import { html, Component } from "../lib/index.js"; import linkify from "../lib/linkify.js"; import * as irc from "../lib/irc.js"; import { strip as stripANSI } from "../lib/ansi.js"; import { BufferType, ServerStatus, BufferEventsDisplayMode, getNickURL, getChannelURL, getMessageURL, isMessageBeforeReceipt, SettingsContext } from "../state.js"; import * as store from "../store.js"; import Membership from "./membership.js"; function djb2(s) { let hash = 5381; for (let i = 0; i < s.length; i++) { hash = (hash << 5) + hash + s.charCodeAt(i); hash = hash >>> 0; // convert to uint32 } return hash; } function Nick(props) { function handleClick(event) { event.preventDefault(); props.onClick(); } let colorIndex = djb2(props.nick) % 16 + 1; return html` <a href=${getNickURL(props.nick)} class="nick nick-${colorIndex}" onClick=${handleClick}>${props.nick}</a> `; } function _Timestamp({ date, url, showSeconds }) { if (!date) { let timestamp = "--:--"; if (showSeconds) { timestamp += ":--"; } return html`<spam class="timestamp">${timestamp}</span>`; } let hh = date.getHours().toString().padStart(2, "0"); let mm = date.getMinutes().toString().padStart(2, "0"); let timestamp = `${hh}:${mm}`; if (showSeconds) { let ss = date.getSeconds().toString().padStart(2, "0"); timestamp += ":" + ss; } return html` <a href=${url} class="timestamp" title=${date.toLocaleString()} onClick=${(event) => event.preventDefault()} > ${timestamp} </a> `; } function Timestamp(props) { return html` <${SettingsContext.Consumer}> ${(settings) => html` <${_Timestamp} ...${props} showSeconds=${settings.secondsInTimestamps}/> `} </> `; } /** * Check whether a message can be folded. * * Unimportant and noisy messages that may clutter the discussion should be * folded. */ function canFoldMessage(msg) { switch (msg.command) { case "JOIN": case "PART": case "QUIT": case "NICK": return true; } return false; } class LogLine extends Component { shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps) { return this.props.message !== nextProps.message; } render() { let msg = this.props.message; let buf = this.props.buffer; let server = this.props.server; let onNickClick = this.props.onNickClick; let onChannelClick = this.props.onChannelClick; let onVerifyClick = this.props.onVerifyClick; function createNick(nick) { return html` <${Nick} nick=${nick} onClick=${() => onNickClick(nick)}/> `; } function createChannel(channel) { return html` <a href=${getChannelURL(channel)} onClick=${onChannelClick}> ${channel} </a> `; } let lineClass = ""; let content; let invitee, target, account; switch (msg.command) { case "NOTICE": case "PRIVMSG": target = msg.params[0]; let text = msg.params[1]; let ctcp = irc.parseCTCP(msg); if (ctcp) { if (ctcp.command == "ACTION") { lineClass = "me-tell"; content = html`* ${createNick(} ${linkify(stripANSI(ctcp.param), onChannelClick)}`; } else { content = html` ${createNick(} has sent a CTCP command: ${ctcp.command} ${ctcp.param} `; } } else { lineClass = "talk"; let prefix = "<", suffix = ">"; if (msg.command == "NOTICE") { prefix = suffix = "-"; } content = html`${prefix}${createNick(}${suffix} ${linkify(stripANSI(text), onChannelClick)}`; } let status = null; let allowedPrefixes = server.statusMsg; if (target !== && allowedPrefixes) { let parts = irc.parseTargetPrefix(target, allowedPrefixes); if ( === { content = [html`(<${Membership} value=${parts.prefix}/>)`, " ", content]; } } if (msg.tags["+draft/channel-context"]) { content = html`<em>(only visible to you)</em> ${content}`; } if (msg.isHighlight) { lineClass += " highlight"; } break; case "JOIN": content = html` ${createNick(} has joined `; break; case "PART": content = html` ${createNick(} has left `; break; case "QUIT": content = html` ${createNick(} has quit `; break; case "NICK": let newNick = msg.params[0]; content = html` ${createNick(} is now known as ${createNick(newNick)} `; break; case "KICK": content = html` ${createNick(msg.params[1])} was kicked by ${createNick(} (${msg.params.slice(2)}) `; break; case "MODE": target = msg.params[0]; content = html` * ${createNick(} sets mode ${msg.params.slice(1).join(" ")} `; // TODO: case-mapping if ( !