#define SUS_FILE_TEMP ((1UL << 0) | SUS_FILE_NEW) //A temporary file gets automatically deleted, once it is no longer needed; a temp file also has to be a new file
void*sus_fileFileToMemroy(sus_Filefile);//retrieves the memroy Pointer of where the file was mapped in memroy
sus_Boolsus_fileExists(char*fileName);//check if a file exists in the specified path with the specified name
voidsus_fileClose(sus_Filefile);//Closes the file mapping and all the system specific stuff for that mapping
voidsus_fileFlush(sus_Filefile);//Flushes the filemapping; synchronize the written data in the filemapping to the actual file on disk (without blocking for better performance)
void*sus_fileResize(sus_Filefile,signedlongappendBytes);//if appendBytes is negative, the file shrinks. This prevents me from definining a new function for retreving the file Size