Cringe Authenticator Settings About Edit Choose Language Cancel Add OK No Yes Invalid Input Haptic Feedback Reset App Import / Export Language Unlock the authenticator Select Code Type New Group You need to input a name Scan failed: %s Failed to play video Edit OTP Delete Group Do you want to delete the group?\n\nNote: This will delete all of the OTPs in the group! Generated new code Failed to add code Input Code Action failed Invalid number entered Back Delete OTP Do you want to delete the OTP? Edit Group Enable intro video Require biometric unlock Code added Add Code Create New Group Theme Counter Add Checksum Secret Name Period Failed to update OTP: %s Issuer (optional) Missing name OTP Migration It seems like you\'re trying to import OTP codes from another app. Do you want to import all codes into this group? Code %d of %d scanned Screen Security Hide Codes Enable encryption Password set Password confirm Password View Edit Move to other group Delete Rename Delete