== target) { content = html`${content} on ${target}`; } break; case "TOPIC": let topic = msg.params[1]; content = html` ${createNick(} changed the topic to: ${linkify(stripANSI(topic), onChannelClick)} `; break; case "INVITE": invitee = msg.params[0]; let channel = msg.params[1]; // TODO: instead of checking buffer type, check if invitee is our nick if (buf.type === BufferType.SERVER) { lineClass = "talk"; content = html` You have been invited to ${createChannel(channel)} by ${createNick(} `; } else { content = html` ${createNick(} has invited ${createNick(invitee)} to the channel `; } break; case irc.RPL_WELCOME: let nick = msg.params[0]; content = html`Connected to server, your nickname is ${nick}`; break; case irc.RPL_INVITING: invitee = msg.params[1]; content = html`${createNick(invitee)} has been invited to the channel`; break; case irc.RPL_MOTD: lineClass = "motd"; content = linkify(stripANSI(msg.params[1]), onChannelClick); break; case irc.RPL_LOGGEDIN: account = msg.params[2]; content = html`You are now authenticated as ${account}`; break; case irc.RPL_LOGGEDOUT: content = html`You are now unauthenticated`; break; case "REGISTER": account = msg.params[1]; let reason = msg.params[2]; function handleVerifyClick(event) { event.preventDefault(); onVerifyClick(account, reason); } switch (msg.params[0]) { case "SUCCESS": content = html`A new account has been created, you are now authenticated as ${account}`; break; case "VERIFICATION_REQUIRED": content = html`A new account has been created, but you need to <a href="#" onClick=${handleVerifyClick}>verify it</a>: ${linkify(reason)}`; break; } break; case "VERIFY": account = msg.params[1]; content = html`The new account has been verified, you are now authenticated as ${account}`; break; case irc.RPL_UMODEIS: let mode = msg.params[1]; if (mode) { content = html`Your user mode is ${mode}`; } else { content = html`You have no user mode`; } break; case irc.RPL_CHANNELMODEIS: content = html`Channel mode is ${msg.params.slice(2).join(" ")}`; break; case irc.RPL_CREATIONTIME: let date = new Date(parseInt(msg.params[2], 10) * 1000); content = html`Channel was created on ${date.toLocaleString()}`; break; default: if (irc.isError(msg.command) && msg.command != irc.ERR_NOMOTD) { lineClass = "error"; } content = html`${msg.command} ${linkify(msg.params.join(" "))}`; } if (!content) { return null; } return html` <div class="logline ${lineClass}" data-key=${msg.key}> <${Timestamp} date=${new Date(msg.tags.time)} url=${getMessageURL(buf, msg)}/> ${" "} ${content} </div> `; } } function createNickList(nicks, createNick) { if (nicks.length === 0) { return null; } else if (nicks.length === 1) { return createNick(nicks[0]); } let l = nicks.slice(0, nicks.length - 1).map((nick, i) => { if (i === 0) { return createNick(nick); } else { return [", ", createNick(nick)]; } }); l.push(" and "); l.push(createNick(nicks[nicks.length - 1])); return l; } class FoldGroup extends Component { shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps) { return this.props.messages[0] !== nextProps.messages[0] || this.props.messages[this.props.messages.length - 1] !