import * as irc from "../lib/irc.js"; import Client from "../lib/client.js"; import * as oauth2 from "../lib/oauth2.js"; import Buffer from "./buffer.js"; import BufferList from "./buffer-list.js"; import BufferHeader from "./buffer-header.js"; import MemberList from "./member-list.js"; import ConnectForm from "./connect-form.js"; import JoinForm from "./join-form.js"; import Help from "./help.js"; import NetworkForm from "./network-form.js"; import AuthForm from "./auth-form.js"; import RegisterForm from "./register-form.js"; import VerifyForm from "./verify-form.js"; import SettingsForm from "./settings-form.js"; import SwitcherForm from "./switcher-form.js"; import Composer from "./composer.js"; import ScrollManager from "./scroll-manager.js"; import Dialog from "./dialog.js"; import { html, Component, createRef } from "../lib/index.js"; import { strip as stripANSI } from "../lib/ansi.js"; import { SERVER_BUFFER, BufferType, ReceiptType, ServerStatus, Unread, BufferEventsDisplayMode, State, getServerName, receiptFromMessage, isReceiptBefore, isMessageBeforeReceipt, SettingsContext } from "../state.js"; import commands from "../commands.js"; import { setup as setupKeybindings } from "../keybindings.js"; import * as store from "../store.js"; const baseConfig = { server: {}, }; const configPromise = fetch("./config.json") .then((resp) => { if (resp.ok) { return resp.json(); } if (resp.status !== 404) { console.error("Failed to fetch config: HTTP error:", resp.status, resp.statusText); } return {}; }) .catch((err) => { console.error("Failed to fetch config:", err); return {}; }) .then((config) => { return { ...baseConfig, ...config, }; }); const CHATHISTORY_MAX_SIZE = 4000; function isProduction() { // NODE_ENV is set by the Parcel build system try { return process.env.NODE_ENV === "production"; } catch (_err) { return false; } } function parseQueryString() { let query =; let params = {}; query.split("&").forEach((s) => { if (!s) { return; } let pair = s.split("="); params[decodeURIComponent(pair[0])] = decodeURIComponent(pair[1] || ""); }); return params; } function splitHostPort(str) { let host = str; let port = null; // Literal IPv6 addresses contain colons and are enclosed in square brackets let i = str.lastIndexOf(":"); if (i > 0 && !str.endsWith("]")) { host = str.slice(0, i); port = parseInt(str.slice(i + 1), 10); } if (host.startsWith("[") && host.endsWith("]")) { host = host.slice(1, host.length - 1); } return { host, port }; } function fillConnectParams(params) { let host = || "localhost:8080"; let proto = "wss:"; if (window.location.protocol !== "https:") { proto = "ws:"; } let path = window.location.pathname || "/"; if (! { path = "/"; } params = { ...params }; if (!params.url) { params.url = proto + "//" + host + path + "socket"; } if (params.url.startsWith("/")) { params.url = proto + "//" + host + params.url; } if (params.url.indexOf("://") < 0) { params.url = proto + "//" + params.url; } if (!params.username) { params.username = params.nick; } if (!params.realname) { params.realname = params.nick; } return params; } function showNotification(title, options) { if (!window.Notification || Notification.permission !== "granted") { return null; } // This can still fail due to: // try { return new Notification(title, options); } catch (err) { console.error("Failed to show notification: ", err); return null; } } function getReceipt(stored, type) { if (!stored || !stored.receipts) { return null; } return stored.receipts[ReceiptType.READ]; } function getLatestReceipt(bufferStore, server, type) { let buffers = bufferStore.list(server); let last = null; for (let buf of buffers) { if ( === "*") { continue; } let receipt = getReceipt(buf, type); if (isReceiptBefore(last, receipt)) { last = receipt; } } return last; } let lastErrorID = 0; export default class App extends Component { state = { ...State.create(), connectParams: { url: null, pass: null, username: null, realname: null, nick: null, saslPlain: null, saslExternal: false, autoconnect: false, autojoin: [], ping: 0, }, connectForm: true, loading: true, dialog: null, dialogData: null, error: null, openPanels: { bufferList: false, memberList: false, }, }; debug = !isProduction(); config = { ...baseConfig }; clients = new Map(); endOfHistory = new Map(); receipts = new Map(); buffer = createRef(); composer = createRef(); switchToChannel = null; /** * Parsed irc:// URL to automatically open. The user will be prompted for * confirmation for security reasons. */ autoOpenURL = null; messageNotifications = new Set(); baseTitle = null; lastFocusPingDate = null; constructor(props) { super(props); this.handleConnectSubmit = this.handleConnectSubmit.bind(this); this.handleJoinSubmit = this.handleJoinSubmit.bind(this); this.handleBufferListClick = this.handleBufferListClick.bind(this); this.handleBufferListClose = this.handleBufferListClose.bind(this); this.toggleBufferList = this.toggleBufferList.bind(this); this.toggleMemberList = this.toggleMemberList.bind(this); this.handleComposerSubmit = this.handleComposerSubmit.bind(this); this.handleChannelClick = this.handleChannelClick.bind(this); this.handleNickClick = this.handleNickClick.bind(this); this.autocomplete = this.autocomplete.bind(this); this.handleBufferScrollTop = this.handleBufferScrollTop.bind(this); this.dismissDialog = this.dismissDialog.bind(this); this.handleAddNetworkClick = this.handleAddNetworkClick.bind(this); this.handleNetworkSubmit = this.handleNetworkSubmit.bind(this); this.handleNetworkRemove = this.handleNetworkRemove.bind(this); this.handleDismissError = this.handleDismissError.bind(this); this.handleAuthSubmit = this.handleAuthSubmit.bind(this); this.handleRegisterSubmit = this.handleRegisterSubmit.bind(this); this.handleVerifyClick = this.handleVerifyClick.bind(this); this.handleVerifySubmit = this.handleVerifySubmit.bind(this); this.handleOpenSettingsClick = this.handleOpenSettingsClick.bind(this); this.handleSettingsChange = this.handleSettingsChange.bind(this); this.handleSettingsDisconnect = this.handleSettingsDisconnect.bind(this); this.handleSwitchSubmit = this.handleSwitchSubmit.bind(this); this.handleWindowFocus = this.handleWindowFocus.bind(this); this.state.settings = { ...this.state.settings,, }; this.bufferStore = new store.Buffer(); configPromise.then((config) => { this.handleConfig(config); return config; }); } /** * Handle configuration data and populate the connection parameters. * * The priority order is: * * - URL params * - Saved parameters in