{ "Close": "Close", "Add to dictionary": "Add to dictionary", "The image failed to save": "The image failed to save", "Failed to save image": "Failed to save image", "Save image as...": "Save image as...", "Copy link address": "Copy link address", "Copy email address": "Copy email address", "Copy image": "Copy image", "File": "File", "Bring All to Front": "Bring All to Front", "Zoom": "Zoom", "Stop Speaking": "Stop Speaking", "Start Speaking": "Start Speaking", "Speech": "Speech", "Unhide": "Unhide", "Hide Others": "Hide Others", "Hide": "Hide", "Services": "Services", "About": "About", "Element Help": "Element Help", "Help": "Help", "Minimize": "Minimize", "Window": "Window", "Toggle Developer Tools": "Toggle Developer Tools", "Toggle Full Screen": "Toggle Full Screen", "Preferences": "Preferences", "Zoom Out": "Zoom Out", "Zoom In": "Zoom In", "Actual Size": "Actual Size", "View": "View", "Select All": "Select All", "Delete": "Delete", "Paste and Match Style": "Paste and Match Style", "Paste": "Paste", "Copy": "Copy", "Cut": "Cut", "Redo": "Redo", "Undo": "Undo", "Edit": "Edit", "Quit": "Quit", "Show/Hide": "Show/Hide", "Are you sure you want to quit?": "Are you sure you want to quit?", "Cancel": "Cancel" }