import * as irc from "../lib/irc.js"; import Client from "../lib/client.js"; import Buffer from "./buffer.js"; import BufferList from "./buffer-list.js"; import BufferHeader from "./buffer-header.js"; import MemberList from "./member-list.js"; import ConnectForm from "./connect-form.js"; import JoinForm from "./join-form.js"; import Help from "./help.js"; import NetworkForm from "./network-form.js"; import Composer from "./composer.js"; import ScrollManager from "./scroll-manager.js"; import Dialog from "./dialog.js"; import { html, Component, createRef } from "../lib/index.js"; import { strip as stripANSI } from "../lib/ansi.js"; import { SERVER_BUFFER, BufferType, ReceiptType, NetworkStatus, Unread } from "../state.js"; import commands from "../commands.js"; import { setup as setupKeybindings } from "../keybindings.js"; import * as store from "../store.js"; const configPromise = fetch("./config.json") .then((resp) => { if (resp.ok) { return resp.json(); } if (resp.status !== 404) { console.error("Failed to fetch config: HTTP error:", resp.status, resp.statusText); } return {}; }) .catch((err) => { console.error("Failed to fetch config:", err); return {}; }); const CHATHISTORY_MAX_SIZE = 4000; var messagesCount = 0; function parseQueryString() { var query =; var params = {}; query.split('&').forEach((s) => { if (!s) { return; } var pair = s.split('='); params[decodeURIComponent(pair[0])] = decodeURIComponent(pair[1] || ""); }); return params; } /* Insert a message in an immutable list of sorted messages. */ function insertMessage(list, msg) { if (list.length == 0) { return [msg]; } else if (list[list.length - 1].tags.time <= msg.tags.time) { return list.concat(msg); } var insertBefore = -1; for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { var other = list[i]; if (msg.tags.time < other.tags.time) { insertBefore = i; break; } } console.assert(insertBefore >= 0, ""); list = [ ...list ]; list.splice(insertBefore, 0, msg); return list; } function debounce(f, delay) { var timeout = null; return (...args) => { clearTimeout(timeout); timeout = setTimeout(() => { timeout = null; f(...args); }, delay); }; } function isServerBuffer(buf) { return buf.type == BufferType.SERVER; } /* Returns 1 if a should appear after b, -1 if a should appear before b, or * 0 otherwise. */ function compareBuffers(a, b) { if ( != { return > ? 1 : -1; } if (isServerBuffer(a) != isServerBuffer(b)) { return isServerBuffer(b) ? 1 : -1; } if ( != { return > ? 1 : -1; } return 0; } function updateState(state, updater) { var updated; if (typeof updater === "function") { updated = updater(state, state); } else { updated = updater; } if (state === updated || !updated) { return; } return { ...state, ...updated }; } function getActiveNetworkID(state) { var buf = state.buffers.get(state.activeBuffer); if (!buf) { return null; } return; } function getBuffer(state, id) { switch (typeof id) { case "number": return state.buffers.get(id); case "object": if ( { return state.buffers.get(; } var network =, name =; if (!network) { network = getActiveNetworkID(state); } for (var buf of state.buffers.values()) { if ( === network && === name) { return buf; } } return null; default: throw new Error("Invalid buffer ID type: " + (typeof id)); } } export default class App extends Component { state = { connectParams: { serverURL: null, serverPass: null, username: null, realname: null, nick: null, saslPlain: null, autoconnect: false, autojoin: [], }, networks: new Map(), buffers: new Map(), bouncerNetworks: new Map(), activeBuffer: null, dialog: null, error: null, openPanels: { bufferList: false, memberList: false, }, }; clients = new Map(); endOfHistory = new Map(); receipts = new Map(); buffer = createRef(); composer = createRef(); lastNetworkID = 0; lastBufferID = 0; switchToChannel = null; constructor(props) { super(props); this.handleConnectSubmit = this.handleConnectSubmit.bind(this); this.handleJoinSubmit = this.handleJoinSubmit.bind(this); this.handleBufferListClick = this.handleBufferListClick.bind(this); this.toggleBufferList = this.toggleBufferList.bind(this); this.toggleMemberList = this.toggleMemberList.bind(this); this.handleComposerSubmit = this.handleComposerSubmit.bind(this); this.handleNickClick = this.handleNickClick.bind(this); this.autocomplete = this.autocomplete.bind(this); this.handleBufferScrollTop = this.handleBufferScrollTop.bind(this); this.handleDialogDismiss = this.handleDialogDismiss.bind(this); this.handleAddNetworkClick = this.handleAddNetworkClick.bind(this); this.handleNetworkSubmit = this.handleNetworkSubmit.bind(this); this.handleNetworkRemove = this.handleNetworkRemove.bind(this); this.dismissError = this.dismissError.bind(this); this.saveReceipts = debounce(this.saveReceipts.bind(this), 500); this.receipts = store.receipts.load(); configPromise.then((config) => { this.handleConfig(config); return config; }); } /** * Handle configuration data and populate the connection parameters. * * The priority order is: * * - URL params * - Saved parameters in local storage * - Configuration data (fetched from the config.json file) * - Default server URL constructed from the current URL location */ handleConfig(config) { this.config = config; var host = || "localhost:8080"; var proto = "wss:"; if (window.location.protocol != "https:") { proto = "ws:"; } var path = window.location.pathname || "/"; if (! { path = "/"; } var connectParams = { serverURL: proto + "//" + host + path + "socket", }; if (config.server) { connectParams.serverURL = config.server.url; if (Array.isArray(config.server.autojoin)) { connectParams.autojoin = config.server.autojoin; } else { connectParams.autojoin = [config.server.autojoin]; } } var autoconnect = store.autoconnect.load(); if (autoconnect) { connectParams = { ...connectParams, ...autoconnect, autoconnect: true, }; } var queryParams = parseQueryString(); if (queryParams.server) { if (queryParams.server.startsWith("/")) { connectParams.serverURL = proto + "//" + host + queryParams.server; } else { connectParams.serverURL = queryParams.server; } } if (queryParams.nick) { connectParams.nick = queryParams.nick; } if (queryParams.channels) { connectParams.autojoin = queryParams.channels.split(","); } if (window.location.hash) { connectParams.autojoin = window.location.hash.split(","); } this.setState((state) => { return { connectParams: { ...state.connectParams, ...connectParams } }; }); if (connectParams.autoconnect) { this.connect(connectParams); } } dismissError(event) { event.preventDefault(); this.setState({ error: null }); } setNetworkState(id, updater, callback) { this.setState((state) => { var net = state.networks.get(id); if (!net) { return; } var updated = updateState(net, updater); if (!updated) { return; } var networks = new Map(state.networks); networks.set(id, updated); return { networks }; }, callback); } setBufferState(id, updater, callback) { this.setState((state) => { var buf = getBuffer(state, id); if (!buf) { return; } var updated = updateState(buf, updater); if (!updated) { return; } var buffers = new Map(state.buffers); buffers.set(, updated); return { buffers }; }, callback); } createBuffer(netID, name, callback) { var id = null; this.setState((state) => { if (getBuffer(state, { network: netID, name })) { return; } this.lastBufferID++; id = this.lastBufferID; var type; if (name == SERVER_BUFFER) { type = BufferType.SERVER; } else