local storage * - Configuration data (fetched from the config.json file) * - Default server URL constructed from the current URL location (this is * done in fillConnectParams) */ async handleConfig(config) { let connectParams = { ...this.state.connectParams }; if (typeof config.server.url === "string") { connectParams.url = config.server.url; } if (Array.isArray(config.server.autojoin)) { connectParams.autojoin = config.server.autojoin; } else if (typeof config.server.autojoin === "string") { connectParams.autojoin = [config.server.autojoin]; } if (typeof config.server.nick === "string") { connectParams.nick = config.server.nick; } if (typeof config.server.autoconnect === "boolean") { connectParams.autoconnect = config.server.autoconnect; } if (config.server.auth === "external") { connectParams.saslExternal = true; } if (typeof === "number") { =; } if (connectParams.autoconnect && config.server.auth === "mandatory") { console.error("Error in config.json: cannot set server.autoconnect = true and server.auth = \"mandatory\""); connectParams.autoconnect = false; } if (config.server.auth === "oauth2" && (!config.oauth2 || !config.oauth2.url || !config.oauth2.client_id)) { console.error("Error in config.json: server.auth = \"oauth2\" requires oauth2 settings"); config.server.auth = null; } let autoconnect = store.autoconnect.load(); if (autoconnect) { connectParams = { ...connectParams, ...autoconnect, autoconnect: true, autojoin: [], // handled by store.Buffer }; } let autojoin = []; let queryParams = parseQueryString(); // Don't allow to silently override the server URL if there's one in // config.json, because this has security implications. But still allow // setting server to an empty string to reveal the server field in the // connect form. if (typeof queryParams.server === "string" && (!connectParams.url || !queryParams.server)) { connectParams.url = queryParams.server; // When using a custom server, some configuration options don't // make sense anymore. config.server.auth = null; } if (typeof queryParams.nick === "string") { connectParams.nick = queryParams.nick; } if (typeof queryParams.channels === "string") { autojoin = queryParams.channels.split(","); } if (typeof === "string") { this.autoOpenURL = irc.parseURL(; } if (queryParams.debug === "1") { this.debug = true; } else if (queryParams.debug === "0") { this.debug = false; } if (window.location.hash) { autojoin = window.location.hash.split(","); } this.config = config; if (!connectParams.nick && connectParams.autoconnect) { connectParams.nick = "user-*"; } if (connectParams.nick && connectParams.nick.includes("*")) { let placeholder = Math.random().toString(36).substr(2, 7); connectParams.nick = connectParams.nick.replace("*", placeholder); } if (config.server.auth === "oauth2" && !connectParams.saslOauthBearer) { if (queryParams.error) { console.error("OAuth 2.0 authorization failed: ", queryParams.error); this.showError("Authentication failed: " + (queryParams.error_description || queryParams.error)); return; } if (!queryParams.code) { this.redirectOauth2Authorize(); return; } // Strip code from query params, to prevent page refreshes from // trying to exchange the code again let url = new URL(window.location.toString()); url.searchParams.delete("code"); url.searchParams.delete("state"); window.history.replaceState(null, "", url.toString()); let saslOauthBearer; try { saslOauthBearer = await this.exchangeOauth2Code(queryParams.code); } catch (err) { this.showError(err); return; } connectParams.saslOauthBearer = saslOauthBearer; if (saslOauthBearer.username && !connectParams.nick) { connectParams.nick = saslOauthBearer.username; } } if (autojoin.length > 0) { if (connectParams.autoconnect) { // Ask the user whether they want to join that new channel. // TODO: support multiple channels here this.autoOpenURL = { host: "", entity: autojoin[0] }; } else { connectParams.autojoin = autojoin; } } this.setState({ loading: false, connectParams }); if (connectParams.autoconnect) { this.setState({ connectForm: false }); this.connect(connectParams); } } async redirectOauth2Authorize() { let serverMetadata; try { serverMetadata = await oauth2.fetchServerMetadata(this.config.oauth2.url); } catch (err) { console.error("Failed to fetch OAuth 2.0 server metadata:", err); this.showError("Failed to fetch OAuth 2.0 server metadata"); return; } oauth2.redirectAuthorize({ serverMetadata, clientId: this.config.oauth2.client_id, redirectUri: window.location.toString(), scope: this.config.oauth2.scope, }); } async exchangeOauth2Code(code) { let serverMetadata = await oauth2.fetchServerMetadata(this.config.oauth2.url); let redirectUri = new URL(window.location.toString()); redirectUri.searchParams.delete("code"); redirectUri.searchParams.delete("state"); let data = await oauth2.exchangeCode({ serverMetadata, redirectUri: redirectUri.toString(), code, clientId: this.config.oauth2.client_id, clientSecret: this.config.oauth2.client_secret, }); // TODO: handle expires_in/refresh_token let token = data.access_token; let username = null; if (serverMetadata.introspection_endpoint) { try { let data = await oauth2.introspectToken({ serverMetadata, token, clientId: this.config.oauth2.client_id, clientSecret: this.config.oauth2.client_secret, }); username = data.username; if (!username) { console.warn("Username missing from OAuth 2.0 token introspection response"); } } catch (err) { console.warn("Failed to introspect OAuth 2.0 token:", err); } } return { token, username }; } showError(err) { console.error("App error: ", err); let text; if (err instanceof Error) { let l = []; while (err) { l.push(err.message); err = err.cause; } text = l.join(": "); } else { text = String(err); } this.setState({ error: text }); lastErrorID++; return lastErrorID; } dismissError(id) { if (id && id !