== nextProps.messages[nextProps.messages.length - 1]; } render() { let msgs = this.props.messages; let buf = this.props.buffer; let onNickClick = this.props.onNickClick; function createNick(nick) { return html` <${Nick} nick=${nick} onClick=${() => onNickClick(nick)}/> `; } let byCommand = { "JOIN": [], "PART": [], "QUIT": [], "NICK": [], }; msgs.forEach((msg) => { byCommand[msg.command].push(msg); }); let first = true; let content = []; ["JOIN", "PART", "QUIT"].forEach((cmd) => { if (byCommand[cmd].length === 0) { return; } let nicks = new Set(byCommand[cmd].map((msg) =>; let plural = nicks.size > 1; let action; switch (cmd) { case "JOIN": action = plural ? "have joined" : "has joined"; break; case "PART": action = plural ? "have left" : "has left"; break; case "QUIT": action = plural ? "have quit" : "has quit"; break; } if (first) { first = false; } else { content.push(", "); } content.push(createNickList([...nicks], createNick)); content.push(" " + action); }); byCommand["NICK"].forEach((msg) => { if (first) { first = false; } else { content.push(", "); } let newNick = msg.params[0]; content.push(html` ${createNick(} is now known as ${createNick(newNick)} `); }); let lastMsg = msgs[msgs.length - 1]; let firstDate = new Date(msgs[0].tags.time); let lastDate = new Date(lastMsg.tags.time); let timestamp = html` <${Timestamp} date=${firstDate} url=${getMessageURL(buf, msgs[0])}/> `; if (lastDate - firstDate > 60 * 100) { timestamp = [ timestamp, " — ", html` <${Timestamp} date=${lastDate} url=${getMessageURL(buf, lastMsg)}/> `, ]; } return html` <div class="logline" data-key=${msgs[0].key}> ${timestamp} ${" "} ${content} </div> `; } } // Workaround for let notificationsSupported = false; if (window.Notification) { notificationsSupported = true; if (Notification.permission === "default") { try { new Notification(""); } catch (err) { if ( === "TypeError") { notificationsSupported = false; } } } } class NotificationNagger extends Component { state = { nag: false }; constructor(props) { super(props); this.handleClick = this.handleClick.bind(this); this.state.nag = this.shouldNag(); } shouldNag() { return notificationsSupported && Notification.permission === "default"; } handleClick(event) { event.preventDefault(); Notification.requestPermission((permission) => { this.setState({ nag: this.shouldNag() }); }); } render() { if (!this.state.nag) { return null; } return html` <div class="logline"> <${Timestamp}/> ${" "} <a href="#" onClick=${this.handleClick}>Turn on desktop notifications</a> to get notified about new messages </div> `; } } class ProtocolHandlerNagger extends Component { state = { nag: true }; constructor(props) { super(props); this.handleClick = this.handleClick.bind(this); this.state.nag = !store.naggedProtocolHandler.load(); } handleClick(event) { event.preventDefault(); let url = window.location.origin + window.location.pathname + "?open=%s"; try { navigator.registerProtocolHandler("irc", url); navigator.registerProtocolHandler("ircs", url); } catch (err) { console.error("Failed to register protocol handler: ", err); } store.naggedProtocolHandler.put(true); this.setState({ nag: false }); } render() { if (!navigator.registerProtocolHandler || !this.state.nag) { return null; } let name = this.props.bouncerName || "this bouncer"; return html` <div class="logline"> <${Timestamp}/> ${" "} <a href="#" onClick=${this.handleClick}>Register our protocol handler</a> to open IRC links with ${name} </div> `; } } function AccountNagger({ server, onAuthClick, onRegisterClick }) { let accDesc = "an account on this server"; if ( { accDesc = "a " + + " account"; } function handleAuthClick(event) { event.preventDefault(); onAuthClick(); } function handleRegisterClick(event) { event.preventDefault(); onRegisterClick(); } let msg = [html` You are unauthenticated on this server, ${" "} <a href="#" onClick=${handleAuthClick}>login</a> ${" "} `]; if (server.supportsAccountRegistration) { msg.push(html`or <a href="#" onClick=${handleRegisterClick}>register</a> ${accDesc}`); } else { msg.push(html`if you have ${accDesc}`); } return html` <div class="logline"> <${Timestamp}/> ${msg} </div> `; } class DateSeparator extends Component { constructor(props) { super(props); } shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps) { return !