if (this.isChannel(name)) { type = BufferType.CHANNEL; } else { type = BufferType.NICK; } var client = this.clients.get(netID); var cm = client ? : irc.CaseMapping.RFC1459; var bufferList = Array.from(state.buffers.values()); bufferList.push({ id, name, type, network: netID, serverInfo: null, // if server topic: null, // if channel members: new irc.CaseMapMap(null, cm), // if channel who: null, // if nick offline: false, // if nick messages: [], unread: Unread.NONE, }); bufferList = bufferList.sort(compareBuffers); var buffers = new Map( => [, buf])); return { buffers }; }, () => { if (callback) { callback(id); } }); } switchBuffer(id) { var buf; this.setState((state) => { buf = getBuffer(state, id); if (!buf) { return; } return { activeBuffer: }; }, () => { if (!buf) { return; } var lastReadReceipt = this.getReceipt(, ReceiptType.READ); // TODO: only mark as read if user scrolled at the bottom this.setBufferState(, { unread: Unread.NONE, lastReadReceipt, }); if (this.composer.current) { this.composer.current.focus(); } if (buf.messages.length == 0) { return; } var lastMsg = buf.messages[buf.messages.length - 1]; this.setReceipt(, ReceiptType.READ, lastMsg); }); } saveReceipts() { store.receipts.put(this.receipts); } getReceipt(target, type) { var receipts = this.receipts.get(target); if (!receipts) { return undefined; } return receipts[type]; } hasReceipt(target, type, msg) { var receipt = this.getReceipt(target, type); return receipt && msg.tags.time <= receipt.time; } setReceipt(target, type, msg) { var receipt = this.getReceipt(target, type); if (this.hasReceipt(target, type, msg)) { return; } this.receipts.set(target, { ...this.receipts.get(target), [type]: { time: msg.tags.time }, }); this.saveReceipts(); } addMessage(netID, bufName, msg) { var client = this.clients.get(netID); msg.key = messagesCount; messagesCount++; msg.isHighlight = irc.isHighlight(msg, client.nick); if (!msg.tags) { msg.tags = {}; } if (!msg.tags.time) { msg.tags.time = irc.formatDate(new Date()); } var isDelivered = this.hasReceipt(bufName, ReceiptType.DELIVERED, msg); var isRead = this.hasReceipt(bufName, ReceiptType.READ, msg); // TODO: messages coming from infinite scroll shouldn't trigger notifications var msgUnread = Unread.NONE; if ((msg.command == "PRIVMSG" || msg.command == "NOTICE") && !isRead) { var target = msg.params[0]; var text = msg.params[1]; var kind; if (msg.isHighlight) { msgUnread = Unread.HIGHLIGHT; kind = "highlight"; } else if (target == client.nick) { msgUnread = Unread.HIGHLIGHT; kind = "private message"; } else { msgUnread = Unread.MESSAGE; } if (msgUnread == Unread.HIGHLIGHT && window.Notification && Notification.permission === "granted" && !isDelivered && !irc.parseCTCP(msg)) { var title = "New " + kind + " from " +; if (this.isChannel(target)) { title += " in " + target; } var notif = new Notification(title, { body: stripANSI(text), requireInteraction: true, }); notif.addEventListener("click", () => { // TODO: scroll to message this.switchBuffer({ network: netID, name: target }); }); } } if ( != client.nick && (msg.command != "PART" && msg.comand != "QUIT")) { this.createBuffer(netID, bufName); } this.setReceipt(bufName, ReceiptType.DELIVERED, msg); this.setBufferState({ network: netID, name: bufName }, (buf) => { // TODO: set unread if scrolled up var unread = buf.unread; var lastReadReceipt = buf.lastReadReceipt; if (this.state.activeBuffer != { unread = Unread.union(unread, msgUnread); } else { this.setReceipt(bufName, ReceiptType.READ, msg); lastReadReceipt = this.getReceipt(bufName, ReceiptType.READ); } var messages = insertMessage(buf.messages, msg); return { messages, unread, lastReadReceipt }; }); } connect(params) { this.lastNetworkID++; var netID = this.lastNetworkID; this.setState((state) => { var networks = new Map(state.networks); networks.set(netID, { id: netID, status: NetworkStatus.CONNECTING, isupport: new Map(), }); return { networks }; }); this.setState({ connectParams: params }); var client = new Client(params); this.clients.set(netID, client); client.addEventListener("status", () => { this.setNetworkState(netID, { status: client.status }); }); client.addEventListener("message", (event) => { this.handleMessage(netID, event.detail.message); }); client.addEventListener("error", (event) => { this.setState({ error: event.detail }); }); this.createBuffer(netID, SERVER_BUFFER); if (!this.state.activeBuffer) { this.switchBuffer({ network: netID, name: SERVER_BUFFER }); } if (params.autojoin.length > 0) { this.switchToChannel = params.autojoin[0]; } if (this.config.server && > 0) { // TODO: unregister setInterval on disconnect setInterval(() => { client.send({ command: "PING", params: ["gamja"] }); }, * 1000); } } disconnect(netID) { if (!netID) { netID = getActiveNetworkID(this.state); } var client = this.clients.get(netID); if (client) { this.clients.delete(netID); client.disconnect(); } } reconnect(netID) { if (!netID) { netID = getActiveNetworkID(this.state); } var client = this.clients.get(netID); if (client) { client.reconnect(); } } networkFromBouncerNetwork(bouncerNetworkID) { for (var [id, client] of this.clients) { if (client.params.bouncerNetwork === bouncerNetworkID) { return id; } } return null; } handleMessage(netID, msg) { var client = this.clients.get(netID); switch (msg.command) { case irc.RPL_WELCOME: if (this.state.connectParams.autojoin.length > 0) { client.send({ command: "JOIN", params: [this.state.connectParams.autojoin.join(",")], }); } break; case irc.RPL_MYINFO: // TODO: parse available modes var serverInfo = { name: msg.params[1], version: msg.params[2], }; this.setBufferState({ network: netID, name: SERVER_BUFFER }, { serverInfo }); break; case irc.RPL_ISUPPORT: this.setNetworkState(netID, (network) => { return { isupport: new Map(client.isupport) }; }); this.setState((state) => { var buffers = new Map(state.buffers); state.buffers.forEach((buf) => { if ( != netID) { return; } var members = new irc.CaseMapMap(buf.members,; buffers.set(, { ...buf, members }); }); return { buffers }; }); break; case irc.RPL_NOTOPIC: var channel = msg.params[1]; this.setBufferState({ network: netID, name: channel }, { topic: null }); break; case irc.RPL_TOPIC: var channel = msg.params[1]; var topic = msg.params[2]; this.setBufferState({ network: netID, name: channel }, { topic }); break; case irc.RPL_TOPICWHOTIME: // Ignore break; case irc.RPL_NAMREPLY: var channel = msg.params[2]; var membersList = msg.params[3].split(" "); this.setBufferState({ network: netID, name: channel }, (buf) => { var members = new irc.CaseMapMap(buf.members); membersList.forEach((s) => { var member = irc.parseMembership(s); members.set(member.nick, member.prefix); }); return { members }; }); break; case irc.RPL_ENDOFNAMES: break; case irc.RPL_WHOREPLY: var last = msg.params[msg.params.length - 1]; var who = { username: msg.params[2], hostname: msg.params[3], server: msg.params[4], nick: msg.params[5], away: msg.params[6] == 'G', // H for here, G for gone realname: last.slice(last.indexOf(" ") + 1), }; this.setBufferState({ network: netID, name: who.nick }, { who, offline: false }); break; case irc.RPL_ENDOFWHO: var target = msg.params[1]; if (!this.isChannel(target) && target.indexOf("*") < 0) { // Not a channel nor a mask, likely a nick this.setBufferState({ network: netID, name: target }, (buf) => { // TODO: mark user offline if