== lastErrorID) { return; } this.setState({ error: null }); } handleDismissError(event) { event.preventDefault(); this.dismissError(); } setServerState(id, updater, callback) { this.setState((state) => { return State.updateServer(state, id, updater); }, callback); } setBufferState(id, updater, callback) { this.setState((state) => { return State.updateBuffer(state, id, updater); }, callback); } syncBufferUnread(serverID, name) { let client = this.clients.get(serverID); let stored = this.bufferStore.get({ name, server: client.params }); if (client.caps.enabled.has("draft/chathistory") && stored) { this.setBufferState({ server: serverID, name }, { unread: stored.unread }, () => { this.updateDocumentTitle(); }); } this.bufferStore.put({ name, server: client.params, closed: false, }); } createBuffer(serverID, name) { let client = this.clients.get(serverID); let id = null; let isNew = false; this.setState((state) => { let updated; [id, updated] = State.createBuffer(state, name, serverID, client); isNew = Boolean(updated); return updated; }); if (isNew) { this.syncBufferUnread(serverID, name); } return id; } sendReadReceipt(client, storedBuffer) { if (!client.supportsReadMarker()) { return; } let readReceipt = storedBuffer.receipts[ReceiptType.READ]; if ( === "*" || !readReceipt) { return; } client.setReadMarker(, readReceipt.time); } switchBuffer(id) { let buf; this.setState((state) => { buf = State.getBuffer(state, id); if (!buf) { return; } let client = this.clients.get(buf.server); let stored = this.bufferStore.get({ name:, server: client.params }); let prevReadReceipt = getReceipt(stored, ReceiptType.READ); let update = State.updateBuffer(state,, { prevReadReceipt }); return { activeBuffer:, ...update }; }, () => { if (!buf) { return; } if (this.buffer.current) { this.buffer.current.focus(); } let server = this.state.servers.get(buf.server); if (buf.type === BufferType.NICK && !server.users.has( { this.whoUserBuffer(, buf.server); } if (buf.type === BufferType.CHANNEL && !buf.hasInitialWho) { this.whoChannelBuffer(, buf.server); } this.updateDocumentTitle(); }); // TODO: only mark as read if user scrolled at the bottom this.markBufferAsRead(id); } markBufferAsRead(id) { let buf; this.setState((state) => { buf = State.getBuffer(state, id); if (!buf) { return; } return State.updateBuffer(state,, { unread: Unread.NONE }); }, () => { if (!buf) { return; } let client = this.clients.get(buf.server); for (let notif of this.messageNotifications) { if ( === { notif.close(); } } if (buf.messages.length > 0) { let lastMsg = buf.messages[buf.messages.length - 1]; let stored = { name:, server: client.params, unread: Unread.NONE, receipts: { [ReceiptType.READ]: receiptFromMessage(lastMsg) }, }; if (this.bufferStore.put(stored)) { this.sendReadReceipt(client, stored); } } this.updateDocumentTitle(); }); } updateDocumentTitle() { let buf = State.getBuffer(this.state, this.state.activeBuffer); let server; if (buf) { server = this.state.servers.get(buf.server); } let bouncerNetwork; if (server.bouncerNetID) { bouncerNetwork = this.state.bouncerNetworks.get(server.bouncerNetID); } let numUnread = 0; for (let buffer of this.state.buffers.values()) { if (, Unread.HIGHLIGHT) >= 0) { numUnread++; } } let parts = []; if (buf && buf.type !== BufferType.SERVER) { parts.push(; } if (bouncerNetwork) { parts.push(getServerName(server, bouncerNetwork)); } parts.push(this.baseTitle); let title = ""; if (numUnread > 0) { title = `(${numUnread}) `; } title += parts.join(" · "); document.title = title; } prepareChatMessage(serverID, msg) { // Treat server-wide broadcasts as highlights. They're sent by server // operators and can contain important information. if (msg.isHighlight === undefined) { let client = this.clients.get(serverID); msg.isHighlight = irc.isHighlight(msg, client.nick, || irc.isServerBroadcast(msg); } if (!msg.tags) { // Can happen for outgoing messages for instance msg.tags = {}; } if (!msg.tags.time) { msg.tags.time = irc.formatDate(new Date()); } } addChatMessage(serverID, bufName, msg) { this.prepareChatMessage(serverID, msg); let bufID = { server: serverID, name: bufName }; this.setState((state) => State.addMessage(state, msg, bufID)); } handleChatMessage(serverID, bufName, msg) { let client = this.clients.get(serverID); this.prepareChatMessage(serverID, msg); let stored = this.bufferStore.get({ name: bufName, server: client.params }); let deliveryReceipt = getReceipt(stored, ReceiptType.DELIVERED); let readReceipt = getReceipt(stored, ReceiptType.READ); let isDelivered = isMessageBeforeReceipt(msg, deliveryReceipt); let isRead = isMessageBeforeReceipt(msg, readReceipt); if (client.isMyNick( { isRead = true; } let msgUnread = Unread.NONE; if ((msg.command === "PRIVMSG" || msg.command === "NOTICE") && !isRead) { let target = msg.params[0]; let text = msg.params[1]; let kind; if (msg.isHighlight) { msgUnread = Unread.HIGHLIGHT; kind = "highlight"; } else if (client.isMyNick(target)) { msgUnread = Unread.HIGHLIGHT; kind = "private message"; } else { msgUnread = Unread.MESSAGE; } if (msgUnread === Unread.HIGHLIGHT && !isDelivered && !irc.parseCTCP(msg)) { let title = "New " + kind + " from " +; if (client.isChannel(bufName)) { title += " in " + bufName; } let notif = showNotification(title, { body: stripANSI(text), requireInteraction: true, tag: "msg,server=" + serverID + ",from=" + + ",to=" + bufName, data: { bufferName: bufName, message: msg }, }); if (notif) { notif.addEventListener("click", () => { // TODO: scroll to message this.switchBuffer({ server: serverID, name: bufName }); }); notif.addEventListener("close", () => { this.messageNotifications.delete(notif); }); this.messageNotifications.add(notif); } } } if (msg.command === "INVITE" && client.isMyNick(msg.params[0])) { msgUnread = Unread.HIGHLIGHT; let channel = msg.params[1]; let notif = new Notification("Invitation to " + channel, { body: + " has invited you to " + channel, requireInteraction: true, tag: "invite,server=" + serverID + ",from=" + + ",channel=" + channel, actions: [{ action: "accept", title: "Accept", }], }); if (notif) { notif.addEventListener("click", (event) => { if (event.action === "accept") { let stored = { name: bufName, server: client.params, receipts: { [ReceiptType.READ]: receiptFromMessage(msg) }, }; if (this.bufferStore.put(stored)) { this.sendReadReceipt(client, stored); }, serverID); } else { // TODO: scroll to message this.switchBuffer({ server: serverID, name: bufName }); } }); } } // Open a new buffer if the message doesn't come from me or is a // self-message if ((!client.isMyNick( || client.isMyNick(bufName)) && (msg.command !== "PART" && msg.command !== "QUIT" && msg.command !== irc.RPL_MONONLINE && msg.command !== irc.RPL_MONOFFLINE)) { this.createBuffer(serverID, bufName); } let bufID = { server: serverID, name: bufName }; this.setState((state) => State.addMessage(state, msg, bufID)); this.setBufferState(bufID, (buf) => { // TODO: set unread if scrolled up let unread = buf.unread; let prevReadReceipt = buf.prevReadReceipt; let receipts = { [ReceiptType.DELIVERED]: receiptFromMessage(msg) }; if (this.state.activeBuffer !