/* Copyright 2021 New Vector Ltd Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ import { clipboard, nativeImage, Menu, MenuItem, shell, dialog, ipcMain, NativeImage, WebContents, ContextMenuParams, DownloadItem, MenuItemConstructorOptions, IpcMainEvent, Event, } from "electron"; import url from "url"; import fs from "fs"; import fetch from "node-fetch"; import { pipeline } from "stream/promises"; import path from "path"; import { _t } from "./language-helper"; const MAILTO_PREFIX = "mailto:"; const PERMITTED_URL_SCHEMES: string[] = ["http:", "https:", MAILTO_PREFIX]; function safeOpenURL(target: string): void { // openExternal passes the target to open/start/xdg-open, // so put fairly stringent limits on what can be opened // (for instance, open /bin/sh does indeed open a terminal // with a shell, albeit with no arguments) const parsedUrl = url.parse(target); if (PERMITTED_URL_SCHEMES.includes(parsedUrl.protocol!)) { // explicitly use the URL re-assembled by the url library, // so we know the url parser has understood all the parts // of the input string const newTarget = url.format(parsedUrl); void shell.openExternal(newTarget); } } function onWindowOrNavigate(ev: Event, target: string): void { // always prevent the default: if something goes wrong, // we don't want to end up opening it in the electron // app, as we could end up opening any sort of random // url in a window that has node scripting access. ev.preventDefault(); safeOpenURL(target); } function writeNativeImage(filePath: string, img: NativeImage): Promise { switch (filePath.split(".").pop()?.toLowerCase()) { case "jpg": case "jpeg": return fs.promises.writeFile(filePath, img.toJPEG(100)); case "bmp": return fs.promises.writeFile(filePath, img.toBitmap()); case "png": default: return fs.promises.writeFile(filePath, img.toPNG()); } } function onLinkContextMenu(ev: Event, params: ContextMenuParams, webContents: WebContents): void { let url = params.linkURL || params.srcURL; if (url.startsWith("vector://vector/webapp")) { // Avoid showing a context menu for app icons if (params.hasImageContents) return; const baseUrl = vectorConfig.web_base_url ?? "https://app.element.io/"; // Rewrite URL so that it can be used outside the app url = baseUrl + url.substring(23); } const popupMenu = new Menu(); // No point trying to open blob: URLs in an external browser: it ain't gonna work. if (!url.startsWith("blob:")) { popupMenu.append( new MenuItem({ label: url, click(): void { safeOpenURL(url); }, }), ); } if (params.hasImageContents) { popupMenu.append( new MenuItem({ label: _t("right_click_menu|copy_image"), accelerator: "c", click(): void { webContents.copyImageAt(params.x, params.y); }, }), ); } // No point offering to copy a blob: URL either if (!url.startsWith("blob:")) { // Special-case e-mail URLs to strip the `mailto:` like modern browsers do if (url.startsWith(MAILTO_PREFIX)) { popupMenu.append( new MenuItem({ label: _t("right_click_menu|copy_email"), accelerator: "a", click(): void { clipboard.writeText(url.substr(MAILTO_PREFIX.length)); }, }), ); } else { popupMenu.append( new MenuItem({ label: params.hasImageContents ? _t("right_click_menu|copy_image_url") : _t("right_click_menu|copy_link_url"), accelerator: "a", click(): void { clipboard.writeText(url); }, }), ); } } // XXX: We cannot easily save a blob from the main process as // only the renderer can resolve them so don't give the user an option to. if (params.hasImageContents && !url.startsWith("blob:")) { popupMenu.append( new MenuItem({ label: _t("right_click_menu|save_image_as"), accelerator: "s", async click(): Promise { const targetFileName = params.suggestedFilename || params.altText || "image.png"; const { filePath } = await dialog.showSaveDialog({ defaultPath: targetFileName, }); if (!filePath) return; // user cancelled dialog try { if (url.startsWith("data:")) { await writeNativeImage(filePath, nativeImage.createFromDataURL(url)); } else { const resp = await fetch(url); if (!resp.ok) throw new Error(`unexpected response ${resp.statusText}`); if (!resp.body) throw new Error(`unexpected response has no body ${resp.statusText}`); await pipeline(resp.body, fs.createWriteStream(filePath)); } } catch (err) { console.error(err); void dialog.showMessageBox({ type: "error", title: _t("right_click_menu|save_image_as_error_title"), message: _t("right_click_menu|save_image_as_error_description"), }); } }, }), ); } // popup() requires an options object even for no options popupMenu.popup({}); ev.preventDefault(); } function cutCopyPasteSelectContextMenus(params: ContextMenuParams): MenuItemConstructorOptions[] { const options: MenuItemConstructorOptions[] = []; if (params.misspelledWord) { params.dictionarySuggestions.forEach((word) => { options.push({ label: word, click: (menuItem, browserWindow) => { browserWindow?.webContents.replaceMisspelling(word); }, }); }); options.push( { type: "separator", }, { label: _t("right_click_menu|add_to_dictionary"), click: (menuItem, browserWindow) => { browserWindow?.webContents.session.addWordToSpellCheckerDictionary(params.misspelledWord); }, }, { type: "separator", }, ); } options.push( { role: "cut", label: _t("action|cut"), accelerator: "t", enabled: params.editFlags.canCut, }, { role: "copy", label: _t("action|copy"), accelerator: "c", enabled: params.editFlags.canCopy, }, { role: "paste", label: _t("action|paste"), accelerator: "p", enabled: params.editFlags.canPaste, }, { role: "pasteAndMatchStyle", enabled: params.editFlags.canPaste, }, { role: "selectAll", label: _t("action|select_all"), accelerator: "a", enabled: params.editFlags.canSelectAll, }, ); return options; } function onSelectedContextMenu(ev: Event, params: ContextMenuParams): void { const items = cutCopyPasteSelectContextMenus(params); const popupMenu = Menu.buildFromTemplate(items); // popup() requires an options object even for no options popupMenu.popup({}); ev.preventDefault(); } function onEditableContextMenu(ev: Event, params: ContextMenuParams): void { const items: MenuItemConstructorOptions[] = [ { role: "undo" }, { role: "redo", enabled: params.editFlags.canRedo }, { type: "separator" }, ...cutCopyPasteSelectContextMenus(params), ]; const popupMenu = Menu.buildFromTemplate(items); // popup() requires an options object even for no options popupMenu.popup({}); ev.preventDefault(); } let userDownloadIndex = 0; const userDownloadMap = new Map(); // Map from id to path ipcMain.on("userDownloadAction", function (ev: IpcMainEvent, { id, open = false }) { const path = userDownloadMap.get(id); if (open && path) { void shell.openPath(path); } userDownloadMap.delete(id); }); export default (webContents: WebContents): void => { webContents.setWindowOpenHandler((details) => { safeOpenURL(details.url); return { action: "deny" }; }); webContents.on("will-navigate", (ev: Event, target: string): void => { if (target.startsWith("vector://")) return; return onWindowOrNavigate(ev, target); }); webContents.on("context-menu", function (ev: Event, params: ContextMenuParams): void { if (params.linkURL || params.srcURL) { onLinkContextMenu(ev, params, webContents); } else if (params.selectionText) { onSelectedContextMenu(ev, params); } else if (params.isEditable) { onEditableContextMenu(ev, params); } }); webContents.session.on("will-download", (event: Event, item: DownloadItem): void => { item.once("done", (event, state) => { if (state === "completed") { const savePath = item.getSavePath(); const id = userDownloadIndex++; userDownloadMap.set(id, savePath); webContents.send("userDownloadCompleted", { id, name: path.basename(savePath), }); } }); }); };