we have old WHO info but this // WHO reply is empty if (buf.who) { return; } return { offline: true }; }); } break; case "MODE": var target = msg.params[0]; if (this.isChannel(target)) { this.addMessage(netID, target, msg); } break; case "NOTICE": case "PRIVMSG": var target = msg.params[0]; if (target == client.nick) { if ( == { target = SERVER_BUFFER; } else { target =; } } this.addMessage(netID, target, msg); break; case "JOIN": var channel = msg.params[0]; this.createBuffer(netID, channel); this.setBufferState({ network: netID, name: channel }, (buf) => { var members = new irc.CaseMapMap(buf.members); members.set(, null); return { members }; }); if ( != client.nick) { this.addMessage(netID, channel, msg); } if (channel == this.switchToChannel) { this.switchBuffer({ network: netID, name: channel }); this.switchToChannel = null; } var receipt = this.getReceipt(channel, ReceiptType.READ); if ( == client.nick && receipt && client.enabledCaps["draft/chathistory"] && client.enabledCaps["server-time"]) { var after = receipt; var before = { time: msg.tags.time || irc.formatDate(new Date()) }; client.fetchHistoryBetween(channel, after, before, CHATHISTORY_MAX_SIZE).catch((err) => { this.setState({ error: "Failed to fetch history: " + err }); this.receipts.delete(channel); this.saveReceipts(); }); } break; case "PART": var channel = msg.params[0]; this.setBufferState({ network: netID, name: channel }, (buf) => { var members = new irc.CaseMapMap(buf.members); members.delete(; return { members }; }); this.addMessage(netID, channel, msg); if ( == client.nick) { this.receipts.delete(channel); this.saveReceipts(); } break; case "KICK": var channel = msg.params[0]; var user = msg.params[1]; this.setBufferState({ network: netID, name: channel }, (buf) => { var members = new irc.CaseMapMap(buf.members); members.delete(user); return { members }; }); this.addMessage(netID, channel, msg); if ( == client.nick) { this.receipts.delete(channel); this.saveReceipts(); } break; case "QUIT": var affectedBuffers = []; this.setState((state) => { var buffers = new Map(state.buffers); state.buffers.forEach((buf) => { if ( != netID) { return; } if (!buf.members.has( && != { return; } var members = new irc.CaseMapMap(buf.members); members.delete(; var offline = ==; buffers.set(, { ...buf, members, offline }); affectedBuffers.push(; }); return { buffers }; }); affectedBuffers.forEach((name) => this.addMessage(netID, name, msg)); break; case "NICK": var newNick = msg.params[0]; var affectedBuffers = []; this.setState((state) => { var buffers = new Map(state.buffers); state.buffers.forEach((buf) => { if ( != netID) { return; } if (!buf.members.has( { return; } var members = new irc.CaseMapMap(buf.members); members.set(newNick, members.get(; members.delete(; buffers.set(, { ...buf, members }); affectedBuffers.push(; }); return { buffers }; }); affectedBuffers.forEach((name) => this.addMessage(netID, name, msg)); break; case "SETNAME": this.setBufferState({ network: netID, name: }, (buf) => { var who = { ...buf.who, realname: msg.params[0] }; return { who } }); break; case "TOPIC": var channel = msg.params[0]; var topic = msg.params[1]; this.setBufferState({ network: netID, name: channel }, { topic }); this.addMessage(netID, channel, msg); break; case "AWAY": var awayMessage = msg.params[0]; this.setBufferState({ network: netID, name: }, (buf) => { var who = { ...buf.who, away: !!awayMessage }; return { who }; }); break; case "BOUNCER": if (msg.params[0] !== "NETWORK") { break; // We're only interested in network updates } if (client.isupport.has("BOUNCER_NETID")) { // This cn happen if the user has specified a network to bind // to via other means, e.g. "<username>/<network>". break; } var id = msg.params[1]; var attrs = null; if (msg.params[2] !