== || !document.hasFocus()) { unread = Unread.union(unread, msgUnread); } else { receipts[ReceiptType.READ] = receiptFromMessage(msg); } // Don't show unread marker for my own messages if (client.isMyNick( && !isMessageBeforeReceipt(msg, prevReadReceipt)) { prevReadReceipt = receiptFromMessage(msg); } let stored = { name:, server: client.params, unread, receipts, }; if (this.bufferStore.put(stored)) { this.sendReadReceipt(client, stored); } return { unread, prevReadReceipt }; }, () => { if (msgUnread === Unread.HIGHLIGHT) { this.updateDocumentTitle(); } }); } connect(params) { // Merge our previous connection params so that config options such as // the ping interval are applied params = { ...this.state.connectParams, ...params, }; let serverID = null; this.setState((state) => { let update; [serverID, update] = State.createServer(state); return update; }); this.setState({ connectParams: params }); let client = new Client({ ...fillConnectParams(params), eventPlayback: this.state.settings.bufferEvents !== BufferEventsDisplayMode.HIDE, }); client.debug = this.debug; this.clients.set(serverID, client); this.setServerState(serverID, { status: client.status }); let errorID = null; client.addEventListener("status", () => { this.setServerState(serverID, { status: client.status }); switch (client.status) { case Client.Status.DISCONNECTED: this.setServerState(serverID, { account: null }); this.setState((state) => { let buffers = new Map(state.buffers); state.buffers.forEach((buf) => { if (buf.server !== serverID) { return; } buffers.set(, { ...buf, joined: false }); }); return { buffers }; }); break; case Client.Status.REGISTERED: this.setState({ connectForm: false }); if (errorID) { this.dismissError(errorID); } break; } }); client.addEventListener("message", (event) => { this.handleMessage(serverID, event.detail.message); }); client.addEventListener("error", (event) => { errorID = this.showError(event.detail); }); this.createBuffer(serverID, SERVER_BUFFER); if (!this.state.activeBuffer) { this.switchBuffer({ server: serverID, name: SERVER_BUFFER }); } if (params.autojoin.length > 0) { this.switchToChannel = params.autojoin[0]; } } disconnect(serverID) { if (!serverID) { serverID = State.getActiveServerID(this.state); } let client = this.clients.get(serverID); if (client) { this.clients.delete(serverID); client.disconnect(); } } reconnect(serverID) { if (!serverID) { serverID = State.getActiveServerID(this.state); } let client = this.clients.get(serverID); if (client) { client.reconnect(); } } serverFromBouncerNetwork(bouncerNetworkID) { for (let [id, client] of this.clients) { if (client.params.bouncerNetwork === bouncerNetworkID) { return id; } } return null; } routeMessage(serverID, msg) { let client = this.clients.get(serverID); let chatHistoryBatch = irc.findBatchByType(msg, "chathistory"); // Reply triggered by some command sent by us, not worth displaying to // the user if (msg.internal) { return []; } let target, channel, affectedBuffers; switch (msg.command) { case "MODE": target = msg.params[0]; if (client.isChannel(target)) { return [target]; } return [SERVER_BUFFER]; case "NOTICE": case "PRIVMSG": target = msg.params[0]; if (client.isMyNick(target)) { if ( === { target = SERVER_BUFFER; } else { let context = msg.tags["+draft/channel-context"]; if (context && client.isChannel(context) && State.getBuffer(this.state, { server: serverID, name: context })) { target = context; } else { target =; } } } let allowedPrefixes = client.isupport.statusMsg(); if (allowedPrefixes) { let parts = irc.parseTargetPrefix(target, allowedPrefixes); if (client.isChannel( { target =; } } // Don't open a new buffer if this is just a NOTICE or a garbage // CTCP message let openNewBuffer = true; if (msg.command !== "PRIVMSG") { openNewBuffer = false; } else { let ctcp = irc.parseCTCP(msg); if (ctcp && ctcp.command !== "ACTION") { openNewBuffer = false; } } if (!openNewBuffer && !State.getBuffer(this.state, { server: serverID, name: target })) { target = SERVER_BUFFER; } return [target]; case "JOIN": channel = msg.params[0]; if (!client.isMyNick( { return [channel]; } return []; case "PART": channel = msg.params[0]; return [channel]; case "KICK": channel = msg.params[0]; return [channel]; case "QUIT": affectedBuffers = []; if (chatHistoryBatch) { affectedBuffers.push(chatHistoryBatch.params[0]); } else { this.state.buffers.forEach((buf) => { if (buf.server !== serverID) { return; } if (!buf.members.has( { return; } affectedBuffers.push(; }); } return affectedBuffers; case "NICK": let newNick = msg.params[0]; affectedBuffers = []; if (chatHistoryBatch) { affectedBuffers.push(chatHistoryBatch.params[0]); } else { this.state.buffers.forEach((buf) => { if (buf.server !== serverID) { return; } if (!buf.members.has( { return; } affectedBuffers.push(; }); if (client.isMyNick(newNick)) { affectedBuffers.push(SERVER_BUFFER); } } return affectedBuffers; case "TOPIC": channel = msg.params[0]; return [channel]; case "INVITE": channel = msg.params[1]; // TODO: find a more reliable way to do this let bufName = channel; if (!State.getBuffer(this.state, { server: serverID, name: channel })) { bufName = SERVER_BUFFER; } return [bufName]; case irc.RPL_CHANNELMODEIS: case irc.RPL_CREATIONTIME: case irc.RPL_INVITELIST: case irc.RPL_ENDOFINVITELIST: case irc.RPL_EXCEPTLIST: case irc.RPL_ENDOFEXCEPTLIST: case irc.RPL_BANLIST: case irc.RPL_ENDOFBANLIST: case irc.RPL_QUIETLIST: case irc.RPL_ENDOFQUIETLIST: channel = msg.params[1]; return [channel]; case irc.RPL_INVITING: channel = msg.params[2]; return [channel]; case irc.RPL_MONONLINE: case irc.RPL_MONOFFLINE: let targets = msg.params[1].split(","); affectedBuffers = []; for (let target of targets) { let prefix = irc.parsePrefix(target); affectedBuffers.push(; } return affectedBuffers; case irc.RPL_YOURHOST: case irc.RPL_MYINFO: case irc.RPL_ISUPPORT: case irc.RPL_ENDOFMOTD: case irc.ERR_NOMOTD: case irc.RPL_AWAY: case irc.RPL_NOTOPIC: case irc.RPL_TOPIC: case irc.RPL_TOPICWHOTIME: case irc.RPL_NAMREPLY: case irc.RPL_ENDOFNAMES: case irc.RPL_SASLSUCCESS: case irc.RPL_CHANNEL_URL: case "AWAY": case "SETNAME": case "CHGHOST": case "ACCOUNT": case "CAP": case "AUTHENTICATE": case "PING": case "PONG": case "BATCH": case "TAGMSG": case "CHATHISTORY": case "ACK": case "BOUNCER": case "MARKREAD": case "REDACT": // Ignore these return []; default: return [SERVER_BUFFER]; } } handleMessage(serverID, msg) { let client = this.clients.get(serverID); if (irc.findBatchByType(msg, "chathistory")) { return; // Handled by the caller } let destBuffers = this.routeMessage(serverID, msg); this.setState((state) => State.handleMessage(state, msg, serverID, client)); let target, channel; switch (msg.command) { case irc.RPL_WELCOME: this.fetchBacklog(serverID); break; case irc.RPL_ENDOFMOTD: case irc.ERR_NOMOTD: // These messages are used to indicate the end of the ISUPPORT list // Restore opened channel and user buffers let join = []; for (let buf of this.bufferStore.list(client.params)) { if ( === "*" || buf.closed) { continue; } if (client.isChannel( { if (client.caps.enabled.has("")) { continue; } join.push(; } else { this.createBuffer(serverID,; this.whoUserBuffer(, serverID); } } // Auto-join channels given at connect-time let server = this.state.servers.get(serverID); let bouncerNetID = server.bouncerNetID; let bouncerNetwork = null; if (bouncerNetID) { bouncerNetwork = this.state.bouncerNetworks.get(bouncerNetID); } if (!bouncerNetwork || bouncerNetwork.state === "connected") { join = join.concat(client.params.autojoin); client.params.autojoin = []; } if (join.length > 0) { client.send({ command: "JOIN", params: [join.join(",")], }); } let serverHost = bouncerNetwork ? : ""; if (this.autoOpenURL && serverHost === { this.openURL(this.autoOpenURL); this.autoOpenURL = null; } break; case "JOIN": channel = msg.params[0]; if (client.isMyNick( { this.syncBufferUnread(serverID, channel); } if (channel === this.switchToChannel) { this.switchBuffer({ server: serverID, name: channel }); this.switchToChannel = null; } break; case "BOUNCER": if (msg.params[0] !== "NETWORK") { break; // We're only interested in network updates } if (client.isupport.bouncerNetID()) { // This can happen if the user has specified a network to bind // to via other means, e.g. "/". break; } let id = msg.params[1]; let attrs = null; if (msg.params[2] !== "*") { attrs = irc.parseTags(msg.params[2]); } let isNew = false; this.setState((state) => { if (!attrs) { return State.deleteBouncerNetwork(state, id); } else { isNew = !state.bouncerNetworks.has(id); return State.storeBouncerNetwork(state, id, attrs); } }, () => { if (!attrs) { let serverID = this.serverFromBouncerNetwork(id); if (serverID) { this.close({ server: serverID, name: SERVER_BUFFER }); } } else if (isNew) { this.connect({ ...client.params, bouncerNetwork: id, }); } if (attrs && attrs.state === "connected") { let serverID = this.serverFromBouncerNetwork(id); let client = this.clients.get(serverID); if (client && client.status === Client.Status.REGISTERED && client.params.autojoin && client.params.autojoin.length > 0) { client.send({ command: "JOIN", params: [client.params.autojoin.join(",")], }); client.params.autojoin = []; } } }); break; case "BATCH": if (!msg.params[0].startsWith("-")) { break; } let name = msg.params[0].slice(1); let batch = client.batches.get(name); if (!batch || batch.type !== "") { break; } // We've received a BOUNCER NETWORK batch. If we have a URL to // auto-open and no existing network matches it, ask the user to // create a new network. if (this.autoOpenURL && && !this.findBouncerNetIDByHost( { this.openURL(this.autoOpenURL); this.autoOpenURL = null; } break; case "MARKREAD": target = msg.params[0]; let bound = msg.params[1]; if (bound === "*" || !bound.startsWith("timestamp=")) { break; } let readReceipt = { time: bound.replace("timestamp=", "") }; let stored = this.bufferStore.get({ name: target, server: client.params }); if (isReceiptBefore(readReceipt, getReceipt(stored, ReceiptType.READ))) { break; } for (let notif of this.messageNotifications) { if ( !== { continue; } if (isMessageBeforeReceipt(, readReceipt)) { notif.close(); } } let unread; let closed = true; this.setBufferState({ server: serverID, name: target }, (buf) => { closed = false; // Re-compute unread status unread = Unread.NONE; for (let i = buf.messages.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { let msg = buf.messages[i]; if (msg.command !== "PRIVMSG" && msg.command !== "NOTICE") { continue; } if (isMessageBeforeReceipt(msg, readReceipt)) { break; } if (msg.isHighlight || client.isMyNick( { unread = Unread.HIGHLIGHT; break; } unread = Unread.MESSAGE; } return { unread }; }, () => { this.bufferStore.put({ name: target, server: client.params, unread, closed, receipts: { [ReceiptType.READ]: readReceipt }, }); this.updateDocumentTitle(); }); break; default: if (irc.isError(msg.command) && msg.command !== irc.ERR_NOMOTD) { let description = msg.params[msg.params.length - 1]; this.showError(description); } } destBuffers.forEach((bufName) => { this.handleChatMessage(serverID, bufName, msg); }); } async fetchBacklog(serverID) { let client = this.clients.get(serverID); if (!client.caps.enabled.has("draft/chathistory")) { return; } if (client.caps.enabled.has("") && !client.params.bouncerNetwork) { return; } let lastReceipt = getLatestReceipt(this.bufferStore, client.params, ReceiptType.DELIVERED); if (!lastReceipt) { return; } let now = irc.formatDate(new Date()); let targets = await client.fetchHistoryTargets(now, lastReceipt.time); targets.forEach(async (target) => { let from = lastReceipt; let to = { time: now }; // Maybe we've just received a READ update from the // server, avoid over-fetching history let stored = this.bufferStore.get({ name:, server: client.params }); let readReceipt = getReceipt(stored, ReceiptType.READ); if (isReceiptBefore(from, readReceipt)) { from = readReceipt; } // If we already have messages stored for the target, // fetch all messages we've missed let buf = State.getBuffer(this.state, { server: serverID, name: }); if (buf && buf.messages.length > 0) { let lastMsg = buf.messages[buf.messages.length - 1]; from = receiptFromMessage(lastMsg); } // Query read marker if this is a user (ie, we haven't received // the read marker as part of a JOIN burst) if (client.supportsReadMarker() && client.isNick( { client.fetchReadMarker(; } let result; try { result = await client.fetchHistoryBetween(, from, to, CHATHISTORY_MAX_SIZE); } catch (err) { console.error("Failed to fetch backlog for '" + + "': ", err); this.showError("Failed to fetch backlog for '" + + "'"); return; } for (let msg of result.messages) { let destBuffers = this.routeMessage(serverID, msg); for (let bufName of destBuffers) { this.handleChatMessage(serverID, bufName, msg); } } }); } handleConnectSubmit(connectParams) { this.dismissError(); if (connectParams.autoconnect) { store.autoconnect.put(connectParams); } else { store.autoconnect.put(null); } // Disconnect previous server, if any let activeBuffer = this.state.buffers.get(this.state.activeBuffer); if (activeBuffer) { this.close(activeBuffer.server); } this.connect(connectParams); } handleChannelClick(event) { let handled = this.openURL(; if (handled) { event.preventDefault(); } } findBouncerNetIDByHost(host) { for (let [id, bouncerNetwork] of this.state.bouncerNetworks) { if ( === host) { return id; } } return null; } openURL(url) { if (typeof url === "string") { url = irc.parseURL(url); } if (!url) { return false; } let { host, port } = splitHostPort(; let serverID; if (! { serverID = State.getActiveServerID(this.state); } else { let bouncerNetID = this.findBouncerNetIDByHost(host); if (!bouncerNetID) { // Open dialog to create network if bouncer let client = this.clients.values().next().value; if (!client || !client.caps.enabled.has("")) { return false; } let params = { host }; if (typeof port === "number") { params.port = port; } this.openDialog("network", { params, autojoin: url.entity }); return true; } for (let [id, server] of this.state.servers) { if (server.bouncerNetID === bouncerNetID) { serverID = id; break; } } } if (!serverID) { return false; } let buf = State.getBuffer(this.state, { server: serverID, name: url.entity || SERVER_BUFFER }); if (buf) { this.switchBuffer(; } else { this.openDialog("join", { server: serverID, channel: url.entity }); } return true; } handleNickClick(nick) {; } whoUserBuffer(target, serverID) { let client = this.clients.get(serverID); client.who(target, { fields: ["flags", "hostname", "nick", "realname", "username", "account"], }); client.monitor(target); if (client.supportsReadMarker()) { client.fetchReadMarker(target); } } async whoChannelBuffer(target, serverID) { let client = this.clients.get(serverID); // Prevent multiple WHO commands for the same channel in parallel this.setBufferState({ name: target, server: serverID }, { hasInitialWho: true }); let hasInitialWho = false; try { await client.who(target, { fields: ["flags", "hostname", "nick", "realname", "username", "account"], }); hasInitialWho = true; } finally { this.setBufferState({ name: target, server: serverID }, { hasInitialWho }); } } open(target, serverID, password) { if (!serverID) { serverID = State.getActiveServerID(this.state); } let client = this.clients.get(serverID); if (client.isServer(target)) { this.switchBuffer({ server: serverID }); } else if (client.isChannel(target)) { this.switchToChannel = target; client.join(target, password).catch((err) => { this.showError(err); }); } else { this.whoUserBuffer(target, serverID); this.createBuffer(serverID, target); this.switchBuffer({ server: serverID, name: target }); } } close(id) { let buf = State.getBuffer(this.state, id); if (!buf) { return; } let client = this.clients.get(buf.server); switch (buf.type) { case BufferType.SERVER: this.setState((state) => { let buffers = new Map(state.buffers); for (let [id, b] of state.buffers) { if (b.server === buf.server) { buffers.delete(id); } } let activeBuffer = state.activeBuffer; if (activeBuffer && state.buffers.get(activeBuffer).server === buf.server) { if (buffers.size > 0) { activeBuffer = buffers.keys().next().value; } else { activeBuffer = null; } } return { buffers, activeBuffer }; }); let disconnectAll = client && !client.params.bouncerNetwork && client.caps.enabled.has(""); let isFirstServer = this.state.servers.keys().next().value === buf.server; this.disconnect(buf.server); this.setState((state) => { let servers = new Map(state.servers); servers.delete(buf.server); let connectForm = state.connectForm; if (servers.size === 0) { connectForm = true; } return { servers, connectForm }; }); if (disconnectAll) { for (let serverID of this.clients.keys()) { this.close({ server: serverID, name: SERVER_BUFFER }); } this.bufferStore.clear(); } else { this.bufferStore.clear(client.params); } // TODO: only clear autoconnect if this server is stored there if (isFirstServer) { store.autoconnect.put(null); } break; case BufferType.CHANNEL: if (buf.joined) { client.send({ command: "PART", params: [] }); } // fallthrough case BufferType.NICK: if (this.state.activeBuffer === { this.switchBuffer({ name: SERVER_BUFFER }); } this.setState((state) => { let buffers = new Map(state.buffers); buffers.delete(; return { buffers }; }); client.unmonitor(; this.bufferStore.put({ name:, server: client.params, closed: true, }); break; } } disconnectAll() { this.close(this.state.buffers.keys().next().value); } executeCommand(s) { let parts = s.split(" "); let name = parts[0].toLowerCase().slice(1); let args = parts.slice(1); let cmd = commands.get(name); if (!cmd) { this.showError(`Unknown command "${name}" (run "/help" to get a command list)`); return; } try { cmd.execute(this, args); } catch (error) { console.error(`Failed to execute command "${name}":`, error); this.showError(error.message); } } privmsg(target, text) { if (target === SERVER_BUFFER) { this.showError("Cannot send message in server buffer"); return; } let serverID = State.getActiveServerID(this.state); let client = this.clients.get(serverID); let msg = { command: "PRIVMSG", params: [target, text] }; client.send(msg); if (!client.caps.enabled.has("echo-message")) { msg.prefix = { name: client.nick }; this.handleChatMessage(serverID, target, msg); } } handleComposerSubmit(text) { if (!text) { return; } if (text.startsWith("//")) { text = text.slice(1); } else if (text.startsWith("/")) { this.executeCommand(text); return; } let buf = this.state.buffers.get(this.state.activeBuffer); if (!buf) { return; } this.privmsg(, text); } handleBufferListClick(id) { this.switchBuffer(id); this.closeBufferList(); } handleBufferListClose(id) { this.close(id); this.closeBufferList(); } toggleBufferList() { this.setState((state) => { let openPanels = { ...state.openPanels, bufferList: !state.openPanels.bufferList, }; return { openPanels }; }); } toggleMemberList() { this.setState((state) => { let openPanels = { ...state.openPanels, memberList: !state.openPanels.memberList, }; return { openPanels }; }); } closeBufferList() { this.setState((state) => { let openPanels = { ...state.openPanels, bufferList: false, }; return { openPanels }; }); } closeMemberList() { this.setState((state) => { let openPanels = { ...state.openPanels, memberList: false, }; return { openPanels }; }); } handleJoinClick(buf) { switch (buf.type) { case BufferType.SERVER: this.openDialog("join", { server: buf.server }); break; case BufferType.CHANNEL: let client = this.clients.get(buf.server); client.send({ command: "JOIN", params: [] }); break; } } handleJoinSubmit(data) {, this.state.dialogData.server); this.dismissDialog(); } autocomplete(prefix) { function fromList(l, prefix) { prefix = prefix.toLowerCase(); let repl = []; for (let item of l) { if (item.toLowerCase().startsWith(prefix)) { repl.push(item); } } return repl; } if (prefix.startsWith("/")) { let repl = fromList([...commands.keys()], prefix.slice(1)); return => "/" + cmd); } // TODO: consider using the CHANTYPES ISUPPORT token here if (prefix.startsWith("#")) { let chanNames = []; for (const buf of this.state.buffers.values()) { if ("#")) { chanNames.push(; } } return fromList(chanNames, prefix); } let buf = this.state.buffers.get(this.state.activeBuffer); if (!buf || !buf.members) { return []; } return fromList(buf.members.keys(), prefix); } openHelp() { this.openDialog("help"); } async handleBufferScrollTop() { let buf = this.state.buffers.get(this.state.activeBuffer); if (!buf || buf.type === BufferType.SERVER) { return; } let client = this.clients.get(buf.server); if (!client || !client.caps.enabled.has("draft/chathistory") || !client.caps.enabled.has("server-time")) { return; } if (this.endOfHistory.get( { return; } let before; if (buf.messages.length > 0) { before = buf.messages[0].tags["time"]; } else { before = irc.formatDate(new Date()); } // Avoids sending multiple CHATHISTORY commands in parallel this.endOfHistory.set(, true); let limit = 100; if (client.caps.enabled.has("draft/event-playback")) { limit = 200; } let result = await client.fetchHistoryBefore(, before, limit); this.endOfHistory.set(, !result.more); if (result.messages.length > 0) { let msg = result.messages[result.messages.length - 1]; let receipts = { [ReceiptType.DELIVERED]: receiptFromMessage(msg) }; if (this.state.activeBuffer === { receipts[ReceiptType.READ] = receiptFromMessage(msg); } let stored = { name:, server: client.params, receipts, }; if (this.bufferStore.put(stored)) { this.sendReadReceipt(client, stored); } this.setBufferState(buf, ({ prevReadReceipt }) => { if (!isMessageBeforeReceipt(msg, prevReadReceipt)) { prevReadReceipt = receiptFromMessage(msg); } return { prevReadReceipt }; }); } for (let msg of result.messages) { this.addChatMessage(buf.server,, msg); } } openDialog(name, data) { this.setState({ dialog: name, dialogData: data }); } dismissDialog() { this.setState({ dialog: null, dialogData: null }); } setDialogLoading(promise) { const setLoading = (loading) => { this.setState((state) => { return { dialogData: { ...state.dialogData, loading } }; }); }; setLoading(true); promise.finally(() => setLoading(false)); } handleAuthClick(serverID) { let client = this.clients.get(serverID); this.openDialog("auth", { username: client.nick }); } handleAuthSubmit(username, password) { let serverID = State.getActiveServerID(this.state); let client = this.clients.get(serverID); let promise = client.authenticate("PLAIN", { username, password }).then(() => { this.dismissDialog(); let firstClient = this.clients.values().next().value; if (client !== firstClient) { return; } let autoconnect = store.autoconnect.load(); if (!autoconnect) { return; } console.log("Saving SASL PLAIN credentials"); autoconnect = { ...autoconnect, saslPlain: { username, password }, }; store.autoconnect.put(autoconnect); }); this.setDialogLoading(promise); } handleRegisterClick(serverID) { let client = this.clients.get(serverID); let emailRequired = client.checkAccountRegistrationCap("email-required"); this.openDialog("register", { emailRequired }); } handleRegisterSubmit(email, password) { let serverID = State.getActiveServerID(this.state); let client = this.clients.get(serverID); // TODO: show registration status (pending/error) in dialog let promise = client.registerAccount(email, password).then((data) => { this.dismissDialog(); if (data.verificationRequired) { this.handleVerifyClick(data.account, data.message); } let firstClient = this.clients.values().next().value; if (client !== firstClient) { return; } let autoconnect = store.autoconnect.load(); if (!autoconnect) { return; } console.log("Saving account registration credentials"); autoconnect = { ...autoconnect, saslPlain: { username: data.account, password }, }; store.autoconnect.put(autoconnect); }); this.setDialogLoading(promise); } handleVerifyClick(account, message) { this.openDialog("verify", { account, message }); } handleVerifySubmit(code) { let serverID = State.getActiveServerID(this.state); let client = this.clients.get(serverID); // TODO: display verification status (pending/error) in dialog let promise = client.verifyAccount(this.state.dialogData.account, code).then(() => { this.dismissDialog(); }); this.setDialogLoading(promise); } handleAddNetworkClick() { this.openDialog("network"); } handleManageNetworkClick(serverID) { let server = this.state.servers.get(serverID); let bouncerNetID = server.bouncerNetID; let bouncerNetwork = this.state.bouncerNetworks.get(bouncerNetID); this.openDialog("network", { id: bouncerNetID, params: bouncerNetwork, }); } async handleNetworkSubmit(attrs, autojoin) { let client = this.clients.values().next().value; this.dismissDialog(); if (this.state.dialogData && { if (Object.keys(attrs).length === 0) { return; } client.send({ command: "BOUNCER", params: ["CHANGENETWORK",, irc.formatTags(attrs)], }); } else { attrs = { ...attrs, tls: "1" }; let id = await client.createBouncerNetwork(attrs); if (!autojoin) { return; } // By this point, bouncer-networks-notify should've advertised // the new network let serverID = this.serverFromBouncerNetwork(id); let newClient = this.clients.get(serverID); newClient.params.autojoin = [autojoin]; this.switchToChannel = autojoin; } } handleNetworkRemove() { let client = this.clients.values().next().value; client.send({ command: "BOUNCER", params: ["DELNETWORK",], }); this.dismissDialog(); } handleOpenSettingsClick() { let showProtocolHandler = false; for (let [_id, client] of this.clients) { if (client.caps.enabled.has("")) { showProtocolHandler = true; break; } } this.openDialog("settings", { showProtocolHandler }); } handleSettingsChange(settings) { store.settings.put(settings); this.setState({ settings }); } handleSettingsDisconnect() { this.dismissDialog(); this.disconnectAll(); } handleSwitchSubmit(buf) { this.dismissDialog(); if (buf) { this.switchBuffer(buf); } } handleWindowFocus() { if (this.state.activeBuffer) { // TODO: only do this if scrolled at the bottom this.markBufferAsRead(this.state.activeBuffer); } // When the user focuses gamja, send a PING to make sure we detect any // network errors ASAP let now = new Date(); if (this.lastFocusPingDate && now.getTime() - this.lastFocusPingDate.getTime() < 15 * 1000) { return; } this.lastFocusPingDate = now; for (let client of this.clients.values()) { if (client.status === Client.Status.REGISTERED) { client.send({ command: "PING", params: ["gamja"] }); } } } componentDidMount() { this.baseTitle = document.title; setupKeybindings(this); window.addEventListener("focus", this.handleWindowFocus); } componentWillUnmount() { document.title = this.baseTitle; window.removeEventListener("focus", this.handleWindowFocus); } render() { if (this.state.loading) { let error = null; if (this.state.error) { error = html`


