/* Copyright 2024 New Vector Ltd. Copyright 2020, 2021 The Matrix.org Foundation C.I.C. SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only OR LicenseRef-Element-Commercial Please see LICENSE files in the repository root for full details. */ import path, { dirname } from "node:path"; import { fileURLToPath } from "node:url"; import packageJson from "../../package.json"; import { loadJsonFile } from "../../src/utils.js"; import type { DependencyInfo } from "./dep.js"; import HakEnv from "./hakEnv.js"; import type { TargetId } from "./target.js"; // These can only be run on specific modules const MODULECOMMANDS = ["check", "fetch", "link", "build", "copy", "clean"]; // Shortcuts for multiple commands at once (useful for building universal binaries // because you can run the fetch/build for each arch and then copy/link once) const METACOMMANDS: Record = { fetchandbuild: ["check", "fetch", "build"], copyandlink: ["copy", "link"], }; // Scripts valid in a hak.json 'scripts' section const HAKSCRIPTS = ["check", "fetch", "build"]; const __dirname = dirname(fileURLToPath(import.meta.url)); async function main(): Promise { const prefix = path.join(__dirname, "..", ".."); const targetIds: TargetId[] = []; // Apply `--target ` option if specified // Can be specified multiple times for the copy command to bundle // multiple arches into a single universal output module) for (;;) { const targetIndex = process.argv.indexOf("--target"); if (targetIndex === -1) break; if (targetIndex + 1 >= process.argv.length) { console.error("--target option specified without a target"); process.exit(1); } // Extract target ID and remove from args targetIds.push(process.argv.splice(targetIndex, 2)[1] as TargetId); } const hakEnvs = targetIds.map((tid) => new HakEnv(prefix, tid)); if (hakEnvs.length == 0) hakEnvs.push(new HakEnv(prefix, null)); for (const h of hakEnvs) { await h.init(); } const hakEnv = hakEnvs[0]; const deps: Record = {}; const hakDepsCfg = packageJson.hakDependencies || {}; for (const dep in hakDepsCfg) { const hakJsonPath = path.join(prefix, "hak", dep, "hak.json"); let hakJson: Record; try { hakJson = loadJsonFile(hakJsonPath); } catch { console.error("No hak.json found for " + dep + "."); console.log("Expecting " + hakJsonPath); process.exit(1); } deps[dep] = { name: dep, version: hakDepsCfg[dep as keyof typeof hakDepsCfg], cfg: hakJson, moduleHakDir: path.join(prefix, "hak", dep), moduleDotHakDir: path.join(hakEnv.dotHakDir, dep), moduleTargetDotHakDir: path.join(hakEnv.dotHakDir, dep, hakEnv.getTargetId()), moduleBuildDir: path.join(hakEnv.dotHakDir, dep, hakEnv.getTargetId(), "build"), moduleBuildDirs: hakEnvs.map((h) => path.join(h.dotHakDir, dep, h.getTargetId(), "build")), moduleOutDir: path.join(hakEnv.dotHakDir, "hakModules", dep), nodeModuleBinDir: path.join(hakEnv.dotHakDir, dep, hakEnv.getTargetId(), "build", "node_modules", ".bin"), depPrefix: path.join(hakEnv.dotHakDir, dep, hakEnv.getTargetId(), "opt"), scripts: {}, }; for (const s of HAKSCRIPTS) { if (hakJson.scripts?.[s]) { // Shockingly, using path.join and backslashes here doesn't work on Windows const scriptModule = await import(`../../hak/${dep}/${hakJson.scripts[s]}`); if (scriptModule.default) { deps[dep].scripts[s] = scriptModule.default; } else { deps[dep].scripts[s] = scriptModule; } } } } let cmds: string[]; if (process.argv.length < 3) { cmds = ["check", "fetch", "build", "copy", "link"]; } else if (METACOMMANDS[process.argv[2]]) { cmds = METACOMMANDS[process.argv[2]]; } else { cmds = [process.argv[2]]; } if (hakEnvs.length > 1 && cmds.some((c) => !["copy", "link"].includes(c))) { // We allow link here too for convenience because it's completely arch independent console.error("Multiple targets only supported with the copy command"); return; } let modules = process.argv.slice(3); if (modules.length === 0) modules = Object.keys(deps); for (const cmd of cmds) { if (!MODULECOMMANDS.includes(cmd)) { console.error("Unknown command: " + cmd); console.log("Commands I know about:"); for (const cmd of MODULECOMMANDS) { console.log("\t" + cmd); } process.exit(1); } const cmdFunc = (await import("./" + cmd)).default; for (const mod of modules) { const depInfo = deps[mod]; if (depInfo === undefined) { console.log("Module " + mod + " not found - is it in hakDependencies " + "in your package.json?"); process.exit(1); } console.log("hak " + cmd + ": " + mod); await cmdFunc(hakEnv, depInfo); } } } main().catch((err) => { console.error(err); process.exit(1); });