== "*") { attrs = irc.parseTags(msg.params[2]); } var isNew = false; this.setState((state) => { var bouncerNetworks = new Map(state.bouncerNetworks); if (!attrs) { bouncerNetworks.delete(id); } else { var prev = bouncerNetworks.get(id); isNew = prev === undefined; attrs = { ...prev, ...attrs }; bouncerNetworks.set(id, attrs); } return { bouncerNetworks }; }, () => { if (!attrs) { var netID = this.networkFromBouncerNetwork(id); if (netID) { this.close({ network: netID, name: SERVER_BUFFER }); } } else if (isNew) { this.connect({ ...client.params, bouncerNetwork: id, }); } }); break; case "CAP": case "AUTHENTICATE": case "PING": case "PONG": case "BATCH": case "TAGMSG": // Ignore these break; default: if (irc.isError(msg.command) && msg.command != irc.ERR_NOMOTD) { var description = msg.params[msg.params.length - 1]; this.setState({ error: description }); } this.addMessage(netID, SERVER_BUFFER, msg); } } handleConnectSubmit(connectParams) { this.setState({ error: null }); if (connectParams.autoconnect) { store.autoconnect.put(connectParams); } else { store.autoconnect.put(null); } this.connect(connectParams); } handleNickClick(nick) {; } isChannel(name) { // TODO: use the ISUPPORT token if available return irc.STD_CHANNEL_TYPES.indexOf(name[0]) >= 0; } open(target) { var netID = getActiveNetworkID(this.state); var client = this.clients.get(netID); if (this.isChannel(target)) { this.switchToChannel = target; client.send({ command: "JOIN", params: [target] }); } else { client.send({ command: "WHO", params: [target] }); this.createBuffer(netID, target); this.switchBuffer({ network: netID, name: target }); } } close(id) { var buf = getBuffer(this.state, id); if (!buf) { return; } switch (buf.type) { case BufferType.SERVER: this.setState((state) => { var buffers = new Map(state.buffers); for (var [id, b] of state.buffers) { if ( === { buffers.delete(id); } } var activeBuffer = state.activeBuffer; if (activeBuffer && state.buffers.get(activeBuffer).network === { if (buffers.size > 0) { activeBuffer = buffers.keys().next().value; } else { activeBuffer = null; } } return { buffers, activeBuffer }; }); var client = this.clients.get(; var disconnectAll = client && !client.params.bouncerNetwork && client.enabledCaps[""]; this.disconnect(; this.setState((state) => { var networks = new Map(state.networks); networks.delete(; return { networks }; }); if (disconnectAll) { for (var netID of this.clients.keys()) { this.close({ network: netID, name: SERVER_BUFFER }); } } // TODO: only clear local storage if this network is stored there if ( == 1) { store.autoconnect.put(null); } break; case BufferType.CHANNEL: var client = this.clients.get(; client.send({ command: "PART", params: [] }); // fallthrough case BufferType.NICK: this.switchBuffer({ name: SERVER_BUFFER }); this.setState((state) => { var buffers = new Map(state.buffers); buffers.delete(; return { buffers }; }); this.receipts.delete(; this.saveReceipts(); break; } } executeCommand(s) { var parts = s.split(" "); var name = parts[0].toLowerCase().slice(1); var args = parts.slice(1); var cmd = commands[name]; if (!cmd) { this.setState({ error: `Unknown command "${name}" (run "/help" to get a command list)` }); return; } try { cmd.execute(this, args); } catch (error) { console.error(`Failed to execute command "${name}":`, error); this.setState({ error: error.message }); } } privmsg(target, text) { if (target == SERVER_BUFFER) { this.setState({ error: "Cannot send message in server buffer" }); return; } var netID = getActiveNetworkID(this.state); var client = this.clients.get(netID); var msg = { command: "PRIVMSG", params: [target, text] }; client.send(msg); if (!client.enabledCaps["echo-message"]) { msg.prefix = { name: client.nick }; this.addMessage(netID, target, msg); } } handleComposerSubmit(text) { if (!text) { return; } if (text.startsWith("//")) { text = text.slice(1); } else if (text.startsWith("/")) { this.executeCommand(text); return; } var buf = this.state.buffers.get(this.state.activeBuffer); if (!buf) { return; } this.privmsg(, text); } handleBufferListClick(id) { this.switchBuffer(id); this.closeBufferList(); } toggleBufferList() { this.setState((state) => { var openPanels = { ...state.openPanels, bufferList: !state.openPanels.bufferList, }; return { openPanels }; }); } toggleMemberList() { this.setState((state) => { var openPanels = { ...state.openPanels, memberList: !state.openPanels.memberList, }; return { openPanels }; }); } closeBufferList() { this.setState((state) => { var openPanels = { ...state.openPanels, bufferList: false, }; return { openPanels }; }); } closeMemberList() { this.setState((state) => { var openPanels = { ...state.openPanels, memberList: false, }; return { openPanels }; }); } handleJoinClick(netID) { this.setState({ dialog: "join", joinDialog: { network: netID } }); } handleJoinSubmit(data) { var client = this.clients.get(; this.switchToChannel =; client.send({ command: "JOIN", params: [] }); this.setState({ dialog: null, joinDialog: null }); } autocomplete(prefix) { function fromList(l, prefix) { prefix = prefix.toLowerCase(); var repl = null; for (var item of l) { if (item.toLowerCase().startsWith(prefix)) { if (repl) { return null; } repl = item; } } return repl; } if (prefix.startsWith("/")) { var repl = fromList(Object.keys(commands), prefix.slice(1)); if (repl) { repl = "/" + repl; } return repl; } var buf = this.state.buffers.get(this.state.activeBuffer); if (!buf || !buf.members) { return null; } return fromList(buf.members.keys(), prefix); } openHelp() { this.setState({ dialog: "help" }); } handleBufferScrollTop() { var buf = this.state.buffers.get(this.state.activeBuffer); if (!buf || buf.type == BufferType.SERVER) { return; } var client = this.clients.get(; if (!client || !client.enabledCaps["draft/chathistory"] || !client.enabledCaps["server-time"]) { return; } if (this.endOfHistory.get( { return; } var before; if (buf.messages.length > 0) { before = buf.messages[0].tags["time"]; } else { before = irc.formatDate(new Date()); } // Avoids sending multiple CHATHISTORY commands in parallel this.endOfHistory.set(, true); client.fetchHistoryBefore(, before, 100).then((result) => { this.endOfHistory.set(, !result.more); }); } handleDialogDismiss() { this.setState({ dialog: null }); } handleAddNetworkClick() { this.setState({ dialog: "network", networkDialog: null }); } handleManageNetworkClick(netID) { var network = this.state.networks.get(netID); var bouncerNetID = network.isupport.get("BOUNCER_NETID"); var bouncerNetwork = this.state.bouncerNetworks.get(bouncerNetID); this.setState({ dialog: "network", networkDialog: { id: bouncerNetID, params: bouncerNetwork, }, }); } handleNetworkSubmit(attrs) { var client = this.clients.values().next().value; if (this.state.networkDialog && { if (Object.keys(attrs).length == 0) { this.setState({ dialog: null }); return; } client.send({ command: "BOUNCER", params: ["CHANGENETWORK",, irc.formatTags(attrs)], }); } else { attrs = { ...attrs, tls: "1" }; client.send({ command: "BOUNCER", params: ["ADDNETWORK", irc.formatTags(attrs)], }); } this.setState({ dialog: null, networkDialog: null }); } handleNetworkRemove() { var client = this.clients.values().next().value; client.send({ command: "BOUNCER", params: ["DELNETWORK",], }); this.setState({ dialog: null, networkDialog: null }); } componentDidMount() { setupKeybindings(this); } render() { var activeBuffer = null, activeNetwork = null, activeBouncerNetwork = null; var isBouncer = false; if (this.state.buffers.get(this.state.activeBuffer)) { activeBuffer = this.state.buffers.get(this.state.activeBuffer); activeNetwork = this.state.networks.get(; var activeClient = this.clients.get(; isBouncer = activeClient && activeClient.enabledCaps[""]; var bouncerNetID = activeNetwork.isupport.get("BOUNCER_NETID"); if (bouncerNetID) { activeBouncerNetwork = this.state.bouncerNetworks.get(bouncerNetID); } } if (!activeNetwork || (activeNetwork.status !== NetworkStatus.REGISTERED && !activeBuffer)) { // TODO: using key=connectParams trashes the ConnectForm state on update return html` <section id="connect"> <${ConnectForm} error=${this.state.error} params=${this.state.connectParams} disabled=${activeNetwork} onSubmit=${this.handleConnectSubmit} key=${this.state.connectParams} /> </section> `; } var bufferHeader = null; if (activeBuffer) { bufferHeader = html` <section id="buffer-header"> <${BufferHeader} buffer=${activeBuffer} network=${activeNetwork} isBouncer=${isBouncer} bouncerNetwork=${activeBouncerNetwork} onClose=${() => this.close(activeBuffer)} onJoin=${() => this.handleJoinClick(} onAddNetwork=${this.handleAddNetworkClick} onManageNetwork=${() => this.handleManageNetworkClick(} /> </section> `; } var memberList = null; if (activeBuffer && activeBuffer.type == BufferType.CHANNEL) { memberList = html` <section id="member-list" class=${this.state.openPanels.memberList ? "expand" : ""} > <button class="expander" onClick=${this.toggleMemberList} > <span></span> <span></span> </button> <section> <section id="member-list-header"> ${activeBuffer.members.size} users </section> <${MemberList} members=${activeBuffer.members} onNickClick=${this.handleNickClick} /> </section> </section> `; } var dialog = null; switch (this.state.dialog) { case "network": var title = this.state.networkDialog ? "Edit network" : "Add network"; dialog = html` <${Dialog} title=${title} onDismiss=${this.handleDialogDismiss}> <${NetworkForm} onSubmit=${this.handleNetworkSubmit} onRemove=${this.handleNetworkRemove} params=${this.state.networkDialog ? this.state.networkDialog.params : null} /> </> `; break; case "help": dialog = html` <${Dialog} title="Help" onDismiss=${this.handleDialogDismiss}> <${Help}/> </> `; break; case "join": dialog = html` <${Dialog} title="Join channel" onDismiss=${this.handleDialogDismiss}> <${JoinForm} onSubmit=${this.handleJoinSubmit}/> </> `; break; } var error = null; if (this.state.error) { error = html` <p id="error-msg"> ${this.state.error} ${" "} <a href="#" onClick=${this.dismissError}>×</a> </p> `; } return html` <section id="buffer-list" class=${this.state.openPanels.bufferList ? "expand" : ""} > <${BufferList} buffers=${this.state.buffers} networks=${this.state.networks} bouncerNetworks=${this.state.bouncerNetworks} isBouncer=${isBouncer} activeBuffer=${this.state.activeBuffer} onBufferClick=${this.handleBufferListClick} /> <button class="expander" onClick=${this.toggleBufferList} > <span></span> <span></span> </button> </section> ${bufferHeader} <${ScrollManager} target=${this.buffer} stickTo=".logline" scrollKey=${this.state.activeBuffer} onScrollTop=${this.handleBufferScrollTop} > <section id="buffer" ref=${this.buffer}> <${Buffer} buffer=${activeBuffer} onNickClick=${this.handleNickClick}/> </section> </> ${memberList} <${Composer} ref=${this.composer} readOnly=${activeBuffer && activeBuffer.type == BufferType.SERVER} onSubmit=${this.handleComposerSubmit} autocomplete=${this.autocomplete} /> ${dialog} ${error} `; } }