`; } return html`
`; } let activeBuffer = null, activeServer = null, activeBouncerNetwork = null; if (this.state.buffers.get(this.state.activeBuffer)) { activeBuffer = this.state.buffers.get(this.state.activeBuffer); activeServer = this.state.servers.get(activeBuffer.server); let bouncerNetID = activeServer.bouncerNetID; if (bouncerNetID) { activeBouncerNetwork = this.state.bouncerNetworks.get(bouncerNetID); } } let activeClient = null; if (activeBuffer) { activeClient = this.clients.get(activeBuffer.server); } if (this.state.connectForm) { let status = activeServer ? activeServer.status : ServerStatus.DISCONNECTED; let connecting = status === ServerStatus.CONNECTING || status === ServerStatus.REGISTERING; return html`
<${ConnectForm} error=${this.state.error} params=${this.state.connectParams} auth=${this.config.server.auth} connecting=${connecting} onSubmit=${this.handleConnectSubmit} />
`; } let bufferHeader = null; if (activeBuffer) { let activeUser = null; if (activeBuffer.type === BufferType.NICK) { activeUser = activeServer.users.get(; } bufferHeader = html`
<${BufferHeader} buffer=${activeBuffer} server=${activeServer} user=${activeUser} bouncerNetwork=${activeBouncerNetwork} onChannelClick=${this.handleChannelClick} onClose=${() => this.close(activeBuffer)} onJoin=${() => this.handleJoinClick(activeBuffer)} onReconnect=${() => this.reconnect()} onAddNetwork=${this.handleAddNetworkClick} onManageNetwork=${() => this.handleManageNetworkClick(activeBuffer.server)} onOpenSettings=${this.handleOpenSettingsClick} />
`; } let memberList = null; if (activeBuffer && activeBuffer.type === BufferType.CHANNEL) { memberList = html`
${activeBuffer.members.size} users
<${MemberList} members=${activeBuffer.members} users=${activeServer.users} onNickClick=${this.handleNickClick} />
`; } let dialog = null; let dialogData = this.state.dialogData || {}; let dialogBody; switch (this.state.dialog) { case "network": let isNew = !; let title = isNew ? "Add network" : "Edit network"; dialog = html` <${Dialog} title=${title} onDismiss=${this.dismissDialog}> <${NetworkForm} onSubmit=${this.handleNetworkSubmit} onRemove=${this.handleNetworkRemove} params=${dialogData.params} autojoin=${dialogData.autojoin} isNew=${isNew} /> `; break; case "help": dialog = html` <${Dialog} title="Help" onDismiss=${this.dismissDialog}> <${Help}/> `; break; case "join": dialog = html` <${Dialog} title="Join channel" onDismiss=${this.dismissDialog}> <${JoinForm} channel=${} onSubmit=${this.handleJoinSubmit}/> `; break; case "auth": if (dialogData.loading) { dialogBody = html`

Logging in…

`; } else { dialogBody = html` <${AuthForm} username=${dialogData.username} onSubmit=${this.handleAuthSubmit}/> `; } dialog = html` <${Dialog} title="Login to ${getServerName(activeServer, activeBouncerNetwork)}" onDismiss=${this.dismissDialog}> ${dialogBody} `; break; case "register": if (dialogData.loading) { dialogBody = html`

Creating account…

`; } else { dialogBody = html` <${RegisterForm} emailRequired=${dialogData.emailRequired} onSubmit=${this.handleRegisterSubmit}/> `; } dialog = html` <${Dialog} title="Register a new ${getServerName(activeServer, activeBouncerNetwork)} account" onDismiss=${this.dismissDialog}> ${dialogBody} `; break; case "verify": if (dialogData.loading) { dialogBody = html`

Verifying account…

`; } else { dialogBody = html` <${VerifyForm} account=${dialogData.account} message=${dialogData.message} onSubmit=${this.handleVerifySubmit}/> `; } dialog = html` <${Dialog} title="Verify ${getServerName(activeServer, activeBouncerNetwork)} account" onDismiss=${this.dismissDialog}> ${dialogBody} `; break; case "settings": dialog = html` <${Dialog} title="Settings" onDismiss=${this.dismissDialog}> <${SettingsForm} settings=${this.state.settings} showProtocolHandler=${dialogData.showProtocolHandler} onChange=${this.handleSettingsChange} onDisconnect=${this.handleSettingsDisconnect} onClose=${this.dismissDialog} /> `; break; case "switch": dialog = html` <${Dialog} title="Switch to a channel or user" onDismiss=${this.dismissDialog}> <${SwitcherForm} buffers=${this.state.buffers} servers=${this.state.servers} bouncerNetworks=${this.state.bouncerNetworks} onSubmit=${this.handleSwitchSubmit}/> `; break; } let error = null; if (this.state.error) { error = html`
${this.state.error} ${" "}
`; } let composerReadOnly = false; if (activeServer && activeServer.status !== ServerStatus.REGISTERED) { composerReadOnly = true; } let commandOnly = false; let privmsgMaxLen; if (activeBuffer && activeBuffer.type === BufferType.SERVER) { commandOnly = true; } else if (activeBuffer) { let client = this.clients.get(activeBuffer.server); privmsgMaxLen = irc.getMaxPrivmsgLen(client.isupport, client.nick,; } let app = html`
<${BufferList} buffers=${this.state.buffers} servers=${this.state.servers} bouncerNetworks=${this.state.bouncerNetworks} activeBuffer=${this.state.activeBuffer} onBufferClick=${this.handleBufferListClick} onBufferClose=${this.handleBufferListClose} />
${bufferHeader} <${ScrollManager} target=${this.buffer} stickTo=".logline" scrollKey=${this.state.activeBuffer} onScrollTop=${this.handleBufferScrollTop} >
<${Buffer} buffer=${activeBuffer} server=${activeServer} settings=${this.state.settings} onChannelClick=${this.handleChannelClick} onNickClick=${this.handleNickClick} onAuthClick=${() => this.handleAuthClick(activeBuffer.server)} onRegisterClick=${() => this.handleRegisterClick(activeBuffer.server)} onVerifyClick=${this.handleVerifyClick} />
${memberList} <${Composer} ref=${this.composer} client=${activeClient} readOnly=${composerReadOnly} onSubmit=${this.handleComposerSubmit} autocomplete=${this.autocomplete} commandOnly=${commandOnly} maxLen=${privmsgMaxLen} /> ${dialog} ${error} `; return html` <${SettingsContext.Provider} value=${this.state.settings}> ${app} `; } }