# This action helps perform common actions before the build_* actions are started in parallel. on: workflow_call: inputs: config: type: string required: true description: "The config directory to use" version: type: string required: false description: "The version tag to fetch, or 'develop', will pick automatically if not passed" nightly: type: boolean required: false default: false description: "Whether the build is a Nightly and to calculate the version strings new builds should use" secrets: # Required if `nightly` is set CF_R2_ACCESS_KEY_ID: required: false # Required if `nightly` is set CF_R2_TOKEN: required: false # Required if `nightly` is set CF_R2_S3_API: required: false outputs: macos-version: description: "The version string the next macOS Nightly should use, only output for nightly" value: ${{ jobs.prepare.outputs.macos-version }} linux-version: description: "The version string the next Linux Nightly should use, only output for nightly" value: ${{ jobs.prepare.outputs.linux-version }} win32-x64-version: description: "The version string the next Windows x64 Nightly should use, only output for nightly" value: ${{ jobs.prepare.outputs.win32-x64-version }} win32-x86-version: description: "The version string the next Windows x86 Nightly should use, only output for nightly" value: ${{ jobs.prepare.outputs.win32-x86-version }} jobs: prepare: name: Prepare environment: ${{ inputs.nightly && 'packages.element.io' || '' }} runs-on: ubuntu-latest outputs: macos-version: ${{ steps.versions.outputs.macos }} linux-version: ${{ steps.versions.outputs.linux }} win32-x64-version: ${{ steps.versions.outputs.win_x64 }} win32-x86-version: ${{ steps.versions.outputs.win_x86 }} steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v3 - uses: actions/setup-node@v3 with: cache: "yarn" - name: Install Deps run: "yarn install --pure-lockfile" - name: Fetch Element Web run: yarn run fetch --noverify -d ${{ inputs.config }} ${{ inputs.version }} # We split this out to save the build_* scripts having to do it to make use of `hashFiles` in the cache action - name: Generate cache hash files run: | yarn run --silent electron --version > electronVersion cat package.json | jq -c .hakDependencies > hakDependencies.json - name: "[Nightly] Calculate versions" id: versions if: inputs.nightly run: | MACOS=$(aws s3 cp s3://$R2_BUCKET/nightly/update/macos/releases.json - --endpoint-url $R2_URL --region auto | jq -r .currentRelease) echo "macos=$(scripts/generate-nightly-version.ts --latest $MACOS)" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT LINUX=$(aws s3 cp s3://$R2_BUCKET/debian/dists/default/main/binary-amd64/Packages - --endpoint-url $R2_URL --region auto | grep "Package: element-nightly" -A 50 | grep Version -m1 | sed -n 's/Version: //p') echo "linux=$(scripts/generate-nightly-version.ts --latest $LINUX)" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT WINx64=$(aws s3 cp s3://$R2_BUCKET/nightly/update/win32/x64/RELEASES - --endpoint-url $R2_URL --region auto | awk '{print $2}' | cut -d "-" -f 5 | cut -c 8-) echo "win_x64=$(scripts/generate-nightly-version.ts --latest $WINx64)" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT WINx86=$(aws s3 cp s3://$R2_BUCKET/nightly/update/win32/ia32/RELEASES - --endpoint-url $R2_URL --region auto | awk '{print $2}' | cut -d "-" -f 5 | cut -c 8-) echo "win_x86=$(scripts/generate-nightly-version.ts --latest $WINx86)" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT env: AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: ${{ secrets.CF_R2_ACCESS_KEY_ID }} AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: ${{ secrets.CF_R2_TOKEN }} # XXX: UPDATE THIS BEFORE WHEN GOING LIVE R2_BUCKET: "packages-element-io-test" R2_URL: ${{ secrets.CF_R2_S3_API }} - name: Check version id: package run: | echo "version=$(cat package.json | jq -r .version)" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT - name: "[Release] Fetch release" id: release if: ${{ !inputs.nightly && inputs.version != 'develop' }} uses: cardinalby/git-get-release-action@cedef2faf69cb7c55b285bad07688d04430b7ada # v1 env: GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ github.token }} with: tag: v${{ steps.package.outputs.version }} - name: "[Release] Write changelog" if: ${{ !inputs.nightly && inputs.version != 'develop' }} run: | TIME=$(date -d "$PUBLISHED_AT" -R) echo "element-desktop ($VERSION) default; urgency=medium" >> changelog.Debian echo "$BODY" | sed 's/^##/\n */g;s/^\*/ */g' | perl -pe 's/\[.+?]\((.+?)\)/\1/g' >> changelog.Debian echo "" >> changelog.Debian echo " -- ${{ github.actor }} <support@element.io> $TIME" >> changelog.Debian env: VERSION: v${{ steps.package.outputs.version }} BODY: ${{ steps.release.outputs.body }} PUBLISHED_AT: ${{ steps.release.outputs.published_at }} - uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3 with: name: webapp retention-days: 1 path: | webapp.asar package.json electronVersion hakDependencies.json changelog.Debian