==; } render() { let date =; let text = date.toLocaleDateString([], { year: "numeric", month: "2-digit", day: "2-digit" }); return html` <div class="separator date-separator"> ${text} </div> `; } } function UnreadSeparator(props) { return html`<div class="separator unread-separator">New messages</div>`; } function sameDate(d1, d2) { return d1.getFullYear() === d2.getFullYear() && d1.getMonth() === d2.getMonth() && d1.getDate() === d2.getDate(); } export default class Buffer extends Component { shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps) { return this.props.buffer !== nextProps.buffer || this.props.settings !== nextProps.settings; } render() { let buf = this.props.buffer; if (!buf) { return null; } let server = this.props.server; let bouncerNetwork = this.props.bouncerNetwork; let settings = this.props.settings; let serverName =; let children = []; if (buf.type == BufferType.SERVER) { children.push(html`<${NotificationNagger}/>`); } if (buf.type == BufferType.SERVER && server.isBouncer && !server.bouncerNetID) { children.push(html`<${ProtocolHandlerNagger} bouncerName=${serverName}/>`); } if (buf.type == BufferType.SERVER && server.status == ServerStatus.REGISTERED && server.supportsSASLPlain && !server.account) { children.push(html` <${AccountNagger} server=${server} onAuthClick=${this.props.onAuthClick} onRegisterClick=${this.props.onRegisterClick} /> `); } let onChannelClick = this.props.onChannelClick; let onNickClick = this.props.onNickClick; let onVerifyClick = this.props.onVerifyClick; function createLogLine(msg) { return html` <${LogLine} key=${"msg-" + msg.key} message=${msg} buffer=${buf} server=${server} onChannelClick=${onChannelClick} onNickClick=${onNickClick} onVerifyClick=${onVerifyClick} /> `; } function createFoldGroup(msgs) { // Filter out PART → JOIN pairs let partIndexes = new Map(); let keep = []; msgs.forEach((msg, i) => { if (msg.command === "PART" || msg.command === "QUIT") { partIndexes.set(, i); } if (msg.command === "JOIN" && partIndexes.has( { keep[partIndexes.get(] = false; partIndexes.delete(; keep.push(false); } else { keep.push(true); } }); msgs = msgs.filter((msg, i) => keep[i]); if (msgs.length === 0) { return null; } else if (msgs.length === 1) { return createLogLine(msgs[0]); } return html` <${FoldGroup} key=${"fold-" + msgs[0].key + "-" + msgs[msgs.length - 1].key} messages=${msgs} buffer=${buf} server=${server} onNickClick=${onNickClick} /> `; } let hasUnreadSeparator = false; let prevDate = new Date(); let foldMessages = []; buf.messages.forEach((msg) => { let sep = []; if (settings.bufferEvents === BufferEventsDisplayMode.HIDE && canFoldMessage(msg)) { return; } if (!hasUnreadSeparator && buf.type != BufferType.SERVER && !isMessageBeforeReceipt(msg, buf.prevReadReceipt)) { sep.push(html`<${UnreadSeparator} key="unread"/>`); hasUnreadSeparator = true; } let date = new Date(msg.tags.time); if (!sameDate(prevDate, date)) { sep.push(html`<${DateSeparator} key=${"date-" + date} date=${date}/>`); } prevDate = date; if (sep.length > 0) { children.push(createFoldGroup(foldMessages)); children.push(sep); foldMessages = []; } // TODO: consider checking the time difference too if (settings.bufferEvents === BufferEventsDisplayMode.FOLD && canFoldMessage(msg)) { foldMessages.push(msg); return; } if (foldMessages.length > 0) { children.push(createFoldGroup(foldMessages)); foldMessages = []; } children.push(createLogLine(msg)); }); children.push(createFoldGroup(foldMessages)); return html` <div class="logline-list"> ${children} </div> `; } }