear-data"; import IpcMainEvent = Electron.IpcMainEvent; import { recordSSOSession } from "./protocol"; import { randomArray } from "./utils"; import { Settings } from "./settings"; import { keytar } from "./keytar"; import { getDisplayMediaCallback, setDisplayMediaCallback } from "./displayMediaCallback"; ipcMain.on("setBadgeCount", function (_ev: IpcMainEvent, count: number): void { if (process.platform !== "win32") { // only set badgeCount on Mac/Linux, the docs say that only those platforms support it but turns out Electron // has some Windows support too, and in some Windows environments this leads to two badges rendering atop // each other. See https://github.com/vector-im/element-web/issues/16942 app.badgeCount = count; } if (count === 0) { global.mainWindow?.flashFrame(false); } }); let focusHandlerAttached = false; ipcMain.on("loudNotification", function (): void { if (process.platform === "win32" && global.mainWindow && !global.mainWindow.isFocused() && !focusHandlerAttached) { global.mainWindow.flashFrame(true); global.mainWindow.once("focus", () => { global.mainWindow?.flashFrame(false); focusHandlerAttached = false; }); focusHandlerAttached = true; } }); let powerSaveBlockerId: number | null = null; ipcMain.on("app_onAction", function (_ev: IpcMainEvent, payload) { switch (payload.action) { case "call_state": { if (powerSaveBlockerId !== null && powerSaveBlocker.isStarted(powerSaveBlockerId)) { if (payload.state === "ended") { powerSaveBlocker.stop(powerSaveBlockerId); powerSaveBlockerId = null; } } else { if (powerSaveBlockerId === null && payload.state === "connected") { powerSaveBlockerId = powerSaveBlocker.start("prevent-display-sleep"); } } break; } } }); ipcMain.on("ipcCall", async function (_ev: IpcMainEvent, payload) { if (!global.mainWindow) return; const args = payload.args || []; let ret: any; switch (payload.name) { case "getUpdateFeedUrl": ret = autoUpdater.getFeedURL(); break; case "getSettingValue": { const [settingName] = args; const setting = Settings[settingName]; ret = await setting.read(); break; } case "setSettingValue": { const [settingName, value] = args; const setting = Settings[settingName]; await setting.write(value); break; } case "setLanguage": global.appLocalization.setAppLocale(args[0]); break; case "getAppVersion": ret = app.getVersion(); break; case "focusWindow": if (global.mainWindow.isMinimized()) { global.mainWindow.restore(); } else if (!global.mainWindow.isVisible()) { global.mainWindow.show(); } else { global.mainWindow.focus(); } break; case "getConfig": ret = global.vectorConfig; break; case "navigateBack": if (global.mainWindow.webContents.canGoBack()) { global.mainWindow.webContents.goBack(); } break; case "navigateForward": if (global.mainWindow.webContents.canGoForward()) { global.mainWindow.webContents.goForward(); } break; case "setSpellCheckEnabled": if (typeof args[0] !== "boolean") return; global.mainWindow.webContents.session.setSpellCheckerEnabled(args[0]); global.store.set("spellCheckerEnabled", args[0]); break; case "getSpellCheckEnabled": ret = global.store.get("spellCheckerEnabled", true); break; case "setSpellCheckLanguages": try { global.mainWindow.webContents.session.setSpellCheckerLanguages(args[0]); } catch (er) { console.log("There were problems setting the spellcheck languages", er); } break; case "getSpellCheckLanguages": ret = global.mainWindow.webContents.session.getSpellCheckerLanguages(); break; case "getAvailableSpellCheckLanguages": ret = global.mainWindow.webContents.session.availableSpellCheckerLanguages; break; case "startSSOFlow": recordSSOSession(args[0]); break; case "getPickleKey": try { ret = await keytar?.getPassword("element.io", `${args[0]}|${args[1]}`); // migrate from riot.im (remove once we think there will no longer be // logins from the time of riot.im) if (ret === null) { ret = await keytar?.getPassword("riot.im", `${args[0]}|${args[1]}`); } } catch (e) { // if an error is thrown (e.g. keytar can't connect to the keychain), // then return null, which means the default pickle key will be used ret = null; } break; case "createPickleKey": try { const pickleKey = await randomArray(32); await keytar?.setPassword("element.io", `${args[0]}|${args[1]}`, pickleKey); ret = pickleKey; } catch (e) { ret = null; } break; case "destroyPickleKey": try { await keytar?.deletePassword("element.io", `${args[0]}|${args[1]}`); // migrate from riot.im (remove once we think there will no longer be // logins from the time of riot.im) await keytar?.deletePassword("riot.im", `${args[0]}|${args[1]}`); } catch (e) {} break; case "getDesktopCapturerSources": ret = (await desktopCapturer.getSources(args[0])).map((source) => ({ id: source.id, name: source.name, thumbnailURL: source.thumbnail.toDataURL(), })); break; case "callDisplayMediaCallback": await getDisplayMediaCallback()?.({ video: args[0] }); setDisplayMediaCallback(null); ret = null; break; case "clearStorage": global.store.clear(); global.mainWindow.webContents.session.flushStorageData(); await global.mainWindow.webContents.session.clearStorageData(); relaunchApp(); return; // the app is about to stop, we don't need to reply to the IPC case "breadcrumbs": { if (process.platform === "darwin") { const { TouchBarPopover, TouchBarButton } = TouchBar; const recentsBar = new TouchBar({ items: args[0].map((r: { roomId: string; avatarUrl: string | null; initial: string }) => { const defaultColors = ["#0DBD8B", "#368bd6", "#ac3ba8"]; let total = 0; for (let i = 0; i < r.roomId.length; ++i) { total += r.roomId.charCodeAt(i); } const button = new TouchBarButton({ label: r.initial, backgroundColor: defaultColors[total % defaultColors.length], click: (): void => { global.mainWindow?.loadURL(`vector://vector/webapp/#/room/${r.roomId}`); }, }); if (r.avatarUrl) { fetch(r.avatarUrl) .then((resp) => { if (!resp.ok) return; return resp.arrayBuffer(); }) .then((arrayBuffer) => { if (!arrayBuffer) return; const buffer = Buffer.from(arrayBuffer); button.icon = nativeImage.createFromBuffer(buffer); button.label = ""; button.backgroundColor = ""; }); } return button; }), }); const touchBar = new TouchBar({ items: [ new TouchBarPopover({ label: "Recents", showCloseButton: true, items: recentsBar, }), ], }); global.mainWindow.setTouchBar(touchBar); } break; } default: global.mainWindow.webContents.send("ipcReply", { id: payload.id, error: "Unknown IPC Call: " + payload.name, }); return; } global.mainWindow?.webContents.send("ipcReply", { id: payload.id, reply: ret, }); });